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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Jenn2D2


    #FSC commenters need to talk about the game more, Landon Donovan not being in it less. There are people actually playing right now.

  2. Achievement Unlocked: made Fried Chicken from scratch

  3. Double thumbs up to Trader Joe's dairy free mochi. Yummy.

  4. I am watching So You Think You Can Dance w/761 others http://bit.ly/ks63R4 @GetGlue @danceonfox

  5. The Best Daily Deals in Fandango: Two Movie Tickets: http://t.co/IyXgIC3 via @addthis

  6. Aw, man. The cool envelope in my mailbox from the State Dept wasn't my new passport, but the old one. YOU'RE STILL SAFE, CANADA.


    #BPAL of the day: No. 93 Engine

  8. I am watching X-Men: First Class w/621 others http://bit.ly/kezoYL @GetGlue #XMen

  9. I love that since it is too hot for Ugg boots, the girls in line in front if me are wearing Ugg slippers instead. #notshoes

  10. Need a time-turner today. US v Spain vs. getting my hair did. Sounders v Fire vs. Roller Derby. Not enough hours!

  11. Woo. Double surprise nap. Um, I was tired?

  12. Fine ass tattooed guy rocking a Mohawk just threw me the devil horns and smiled as I was jogging. #littlevictories

  13. I earned the Doctor Who Marathon sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/mq9Rgv

  14. Dad just delivered 3 tomato plants, different varieties. So excited to plant them tomorrow.

  15. My brain is full. Is it time to go home? #probablynot

  16. Dinner #fail Took too long, didn't taste good, gave me heartburn. http://ff.im/E8DMG

  17. Just put down first batch ever of sauerkraut. Both of my grandmas would've been so proud. http://ff.im/DSrY2

  18. Aw, man. The mango I bought yesterday was nasty. http://ff.im/DMRT8

  19. Just piled in a bit of money for the #kickstarter project "Infernal Device" - looks pretty sweet. http://tinyurl.com/3kx6jfr

  20. When I see someone decry twitter's 140, it reminds me of Mrs. Whatsit on sonnets. Your creativity is the limitation. http://ff.im/DDJyS

  21. Chocolate 'purists' drive me nuts. Seriously - just eat the chocolate you like and quit pissing on everyone else's... http://ff.im/DjOIV

  22. I earned the Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Coming Soon sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/mhedaM
