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Posts posted by frecklestars

  1. In the bottle: strong rosemary just barely sweetened with orange blossom and a hint of rose. it's not particularly friendly in terms of the mood of the scent, and smells quite dark. a little bit like strong bath salts, with a powdery finish.


    On my skin: an even stronger rosemary, again with that powdery orange blossom finish. again the barest trace of roses, which I wish came through stronger b/c it might mitigate the orange blossom and rosemary better. an interesting blend and slightly regal/standoffish somehow. however, the longer I wear it, the more powdery it becomes. now it reminds me a bit of smarties candies. probably just my skin chemistry, doing its weird thing again.


    Last thoughts: I don't like orange blossom on my skin, because it turns into powdery bath salty nastiness, so this one is far from my favorite. but I can appreciate the elegance and feminine strength.

  2. In the bottle: violet candies and vanilla. very sweet, very girly. maybe a teensy bit of cloves, but it's fleeting at best. it's also a little watery (Mediterranean-like?), which does a nice job of not letting the violets overpower everything else.


    On my skin: smoky vanilla trailing cloves & violets behind it. sounds like a disgusting combination, but the violets aren't as overpoweringly floral as usual. spicy florals. unfortunately for me, fades to a pretty pure and slightly watery violet that doesn't agree with my skin or my nose (sneezes!).


    Last thoughts: quite a pleasant and certainly unusual blend.

  3. In the bottle: dew and grass on a perfectly warm spring morning. the berries strike me as more citrus-like, with loads of fresh-cut flowers in the background. nothing so strong as roses, but tulips maybe, or other simpler flowers. it's very refreshing and very green, almost lemon-y. again, perhaps that's the flowers.


    On my skin: more dewy grass (maybe freshly mowed grass even, the wet kind that sticks to your clothes) and there's that citrus lemon-like scent again! it's pleasant, but not at all what I was expecting. almost like some summer cocktail, to be drunk over ice with a bit of sugar on the rim. the citrus keeps it from getting too floral or girly, but it does have a tendency to sour as time goes on.


    Last thoughts: pretty, but not imaginative or distinctive enough for my taste. I don't know where the berries are, but I sure never caught a whiff of them, either in the bottle or on my skin.

  4. In the bottle: strongly sandalwood with an anise after-scent. I'm grateful it's a dry sandalwood, instead of a wetter rotting one like some other sandalwood scents. I'm not smelling the cherry blossoms at all; the overall vibe is dry and woodsy, bordering on masculine.


    On my skin: turns a bit soapy on my skin, which is less than desirable. I still smell the sandalwood and regrettably the anise doesn't stand out as much. still no cherry blossoms, so it's still not femme-y or floral. I think it's a little too strong frankly, which is a shame. the anise comes out more as it ages, but still not enough for my taste. it's largely sandalwood.


    Last thoughts: I <3 anise and wish this blend were more anise, less sandalwood. alas, it's the other way around. I _know_ it can smell good on other people, but my skin just turns it into a soapy overly woodsy disappointing mess.

  5. In the bottle: certainly herbs, fairly strong ones, and a little bit of that chill garden with dry earth. very autumnal in mood, not joyous or hot like spring & summer. the moss is actually quite nice and isn't the moldy wet kind of moss either. more graveyards than forests, if that makes sense. I don't really smell any incense, which is probably good b/c it's usually quite strong. this is not sweet in any way.


    On my skin: still dry dirt and maybe a bit of florals (but still not sweet ones). it's mysterious and quite strong, so don't overdo it! it's not sharp or unpleasant, just reminds me of taking a walk at night. I still get the graveyard vibe. however, there's something in it that comes out later and makes me sneeze. I have no idea what it is, but it smells a little powdery as it ages and reminds me of old-lady department store perfumes. :huh?:


    Last thoughts: I like the mysterious graveyard vibe at first, but since it dries to sneeze-inducing powder, it's not one I could wear again. maybe the incense is to blame?

