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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Jenn2D2

  1. Bob is helping AKA attacking my feet http://twitpic.com/430uyc

  2. 4 of 5 stars to Ubik by Philip K. Dick http://bit.ly/flM8un

  3. Loving OPI's Urban Ballerina collection http://twitpic.com/41rgpm

  4. As close as all 3 of my cats have ever been http://twitpic.com/41nvt9

  5. Wow. The Flickr password reset system is a useless piece of Yahoo shit.

  6. It is never fun to find out that you've been a jackass, but friends who will both call you on it and forgive you are priceless.

  7. I shouldn't be quite this excited, but my new nail polish is on its way to my house! #trivialities

  8. I am watching Bones (w/847 others) http://bit.ly/hjqO1y (via @GetGlue) #Bones

  9. 4 of 5 stars to Incarceron by Catherine Fisher http://bit.ly/hf1S7I

  10. Ugh. So far my day has been filled with random miscellaneous crap going awry or failing in some annoying way. #whining

  11. It's a Dead Milkmen sort of day. http://ff.im/y1bPD

  12. I'm at Skateland (1200 S Bay Rd NE, Olympia) http://4sq.com/fe7GwE

  13. Mmmm. Homemade Massaman curry with tofu. Not bad for a first try.

  14. Went copper again (it is waaaaay brighter in person) and trying out bangs/fringe. Loving it so far :) [pic] http://ff.im/xSOwD

  15. So, I'm going copper again. If I can't have sunshine, I'll just have bright hair :D

  16. Woo! MLS schedule finally released! Have already subscribed to the #sounders schedule.
