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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Jenn2D2

  1. Nice to see Segares is still practicing for the Chicago Diving Team. Sheesh. #Timbers

  2. The longer it takes to hear back about my car (routine service) the more irrationally worried I get that something has gone wrong.

  3. Dear twitter, I don't really need to see the 'new! activities!' pop up every time I log in. Really annoying.

  4. So, saw my first 'Forever Lazy' adult onsie in the wild today. In the gym. Being lazy - doin' it wrong.

  5. I'm watching Leverage (1997 others checked-in) http://t.co/nExIHUdz @GetGlue @leverageTNT

  6. I may feel icky, but at least my nails are fancy! http://t.co/6DLpgBuB

  7. I'm watching Leverage (1748 others checked-in) http://t.co/nExIHUdz @GetGlue @leverageTNT

  8. I unlocked the Castle: Cuffed sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/pSoOhHku

  9. Trying to figure out what the rationale was behind the gmail redesign having the right sidebar run off the page on a 4:3 monitor. #noscroll

  10. I'm watching Warehouse 13 (665 others checked-in) http://t.co/nExIHUdz @GetGlue @warehouse13

  11. Every time Amazon ships my stuff via USPS, it ends up late. What's the point of doing 2day Shipping via Prime when that NEVER happens?

  12. I'm watching Bones (2570 others checked-in) http://t.co/nExIHUdz @GetGlue @BONESonFOX

  13. Think I'm done with #onceuponatime Fairy tales with only bad endings pretty much suck.

  14. Props to Kelly with the paint can. That's how you survive a horror film. http://t.co/NchyvGLE @GetGlue @e4misfits

  15. I REALLY wish movie theaters would publish their show times early in the week. It 's hard to plan in advance, so I'm less likely to go.

  16. Today's #BPAL: Winter of Our Discontent, 2006.

  17. I unlocked the Opening Week sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/sIvYqAEk

  18. Many thanks to @Comcast for helping me get my internet up and running. Blessings upon the customer service folks working tonight :D

  19. I'm watching Leverage (1304 others checked-in) http://t.co/nExIHUdz @GetGlue @leverageTNT

  20. I unlocked the Castle: Till Death Do Us Part sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/higRfSzi

  21. Any good will I had for Comcast has just been erased by their totally crap billing. Thanks for not processing last month's payment #feessuck

  22. The "New books by authors you've read" thing by Goodreads is cool, but it'd be better change to "authors you've given more than 4 stars"

  23. I unlocked the Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/rMraQHZn