  6. In the bottle: gag-inducing, rotting peaches, unwashed sweaty athlete's feet, etc etc. I think that all of these things together cause horrible things to happen in my nose, like it wants to throw up. the creaminess does not belong with overly sweet fake fruit flavors - I think that's what's affecting my gag reflex most strongly.


    On my skin: peaches, like peach lip gloss, and hints of almost-real pineapple. thank the goddess it calms down on my skin or I would've lost it! it's still unpleasantly oversweet and alcoholic, but now it's at least almost tolerable. fades more towards a fruity play-doh, or like those fruit-scented markers everybody used to sniff obsessively in grade school.


    Last thoughts: AVOID! I just can't come up with anything good about this scent, _at all_. :sick:

  7. In the bottle: holy strawberry orange blossom! super strong, super girly, super not my thing. there's something else, maybe black poppies or carnations, that keeps it from being fully sweet, and smells a little evil. threatening, perhaps. but it's pretty much overpowered by that first impression of girlish fruitiness.


    On my skin: strawberry leaves (not the berries themselves I think) and luckily no orange blossom on me (it tends to turn into sneeze-inducing baby powder-esque nastiness). that dark undertone is still there and is actually quite pleasant, in spite of the uber super girly stuff that comes up front. it's actually quite smoky later, and still a bit evil. like watching women smiling like pretty demons (think The Devil's Advocate, that scene in the dressing room).


    Last thoughts: it's mysterious enough, though the strawberry later turns into something more like strawberry pez than anything. I think it could've been much worse if the orange blossom showed up though, or if it stayed as sweet and innocent as it initially smelled in the bottle.

  8. I feel like I ought to put a disclaimer on this review, so I shall: I know this is the lab's most popular scent. I appreciate that. However, I am a girl who likes fairly delicate scents. I know this about myself. I do not like to blast other people with smellery. This is one of those perfumes that can blast people away. You've been warned.


    In the bottle: oh dear, a dark oil! I usually find these too strong and upon opening it, I'm not reassured. it's very strongly CARDAMOM and something like powdered clay. I caught a momentary whiff of a sugary vanilla mixed with cinnamon, which was lovely, but then it's back to being too strong. I wish the lab would be more specific about what types of spices are in this one, so I could identify what I _don't_ like.


    On my skin: I put the tiniest comma of it on my wrist, which was probably a good choice. it smells pleasantly of cinnamon-vanilla, with quite a lot of cardamom still. perhaps cloves as well. and still, that nasty powdered clay scent is coming through, dang it! whatever that is, I wish it wasn't there; I SO want to like this one! to love it as well as everyone else does! alas...


    Last thoughts: the spiciness is very complex and is just too strong for me to parse and enjoy the various pieces. I adore the cinnamon/sugar/vanilla/cloves, could do with less cardamom, and just generally wish this one were less IN YOUR FACE. but again, see disclaimer above. please don't hate me! :run:

  9. In the bottle: dirty socks and vinegar, yech! it might be the red wine(?). there's definitely chocolate and a dark honey, and maybe hints of the cassia's tartness/bitterness, but largely it's just unpleasant. as I sniff more (begrudgingly), I start to catch the osmanthus and hibiscus. but it's mostly tart, which I suppose explains the vinegar I first noticed.


    On my skin: thankfully, it smells significantly better on my skin! it's the watery lotus and musk rose and perhaps the wild tulip that is mixed with a very rich very dark chocolate, all drizzled with a dark amber honey. as someone else mentioned, it's a very "adult" scent. reminds me of bars and booze and cigarettes, almost 1920s-esque. there's a little bit of something spicy, almost like cinnamon but not quite. gets darker and ever more mysterious as it dries.


    Last thoughts: I like the way it ends but I do NOT like the way it begins (especially in the bottle). it's just too tart. on the skin, it fades to a dark altar of late-summer blossoms, and that's nice, but it doesn't make up for the beginning (at least for me). of course, this may also just be my very strange skin chemistry doing funny and horrible things with otherwise-good scents. :cthulhu:

  10. In the bottle: VERY strong! the lavender-citron also smells slightly minty. it smells dapper and elegant, very old fashioned. almost reminds me of anise, but not quite sweet or pleasant enough. trying to like it though.


