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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by ntasha

  1. i know this is a little random but on looking at the lab's site, i was a little unsure. are the Carnaval Diabolique scents impable or not? i see nothing stating they're not, but i thought i'd ask to be sure first.


    They are not. It is on the unimpable series list found here: http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/sample.html


    If you're ever unsure, it also mentions that they don't sell individual imps for scents that cost more than $15/5ml (I assume that will be adjusted to $17.50 after the price change at the end of March).


    thank you. that's what i was looking for. not necessarily *good* news, but now i know, right?


    Whilst the lab doesn't offer them as imps, you may be able to get a decant on the sales page or post a ISO on the wanted page

  2. I love the smell of almonds, but unfortunately the lab blends I try with almond bring me out in a nasty rash, so I never would have ordered it on my own.


    My Velvet/Bard order arrived and so does this frimp. It is really wonderful, smokey almond and cherries. I have now been wearing it for nearly an hour and no rash :joy: .


    Normally I don't like cherry and have a bad reaction to almond but I absolutely love this. It also has an amazing throw so I'll have to be careful how much I put on.



  3. I really wanted to like this one, description from the lab sounded perfect, it was in my very first order from the lab so I didn't know what exactly would work well on me.


    In the imp it was a lovely sweet oil.


    On my skin it took on a very sharp strong smell. I wore it for about half an hour before getting a headache and washing it off.


    I wore it a few more times (I really wanted to like it) but it always had the same effect.


    Not a keeper

  4. In the imp it smells like quite a few of the foody scents I have already tried but the minute I put this on it turns in to a very super sweet, fun sherbety scent.


    If anyone has tried refreshers (UK sweets), it smells very similar to my nose and makes me feel quite girly and bubbly. I absolutely love it, my favourite BPAL to date.



    Edited for spelling

  5. This smells wonderful on me. At first it quite strong crisp apple but a few minutes later it has soften to a beautiful sweet green apple.

    I am not to good at picking out notes but it isn't overwhelmingly apple or opium but a really lovely blend. Yet another bottle I will have to add to my next order :D
