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Everything posted by musichappens

  1. musichappens

    Mason & Jenkin's Port Jelly

    This is a very yummy berry scent with just the right amount of booze. The berry part smells like a nice sticky jelly, just like the description. Also, the lasting power of this on my skin is amazing!!
  2. musichappens

    Pet Magah Bird

    Sugar coated fruits with a nice background of violet. I don't get any caramel whatsoever, which is good b/c I think it would make it smell a little off on my skin. IMHO this is more of a summer-type scent, so I will be holding onto my bottle until then.
  3. musichappens

    Lick It Til It's Sticky

    Sugary and creamy peppermint .. candy canes in a bottle, yum! Even though my skin has a tendency to eat mint, this lasts amazingly.
  4. musichappens

    The Fruit of Paradise

    2009 Version This is a super yummy dark pomegranate. It's my favorite out of ALL the Yules!
  5. musichappens

    Old Man Ackerman's Instructional Toys

    The minute I opened the vial I knew this was going to be *very* metallic. I've never tried a scent like this before, so it was definitely fun to try it. That being said, I will not be getting a bottle of this.
  6. musichappens

    The Adoration of the Mi-Go

    Wet, this is very fruity with just a hint of incense. There also seems to be something aquatic in there too. As it dries down the fruit (lichin?) that I smelled earlier becomes a bit more faint and the incense peeks out a bit more. The aquatic-ness also comes out a bit more and helps to round the scent into something that is going to be very fun for the warmer weather. *adds to bottle list*
  7. musichappens

    The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe

    This starts out as a dark smoky chocolate, yum! However, after about 5 minutes it turns all powdery on me.
  8. musichappens

    The Smilin' Servitors' Hyperdimensional Holiday Hits

    Wet, it reminds me of cologne that they spray in front of the store Hollister. I always love walking past that store b/c it smells so good, so I don't mind! It drys down to a great blend of citrus fruits and a clean-aquatic scent. Another one that is bottle worthy!!
  9. musichappens

    Mother Shub's Spiced Lait de Chèvre

    MmMmMm ... eggnog. *drool* It's not too boozy and not too sweet, so it's absolutely perfect. It doesn't last too long on my skin, but for me it's one of those scents that I wouldn't mind reapplying frequently.
  10. musichappens

    Mother Shub's Toothsome Banketstaaf

    APRICOT LINZER TART COOKIES!! These are my favorite cookies ever and this smells exactly like them .. I even smell the powdered sugar! As it dries down it isn't as sweet, but that's okay: as long as I still smell like linzer tart cookies, lol. This is definitely bottle worthy. I think this is going to be my Christday Day scent.
  11. musichappens

    Mother Shub's Pfancy Pfefferneusse

    I've never had the cookies, so I wasn't really sure what to expect with this one. I definitely get a strong bakery scent with a hint of spice (mostly cinnamon). I generally like my bakery/foody scent more sweet, so sadly this doesn't do anything for me.
  12. musichappens

    Snow White

    2009 Version This reminds me a lot of LUSH's Snowcake, but much more creamy. It starts out strong, but the intensity slowly starts to turn down. I don't get any type of playdough from it which is awesome b/c on my skin, almond = playdough. Definitely picking up a bottle b/c I can see this being an everyday-type scent for me.
  13. musichappens

    Pink Snowballs

    When I first applied this, it reminded me of walking into a bathroom at a fancy restaurant. I know, weird. As it begins to dry down, it begins to become more feminine and less "cleaner-ish." The rose is up-front with just the perfect amount of Snow White; there is also this creamy note in the background that just rounds it out beautifully! I think I'm going to need a bottle.
  14. musichappens

    Diable en Boîte

    Wet, it is a very smoky scent with just a hint of the redwood that is listed in the notes. However, as it dries the smoke becomes more creamy and sweet. Fifteen minutes after initial application, it becomes pretty spicy and makes me think of cinnamon scented pine cones. Atmosphere spray?: yes! Perfume?: No way.
  15. musichappens

    Gacela of the Dark Death

    On my skin, this isn't a very strong scent which is good thing. It's a nice blend of sharp pine & clove; it actually reminds me of walking into a Christmas tree lot. This would be great as an atmosphere spray, but as a perfume? Not my sorta thing.
  16. musichappens


    Eucalyptus, my love! Its not sharp though, it's more creamy with just a hint of peppermint. As it dries down, it gets a bit sharper, but it still has an underlying creamy quality. For me, this is a very soothing, mind-clearing type of scent that would be great for those days when I'm stressed. Definitely picking up a bottle!!
  17. musichappens

    Snowball Fracas

    This scent is very familiar, I can't place exactly what it smells like to me and it's driving me crazy!! On me, it's a very clean aquatic type of scent. I don't get any dirt whatsoever. It's also way too strong for me as it's slowly, but surely starting to give me a headache.
  18. musichappens


    Wow, this is first: I can actually smell all the notes! The most prominent seem to be the hazelnuts & the honey, followed by the hay & the carrots. The berries (elder & bil) seem to come out more as it dries by adding a touch of fruity sweetness. I think I'm going to need a bottle!
  19. musichappens

    Ded Moroz

    This is a very light scent on my skin and it faded very quickly. For the small fraction of time that I could smell it, it reminded me a bit of men's cologne. Not one of those cheapy colognes though (like Axe .. yuck), but a more sophisticated one. If I had a SO, I'd totally make him try this.
  20. musichappens

    El Dia de los Reyes

    Chocolate Coffee ... YUM! It seems like it is more of a dark chocolate than a milk chocolate. I don't like dark chocolate, but there is something very sweet underneath (the brown sugar perhaps?) it that makes me like it. I don't think I'll go for a full bottle, but only because I'm not too fond of foody scented perfumes.
  21. musichappens

    The First Soft Snow

    Just like Winter Chrysanthemums, I get a chill from this .. so neat! Anyways, I get a nice blend of pine and mint from this. Not a bad scent in the least, but I think it would work better as an atmosphere spray.
  22. musichappens

    Yule Cat

    That damn vetiver! Yuck, yuck, yuck! I do detect something else (not sure what) that seems to make the vetiver not so IN-YOUR-FACE, but it's still there.
  23. musichappens


    A very strong forest scent with just a hint of fizz. It's a unique scent, but totally not for me.
  24. musichappens


    It starts out a bit spicy, warm & foody. As it dries down it's intensity goes down quite a bit and it turns into something maple-y smelling. Not bad at all, but I think I'll just stick w/ my sniffie.
  25. musichappens

    When the Winter Chrysanthemums Go

    Lest the next few updates be dedicated solely to radishes, we've created this scent to keep the winter chrysanthemums alive. A gentle flurry of snow dusting the season's last chrysanthemums, illuminated by pale rays of winter's amber-tinted sunlight. First thing I get is WHOA MINT! As it starts to calm down and dry a bit, I felt a little chill and the florals started to emerge. I've never gotten a chill from a perfume before, so neat! This just seems to be the perfect winter scent to me; it actually reminds me of the going outside after the first snowfall. It's quite lovely! I don't think I'll go for a full bottle, but after my sniffie is gone I'll hunt down a full decant.