    On my skin: less like anise, more like lavender-citron. "feral pungence of black musk" is right, which comes through shortly after a brief slightly sweet phase. it's very dark and very masculine, not at all sweet or girly. the lavender at least sticks around, which keeps it from being completely unbearable.


    Last thoughts: way too strong for me, but for those who are brave enough, have at thee!

  11. In the bottle: a very strong mint, almost alcoholic, and sandalwood (plus maybe a hint of palmarosa?). it smells very cool, almost icy, which is mostly because of the mint, though possibly also has to do with the violet and delphinium. there's no juiciness of roses here, and while flowers are the primary listed ingredients, it's not very floral.


    On my skin: the mint gets even stronger! it's a bit like mouthwash at this point. now the sweetness of the rose comes in, but is still overpowered by the mint. after this, it turns to a rotting sort of sandalwood which, as you can imagine, isn't pleasant. another bites the dust, at the mercy of my skin chemistry! I wiped it off at this point, because it didn't smell like anything could save that rotting/body odor smell.


    Last thoughts: such promise in the description, such disappointment in the execution on my skin. if you like chilly mints and old sandalwood though, this is probably perfect. but don't be fooled by the juicy sweet sounding florals in the description!

  12. In the bottle: apricot spiked with clove. it's very sweet and reminds me of some fabulous dessert I haven't yet learned how to cook. the apricot is a teensy bit tart (like the skin of some apricots, or maybe dried ones), so it's not overpowering sweetness, but still not for people who don't like dessert-inspired scents.


    On my skin: largely apricot on me. far less clove than I desire! as it ages, it gradually gets more clove in the mix, but still not enough to satisfy me (I could pretty much rub dry cloves on my skin and be a happy girl). it's still very dessert-like, and I smell tasty.


    Last thoughts: not a huge fan of food scents, so I think I'll give this one up for the trades. I think the clove mellows as the scent ages in the bottle, because when I first tried it, it was a lot stronger.

  13. In the bottle: chilly is right, and slightly grassy too. maybe the rain makes it more spring-like than I expected. if it's floral, it's so light as to be just green. not sweet, but richly springy, though it's a very early and tentative spring, one that fears the frost still.


    On my skin: even grassier on me, which I find quite charming. it's lovely, though it stings the nostrils a bit (very like breathing in cold air). a confusion of winter and spring, but beautiful either way. grass and freezing rain, it makes me want to go dance barefoot outside too early in the year.


    Last thoughts: oh, how I wish this hadn't been discontinued; I love the chilly-grass-frost vibe! I was anticipating something similar to Snow White 2010, but instead it's more like spring. still doesn't make it less chilly though.

  14. In the bottle: sort of like falling into a juniper bush, but a little less harshly scented. I'm pretty allergic to juniper, so we'll see. there's something that's almost sweet (the galangal?) and the eucalyptus lends a refreshing air to it. color me intrigued.


    On my skin: another mostly masculine scent I think. definitely juniper, maybe a bit of pine, and again that unidentifiable sweetness. not sweet like strawberries, more like a really good-smelling tree, if that makes a particle of sense. it is very wild, and I like it. the coolness of the eucalyptus keeps it from being overpowering.


    Last thoughts: still makes me sneeze a bit, which I assume is the juniper. pleasantly masculine without being overpowering or stupid-buff. I wish there was less juniper because then I'd actually consider wearing it (especially on my butchier days).

  15. In the bottle: I ARE MANLY, HEAR ME ROAR AND CRUSH THINGS!!! firepits, tanneries, ashes, and pine forests. bacon, maybe. it's like all the things I _don't_ want to smell like (ok, not all, but enough to make my lip curl).


    On my skin: more ashes, more heated leather. charcoal. rough, unfriendly. it stays incredibly masculine for me, and while I like unique scents, this just doesn't work for me. it's very powerful and lingers, so I guess that's good if you want to smell like a bonfire. sort of nostalgic for summer bonfires on the beach, but not enough to make me wear it ever again.


