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Posts posted by zankoku_zen

  1. Lucan's starts as lemon candy, and dries down to a very lemony mugwort, elemi and a touch of frankincense. Actually, this reminds me in some ways to Lemon Scented Sticky Bat - but less furry. This would be awesome as a room scent actually. Good throw, good wear length.


    Fun, lemony, cheery.

  2. Plum, amber and myrrh. There's definitely a smoky element to it, and there's something "gleaming" as well. It reminds me to Morgause actually. Slightly less smoky, but still deeply purple in vibe.


    I'd actually recommend this to people that enjoy blends like Mme. Moriarty.


    Purple, female, smoky.

  3. Lush tropical florals with ginger. It's beautiful and lovely, and it makes me think of the beach and sunshine, and tropical florals on the breeze. Given that we just had a mega-snow storm, sometimes dreaming of a tropical paradise keeps the cabin fever away!

  4. Sultry, sexy red rose. In alot of ways, this reminds me to Peacock Queen but when PQ is definitely regal, Whip is sexy. This is the smell of red rose petals that have been f*cked on.


    Unapologetically, sexy red rose.

  5. Cinnamon sugar cookies, heliotrope and a whiff of snow. This one was way foodier than I expected and it sort of reminds me to Mr. Fezziwig's Ball atmosphere. Not quite as foodie or heavy, but definitely in that vein.


    But hey, if you EVER wanted your house to smell like cinnamon sugar cookies and snow, this one is for you. It just screams a cozy hearth during the winter.

  6. So Banana Cream Pie as a hair gloss is slightly different. Yes, to the graham cracker crust, tinge of marshmallow vanilla goodness and then whiffs of what smells like fake banana to me. Banana is a problematic note for me, so take this review with a grain of salt. On the other hand, if it had just been graham crackers + marshmallow vanilla, I'd be all over this.

  7. Oh, Pumpkin Spice Everything. The minute I saw your fiery orange glitter with green and red glitter bits, I knew I had to have you.


    Definitely NOT disappointed.


    You encapsulate that candy orange and sense of fun that Halloween brings. Very autumnal, very festive. Serious glitter bomb. LOVE IT.

  8. Jeebus. And I thought the hairgloss smelled amazing.


    Peach Pie really is the most juicy, realistic sweet peach note that you can think of. Ripe peaches, peach juice, and just a teensy bit of crust. All in all, super realistic peaches.


    I almost... almost.. want a bottle. Except I rarely wear peach blends.

  9. Oh man! This smells amazing. Sweet, syrupy blueberries, golden crust, and a dollop of whipped cream. I don't typically like gourmand blends but so far this one has been the most impressive pie perfume I've tested so far.


    If you have ever wished to smell like you're smeared in pie, this is the perfume for you.
