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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Jenn2D2

  1. So that was weird, and probably some sort of cosmic payback. People now call my house to see if my mom is home.

  2. So, I'm going copper again. If I can't have sunshine, I'll just have bright hair :D

  3. So, just realized I've never watched this all the way through. Nerdery fail. http://t.co/H5V5BxV0 @GetGlue #StarTrek

  4. So, managed to piss off some rude old ladies at lunch. I think my work is done for today. http://ff.im/C1r61

  5. So, saw my first 'Forever Lazy' adult onsie in the wild today. In the gym. Being lazy - doin' it wrong.

  6. Still annoyed about last night as I get headlight replaced, but what can I do? Visiting Lacey tonight and don't want to get hassled.

  7. Still craving peach crisp from last night.

  8. Still pretty stunned about the O'Brian White news this morning. Heal up well! #soundersfc http://ff.im/CbG0L

  9. Stupid f$@! Twitter scammers. This place is getting worse than AOL back in the day for random scams and viruses.

  10. Surely, it is no coincidence that Portal 2 is set to release the same day Skynet becomes active. I knew GLaDOS was... http://ff.im/Beiy4

  11. Sweet. Unless UPS mucks it up, my fez should be here before Saturday. #fezzesarecool http://ff.im/Bss3M

  12. Thanks Windows Live, for harassing me about disconnecting my Twitter account. Don't think I'll be hooking that up again.

  13. Thanks, #ATT for that 4-fucking-30AM text about my data usage. 65% is sure a lot for over halfway through the month.

  14. The "New books by authors you've read" thing by Goodreads is cool, but it'd be better change to "authors you've given more than 4 stars"

  15. The "Scooby Doo" incidental music has finally stopped haunting me. It has been replaced by Kronk's self-theme music. #notbetter

  16. The #WarnerHomeVideo #Fringe Blu-Ray release is shamefully bad. Horrible, nonexistent menu design ruins what is a fantastic show.

  17. The Best Daily Deals in Fandango: Two Movie Tickets: http://t.co/IyXgIC3 via @addthis

  18. The FEZ, it is in Portland. It should be here tomorrow! http://ff.im/BCIug

  19. The longer it takes to hear back about my car (routine service) the more irrationally worried I get that something has gone wrong.

  20. The touch of seasons gave me the fourth link on the Maester's Chain. Tough ass puzzle. http://bit.ly/eWdA3L (via @GetGlue) @GameOfThrones

  21. Think I'm done with #onceuponatime Fairy tales with only bad endings pretty much suck.

  22. Today's #BPAL: Winter of Our Discontent, 2006.

  23. Today's culinary experiment: stew with 2lbs linguica sausage, beer, and sweet potato.

  24. Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Mints are like a perfect version of Junior Mints. The thin candy shell makes all the difference.