    Last thoughts: I don't fancy smelling like a firepit or a tannery. Or a dude who's trying to smell like "the great outdoors". Interesting scent, in that it's exactly like charcoal and heated leather, but most definitely not for me.

  16. In the bottle: a lot of musk and sage and almost NO berries! very strange. it's almost masculine, but for the slightest hint of blackberries in the background. very bold, and I think "woodland witchcraft" evokes the mood of this scent quite well.


    On my skin: o hai almost entirely different perfume! it's green and sage, perhaps a bit woody, which turns into a thick dark blackberry jam shortly thereafter. it's not at all sweet, which keeps it mysterious. then turns to almost all sage, but with a hint of green tea. the musk outstrips everything else for the duration of wearing though. it's not as awful as other musks on me, but doesn't suit.


    Last thoughts: final verdict is that it's berries and tea, with a heavy dose of musk. an intriguing scent, very dark/deep and mysterious, with almost no sweetness.

  17. In the bottle: frangipani & rose. I don't catch the jasmine or tuberose (luckily, given that they both turn to horrible baby powder on my skin). it's sweet and very very femme. a little too much floral if you ask me, but we'll see.


    On my skin: definitely frangipani still (very tropical) and roses, though it's turning more into tuberose which is a bit powdery and less juicy than plain traditional roses. the jasmine still doesn't really show up, except in the background. dries to a powdery jasmine, with hints of a sharp tuberose.


    Last thoughts: it's nice and very floral, but also very traditional and femme-y. not my thing, but this is another one of those that would suit people who are used to department-store style scents and don't want something too "out there". it's strong, so a little goes a long way - don't overdo it!

  18. For use only by women. An extremely potent passion blend, used to great effect when you're converting feminine sexual energy into power.

    Vaguest of the vague descriptions to go on, so I guess we're all just going to have to guess what's in this one. Though I have an urge to riff on the Addams Family: is it made of real women? :lol: My original notes only said "too effing strong!!!", so I figured I'd give it another shot.

    In the bottle: assail thine nostrils with a pine forest punch to those delicate membranes! I almost smell fresh baked bread and black pepper in the background, but that'd be a weird combination right? or maybe almonds? gah, I'm so terrible at naming what I'm smelling, unless I know what I should expect! anyway, I think this one smells quite masculine. it's certainly very strong and not at all like florals. also very spicy.

    On my skin: it turns a little mellower on my skin (a first), more like a blend of pepper and a touch of cinnamon. I actually almost like it. almost, if it weren't for the PINE. not that I dislike pine; I just don't like it in my perfumes. it's definitely a spicy warm scent. it continues to warm up as you wear it, hinting at bread and almonds again for me.

    Last thoughts: as others have said, a little goes a LONG way. do NOT slather this one on unless you wish to engage in biological warfare. I don't hate it, but I would never wear it.

  19. In the bottle: oversweet apricot, like someone added too much sugar to a bag of dried ones. orange blossom doesn't usually bode well with my skin chemistry, so I don't have high hopes. it's very very sweet, more fruit than florals. I don't catch the musk, but knowing my skin, it'll dominate.


    On my skin: surprisingly, apricot stays in first place for the initial application. the orange blossom and the dry sharpness of the musk take over only a few minutes later though. still very very sweet, though it becomes more about florals and less about fruit as it goes on.


    Last thoughts: I can almost enjoy it, but for the sharpness of the musk and the oversweet over-girly aspects. just something about it that doesn't work for me. possibly (probably) the two ingredients my skin has a history of hating. just a guess. ;)

  20. In the bottle: pineapple, passion fruit, and a caramel sort of rum, with hints of raspberry. all artificial, all gag-inducingly strong. it smells a bit buttery, sort of like Drink Me from the Mad Tea Party collection.


    On my skin: once on, it's almost exclusively pineapple and mandarin orange, with a dribble of raspberry. whatever that vile caramel-like scent (presumably the rum) was doesn't show up on my skin, thank goddess. it's still too artificially fruity for me to like it though. think cheap tropical bubblegum.


    Last thoughts: I like fruit scents, but I do NOT like this one (or really, any scent from this collection thus far)! I'm so glad this was a freebie.

