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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Jenn2D2

  1. Achievement Unlocked: made Fried Chicken from scratch

  2. After 5 days of searing back pain w/pills not helping, 1 hour w/physical therapist I feel 80% better. They're magicians, I tell you.

  3. All floofy white cats should come with a subscription to a lint-roller delivery service.

  4. And a good night to you, too, gorgeous mall security guard who held the door for me. http://ff.im/BtcAT

  5. And once again, Comcast's online DVR manager is complete pants. I think it has worked possible 1/10 of the times I've tried to use it.

  6. And, back to the DR's office. #wheeze #cough

  7. And, for today's trick, I'll face-plant in front of the grocery store! #ouchmydignity

  8. Any good will I had for Comcast has just been erased by their totally crap billing. Thanks for not processing last month's payment #feessuck

  9. Apparently pretzel sticks and queso are not a proper dinner. #tummyrumbles

  10. Apparently you only get the premiere sticker for #GameofThrones if you checked in before the show aired on this coast. Lamesauce, #getglue

  11. Apparently, rubbing you eye after eating lime & salt popcorn is a really bad idea. #ouch

  12. As close as all 3 of my cats have ever been http://twitpic.com/41nvt9

  13. As usual, super early, but with good parking. (@ Skateland) http://4sq.com/gPLpXG

  14. Aw, man. The cool envelope in my mailbox from the State Dept wasn't my new passport, but the old one. YOU'RE STILL SAFE, CANADA.

  15. Aw, man. The mango I bought yesterday was nasty. http://ff.im/DMRT8

  16. Bad news for the Sounders. David Estrada out 8-12 weeks with a broken left foot. Surgery... http://t.co/YtMxwbea via @sounderatheart Oof.

  17. BBQ Chipotle tofu w/homemade coleslaw and toast. http://t.co/A42m80L

  18. Big pet peeve: the assumption that all animated stuff is a) for kids and B) you have to take a kid with you to view it.

  19. Bit the bullet and canceled my card. A pain, but not as bad as having it breached later. #PSN

  20. Bob and Livia keeping the house safe http://t.co/F6PODtt

  21. Bob is helping AKA attacking my feet http://twitpic.com/430uyc

  22. Bob says it is snuggles time. NOW. http://twitpic.com/4i6n9n

  23. Catching up last week. Holy crap! I'm sorta glad to watch them together! http://t.co/TCRrTM4z @GetGlue @DeadliestCatch
