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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Jenn2D2


    #BPAL of the day: Gladdener of All Hearts. Not really working, that. http://ff.im/DinGd


  2. Apparently pretzel sticks and queso are not a proper dinner. #tummyrumbles

  3. Passport renewal, sent. Only six years late. http://ff.im/DfrEg

  4. Goddamn addictive Dark Shadows. #whyaminotasleep

  5. Click to vote for the MLS featured match of the week and enter for a chance to win the match ball! http://on.fb.me/gJvbJg #mls #sounders

  6. It always feels so weird when I forget my dang cellphone @ home. http://ff.im/D9pG4

  7. NTS, "S" does not count as "$" in PowerShell. #goddamtypos

  8. My giant cherry tree is splendiferous http://twitpic.com/4sw1tl

  9. I'm a Fan of Game of Thrones on @GetGlue http://bit.ly/i1ElbS

  10. I earned the Must List Level 2 sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/jtEhFy


    #BPAL of the Day: Litha, 2006. Trying to tell summer to hurry up and get here already. http://ff.im/CgIrm


  12. I earned the Royal Wedding with CNN sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/lRRdGv

  13. Chiana's been sitting like this watching TV for the last 30 minutes. #lazykitty http://t.co/JmFWfJI

  14. Still pretty stunned about the O'Brian White news this morning. Heal up well! #soundersfc http://ff.im/CbG0L

  15. Customer service for @kickstarter kicks ass. Quick, useful answer to my question. Way to be!

  16. Hate watching games on #fsc They're always cutting away from the live game for replays & commentary is awful.

  17. Finally got around to checking out Google Voice. There aren't any numbers for any of the WA area codes. http://ff.im/C74Ld

  18. Lazy-awesome find of the day: Trader Joe's pre-made hollandaise makes an awesome toast spread, esp. w/scrambled eggs. http://ff.im/C5UdQ

  19. Really liking the format of #TheVoice so far.

  20. Bit the bullet and canceled my card. A pain, but not as bad as having it breached later. #PSN

  21. So, managed to piss off some rude old ladies at lunch. I think my work is done for today. http://ff.im/C1r61

  22. Good lord. They're using the 'stick men' cypher on Hawaii Five-O. #getoffmylawn http://ff.im/BY523