  21. In the bottle: dirt and dry moss. the dirt is cake-like, very thick and a little moist. the rose is subtle at best, very much the leaves rather than the petals. reminds me of an early, shy spring, with pouring mournful rain.


    On my skin: more thick dirt, and the roses come out more strongly on me, like someone finally decided to let go of petals that had been crushed in their hand. as it dries, it heads towards a more traditional rose, a la The Peacock Queen. still dirty though, like you tore the plant out by the roots.


    Last thoughts: I like the roses and dirt combination, if only because it's unexpected. the moss keeps it from being too moist, and both the moss and dirt do a good job at not letting the rose sweetness get overpowering. leaning towards an even higher rating (i.e. four stars), but the staying power leaves something to be desired.

  22. In the bottle: lotus and some sort of light floral. the amber perhaps explains the slight spiciness, and the citrus reminds me of yuzu tisanes with honey. sweet, but not overwhelming, kind of like an orchard in very drippy golden sunshine in the late afternoon. too warm to do much of anything other than stare up at the sky and daydream.


    On my skin: apples! sweet ones, with thin skins that aren't tart. the lotus comes through sleepily, and the flowers are lightly crushed, like you've been napping on them. I must admit, it sort of reminds me of department store perfumes: very traditional, florals and fruit. not in a bad way, because the apples and lotus make me a little sleepy and sweet, but it's not what I'm looking for.


    Last thoughts: the amber remains a mystery until the perfume is fully dry. I suspect the amber may be what keeps this from being entirely too sweet. it's quite traditional, at least in my opinion, which is nice but not me. it does have a tendency towards soapy old lady perfume though, which is unfortunate.

  23. In the bottle: whoosh! a gigantic rush of very sticky, very artificial pink bubblegum. so artificial as to be nauseating. on second breath, I can pick out the sticky cherry lollipops that someone's been sucking for days, laying down on a dish on her bedside table each night. so much stickiness! I didn't think it was possible in a perfume.


    On my skin: more stickiness, more pink bubblegum. the really sugary kind, that leaves behind a film on your teeth and tongue. if the orange is there, it's also a very chemical one, like orange cough syrup. this almost makes my teeth ache, it's so sweet. there _is_ a spiciness that comes out on the dry-down, sort of like red hots (the candy), but it's not enough to overwhelm that sticky pink bubblegum.


    Last thoughts: not a fan; I don't want people to brush past me and think "yum! she's got sticky pink bubblegum that she stole from some 10 year old." I fully admit to dreading this one. <_<

  24. In the bottle: very very sweet, but a bit spicy too. it reminds me of oranges and cinnamon-cloves, but of course none of those ingredients are in it (go figure). there is a little bit of smokiness that keeps it from being to christmas-y, though it still reminds me of pomanders (only with honey drizzled on top as well).


    On my skin: it's still spicy-sweet, but with a bit more smoke in it. almost like burning sugarcane(?), or at least what I imagine that would smell like. or root beer. maybe. I've never smelled ash manna, so I don't know if it's accurate or not. unfortunately, it dries to a plastic-sour smell.


    Last thoughts: it's a touch too sweet for me, but it _is_ very pleasant. the spiciness is almost like root beer. odd but good combination, just not good on my skin (too much plastic and root beer-esque vibe).

  25. In the bottle: very juicy pears (almost overripe), plumeria, and a bit of decadence in the form of champagne! it's incredibly juicy and makes me want to keep inhaling. I enjoy the sweetness, particularly because it's a little bit unlike me. it's pink and gold, like a bunch of unexpected roses, and sweet almost to the point of overwhelmingly girly. still, I like it, for reasons that I can't put my finger on (other than it smells incredibly yummy).


    On my skin: plumeria comes through more strongly on my skin, which is still nice, though less sweet than it was in the bottle. as it ages, it starts to remind me of a very juicy, sweet green tea that I used to wear when I was in high school. the pears and champagne are still there, but only in slices.


    Last thoughts: oh I could slather this delightfully summery scent on! it just makes me smile.
