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Posts posted by zankoku_zen

  1. The consummate host: she can fill oceans of time on the mic and still leave the crowd hypnotized.

    Polished black patchouli and blood-red vegetal musk, bakhoor oudh, tobacco absolute, fossilized amber resin, and bittersweet cacao.

    Red musk, oudh, tobacco, and whiff of cacao. The musk has traces of patchouli, which really make it more of a dark red musk to my mind. This one is musky, tobacco-y, oudh with some cacao in it. If you're into either musk or tobacco, this should be for you. It's very much in the red musk vein of blends. Sexy, dark, unapologetic. Medium throw and wear length.

  2. Wisteria, honeysuckle, jasmine chypre. This one is definitely a floral. There's a trace of lilac on wet, and when you first apply it, it's a honeysuckle-jasmine unapologetic floral in your face. It dries down to more a delicate floral. There's something that kinda smells almost like a hairspray note that I catch a whiff of every now and then, but it's not unpleasant but just there enough to remind you that this blend is artificial. In the same way that rose gold eyelids are artificial. Pretty, but not really found in nature, yanno? Medium throw and wear length.

  3. Damp clusters of brown patchouli, dried maple leaves, black sage, spikenard, and curled, misshapen mandrake roots.

    Sage, mandrake, and patchouli with a whiff of maple leaves. This one reminds me to damp autumn earth. Fair bit of green sage in this. Good throw and wear length. Spooky, autumn, dirt.

  4. So on wet, it has a very intense grape smell. Like High John the Conqueror grape intensity. It has a more oak dryness that comes through on the drydown, and mellows out to a nice grapey whiskey sort of smell. Medium throw and wear length.

    I sort of enjoy how luxuriously boozy this blend is. On the other hand, do I want to pledge allegiance to an imp-only blend?

  5. Rose, apricot, and honey musk. On wet, its much fruitier but as it dries the rose starts to assert itself, and then its a honeyed musk at the very bottom. Feminine, wily, honey. Good throw and wear length.

  6. Tobacco, patchouli, cognac, and a whiff of vanilla. This one is a very heavy tobacco/patchouli blend, and it sort of reminds me to Ms. Bunce (sans amber), but again a very dominant tobacco. I got more patchouli on wet, but then the tobacco really comes in. Great throw and wear length.

  7. Cool, refreshing peppermint, a touch of herbs, and then something that really smells like nuclear winter. It's very clean, and very minty, and sort of clinical in the same way that a sociopath is sort of clean and clinical. Minty fresh.

  8. Luscious tobacco, amber and vanilla. I am not really getting the Black Vanilla & Cardamom comparison because I am getting a ton of tobacco, amber, and a whiff of tonka which really makes it its own blend. In fact, for me the cardamom is MIA. It is however utterly a sophisticated tobacco blend. I might have to hunt some of this down.

  9. Sugary cherry and strawberry. And I mean sugary. There's a touch of pink peppercorn, which is enough to keep this from being 100% sugar cherry/strawberry. For all of those of you that love sugary blends, candy blends, or strawberry candy, this one is for you.

  10. Giant hit of khus on wet, and then it dries down to a smoky tobacco/black musk blend with a touch of opium. When I first smelled it, I didn't really like it because it was so aggressively dark and smoky, but as it dries, the blend definitely develops. For me it's a slightly masculine blend, and I tend to like my tobacco a little sweeter, and black musk is not my favorite type of musk either. However, it smells like a very expensive manly type of tobacco cologne. Good throw and wear length.

  11. On wet, you get a ton of champagne fizz. As it dries, you get a honeyed apple and amber background with a bit of the lingering champagne fizz. This is one hell of a sophisticated blend, and has a very 'honey/golden' aura. Fun, flirty, and very art nouveau feminine. You know, the classy slinky curves with a flowering headband. Medium throw and wear length.

  12. *squints* Hellhound, is that you? I am getting massive hits of bay rum, cedar, pepper and other spices. This one is rummy, voodoo-ish, and just very much like magical bay rum deliciousness. Slightly masculine, but you know, I'm willing to go with this because it's just so good.


    For those of you that are a fan of bay rum, Hellhound, OR voodoo-esque scents, GET THIS. Hell, I need this.

  13. Smoke and gunpowder, leather and blackened daggers coated in a mixture of pitch and coal.

    The fact that there is no reviews from all of you BPAL leather lovers is criminal to me. This smells like a luxurious black leather, with enough of a chrome note and a touch of coal to keep it from being one dimensional. This smells like the aforementioned black leather coat that bad boy boyfriend that your parents are always warning you about - smoky, leathery, dangerous but 100% male. Sexy, masculine.

    All of my black leather lovers out there, holla at this one. Thank me later.