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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Jenn2D2

  1. I am listening to Rethink Music 2011 (w/3056 others) http://bit.ly/hIyD2T @GetGlue #8in8

  2. I just ordered real copies of my stickers from @GetGlue http://bit.ly/eCrxkU

  3. 4 of 5 stars to Surface Detail by Iain M. Banks http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/159269207

  4. The FEZ, it is in Portland. It should be here tomorrow! http://ff.im/BCIug

  5. Still annoyed about last night as I get headlight replaced, but what can I do? Visiting Lacey tonight and don't want to get hassled.

  6. Ugh, had a great night, which is now just ruined. *rageface* http://ff.im/ByqIV

  7. Pineapple allergy status still uncertain, so I get to carry an epi-pen and go back for more testing next month.... http://ff.im/Bx5gC

  8. Woo, allergy appointment. Fingers crossed I'm not allergic to pineapple. http://ff.im/Bwzhl

  9. And a good night to you, too, gorgeous mall security guard who held the door for me. http://ff.im/BtcAT

  10. Sweet. Unless UPS mucks it up, my fez should be here before Saturday. #fezzesarecool http://ff.im/Bss3M

  11. Really intrigued by the new HBO Go commercial they aired last night, but can't find any press releases on it. Guess... http://ff.im/BqZ12

  12. Apparently you only get the premiere sticker for #GameofThrones if you checked in before the show aired on this coast. Lamesauce, #getglue

  13. Me: 0 103-degree-fever: 3. Missed derby debut for friend, birthday party, and still had to work. #noimnotbitter

  14. Reviewers for #GameofThrones in the #NYTimes and #WAPost are terrible. Don't care if you hate the genre, review the show, not your ego.

  15. Surely, it is no coincidence that Portal 2 is set to release the same day Skynet becomes active. I knew GLaDOS was... http://ff.im/Beiy4

  16. Most excellent ending song for the finale, #BeingHuman -- well played.
