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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Jenn2D2

  1. Wow - no more Front Row? What a shitty decision, #Apple. iTunes is NOT a good replacement. Already regret my upgrade. #Lion #OSX

  2. Wow. #OlyKraut is not lying about their seasonal Fire Chi (kimchi). It is fresh, and it is OF FIRE. #sogood #owmyface

  3. Wow. It is hella raining in Guatemala tonight. #sounders #ccl

  4. WOW. Kudos to Ubisoft. Beyond Good and Evil HD looks amazing. Way to honor an under appreciated classic.

  5. Wow. The Flickr password reset system is a useless piece of Yahoo shit.

  6. Y'know, we just don't get this kind of costume design anymore. #BuckRogers http://t.co/wvQBx06tu5

  7. Yes, Bob the Cat, right now after I've de-furred my black shirt is the best time to want snuggles. Of course it is. #FUZZY

  8. YES. #Sounders keep the victories coming in #CCL play!

  9. Yippee for #FFTactics, but I want Disgaea on my #iPhone

  10. Yuck. I hate the smell of the oven cleaning itself.
