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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. SeaMonkey


    mmm, maple and loganberries. This is light and crisp. I wouldn't have normally chosen this one, but a lot of times when I swap, I'll just tell people to surprise me. This was one of those. I put off trying this one because it just didn't sound like something I'd like. But there's just enough woods to balance out the florals and the loganberry sweetens it
  2. SeaMonkey


    I love mosses and this scent definately didn't let me down. Its a little perfumy in the vial, but on my skin, its all dirt and moss. There is a slight hint of florals, but they are hothouse florals and blend well with the moss, so that its not an obscenely floral scent. I just rediscovered this imp today. I need to start wearing it more.
  3. SeaMonkey


    A little resiny, maybe some wine? Nothing really stood out to me. It disappeared as soon as it hit my skin. I'm starting to think maybe this was one of the diluted oils that hit lj for a bit.
  4. SeaMonkey


    I'm not really sure what to think about this scent. Its not really "evil"........it smells like walking into the candle section at Bath and Body works at christmas. Its a little too much at once........grapefruits, melons.......oh my. Its still like very strong fruity candles.
  5. SeaMonkey


    Tulips! This is so fresh and light. Definately a summer scent. The grasses come out to play once it dries. Its very much like rolling around in the grass on a summer afternoon
  6. SeaMonkey

    Santo Domingo

    *drools* Tobacco, which is my FAVORITE note, then the florals come out. I was worried about the florals, as they give me a headache, and the rum, which always SCREAMS on me but they mixed with the tobacco well. I have a bottle of this and its beautiful
  7. SeaMonkey

    New Orleans

    this is all jasmine and honeysuckle. I didn't get any of the decay or spices. Its very similar to Eos in the way the honeysuckle and the jasmine blend. I think I would have enjoyed this more if the honeysuckle was stronger and I got more of the spices and decay. I went ahead and swapped this one.
  8. SeaMonkey


    In the vial, I could smell the pear, but on my skin, it was all sweat pea and honeysuckle. Its a very pretty scent, but not something I would normally wear. I imagine someone who liked light florals would really enjoy this.
  9. SeaMonkey


    Malevolent, dark and shadowy: sinuous black musk, wet leather and vetiver. Oh this is evil and dirty. Leather and musk. This is going on the next man I see and naughty things will happen
  10. SeaMonkey


    This was very harsh. All Eucalyptis and orange. It was a little frightening. I had to wash it off.
  11. SeaMonkey

    The Unicorn

    This is so light and ethereal. In the vial its a little minty, but on my skin, its white flowers. White flowers in a mist and covered in dew. I still get a faint touch of mint, but its not over powering mint. This is a very light, faint scent.
  12. SeaMonkey

    The Caterpillar

    oh gosh, this is ALL incense. This is walking into a small headshop with incense stacked to the ceiling with incense burning. This made me dizzy! Definately reminds me of the Caterpillar, but wow, its strong
  13. SeaMonkey

    White Rabbit

    This was ginger, black tea, and pepper poured on clean linen. I sold this when I needed money and now I wish I hadn't. It really is a clean crisp scent. Its almost lemony, but thats mostly the ginger. Its creamy and bitter at the same time.
  14. SeaMonkey


    This is all fir, mint, and cumin. I ADORE tobacco, so I was hoping that note would come out, but it didn't. When it dried, it was almost all cumin. Its very masculine and I thought it would smell good on my ex, but it was all cumin on him too *sighs* why oh why did the tobacco go away on me?
  15. SeaMonkey

    Phantom Queen

    I'm getting mostly apple blossom and moss. It smells like a commercial lotion at first, but when it dries, the apple blossom comes out, but in a muted way. Usually, anything with the word apple in it explodes on me, but this was muted and nice.
  16. SeaMonkey


    This is definately a COLD scent. When I put it on, I expect it to get cool like icy hot. I get the white flowers, but they're frozen white flowers. This toes the line before being perfumy, but it doesn't cross it.
  17. SeaMonkey

    Black Annis

    The description both intrigues me and frightens me, but I snag an imp of it as soon as I can. Its definately an.........interesting scent in the vial, but I like it. On my skin its all cave lichen and anise. I don't usually like anise and make it a point to throw out all the licorice jelly beans, but this is really nice and I keep sniffing my wrist. Its a very damp, but interesting scent. Its very hard to explain to people who ask what it is, but this is on my list of bottles to get
  18. SeaMonkey


    I got this in an imp pack on ebay and didn't really think I was going to like this. Its all moss and earth, and I really get the "night time air" vibe from it. I was a little scared of the fir, but its really mellow and hide in the back on my skin. I'm glad I was wrong about this scent because it really is lovely
  19. SeaMonkey

    Black Phoenix

    This starts out smelling like Dr. Pepper lip gloss. It stays that way on my skin for about an hour, then softens to this absolutely brilliant almond vanilla musk, one of the only vanillas I can wear. It has great lasting power and throw, and they're right, I CAN"T stop smelling myself.
  20. SeaMonkey


    I got this as a frimp in my last order. Quite honestly, I was afraid to try it! Its very scary in the imp. It looks like blood and it had stained where it met the cap. The dragons blood and the sandalwood are what stands out in the imp. On my skin (and it went on RED on my wrist! lol) the dragon's blood blends well with the red musk. The imp still scares me
  21. SeaMonkey


    Hrm, I was kind of hoping for almond, hazelnut, and butter cream. It wound up smelling like a stale cocktail consisting of amaretto and frangelico....a really stale cocktail. I think its the mead. I'd like it as a room scent in an oil burner, but my body seems to amplify all boozy notes
  22. SeaMonkey


    Almonds and egyptian musk. I used to wear Egyptian musk before BPAL, so I was really looking forwards to trying this. I definately wasn't let down. In the vial its all almond, but the Egyptian musk comes out when it dries. I wore it to dance class for inspiration. It definately worked.
  23. SeaMonkey


    eeeiiii! Patchouli, figs, and cloves. This reminds me of my last semester at LSU, sitting on the Indian mounds outside of the dance studio, smoking cloves and eating fruit with other dancers, and wearing patchouli. *sighs* I miss that.
  24. SeaMonkey


    The Iris in this is just beautiful. The sandalwood is not very strong in this, just enough to keep this from being overly floral. I absolutely love this as a light summer scent or when I'm wearing something really flowy. It just sort of wafts beautifully.
  25. SeaMonkey


    This is very zingy and bright. It smells very much like the jasmine vine in my backyard, but with citrus on top of it, like I was drinking lemonade while smelling the jasmine vine. This has got to be the first citrus scent that I like.