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Posts posted by zankoku_zen

  1. I love me some skyr, so I was super curious about this. It's essentially creamy red berries on me. Think red currant or red raspberries, but not sugary. I get a hint of oats, and just a creaminess that isn't sweet. Low throw, low wearlength.


    Creamy, whipped berries.

  2. Blue musk, carrot seed and salt. This reminds me to a cross between When Stars Are Weeping and Silence. It's got some of the same, eerie, silent qualities of Silence but not as floral as When Stars Are Weeping. It's a somber, blue sky sort of blend. Low throw, low wearlength.


    Ugh, but in some ways, this is the beauty of perfume. Hauntingly beautiful, silent and yet present. So good.

  3. Gorgeous. This is a light gorgeous white rose with hints of snowflakes.


    Now, the true question, so I love this or the Bear Prince more? Decisions, decisions.


    ETA: So I think the white rose component shares ALOT of similarities with Rose Red, in that I get a ton of that green apple snap in this blend, which was honestly my favorite part of the Rose Red blends but was quickly overcome by the lush red roses. By comparison, the white rose is much more delicate, so you get that green stem bit alot more.

  4. Snow at Midnight smells like a slushy, more resinous version of Black Snowballs. Black currant, oudh, and myrrh. If you loved Black Snowballs, but it was too much black currant, this one is softer, and much more muted. Good throw, good wearlength.

  5. Cool plum, opium, lily of the valley and snow. In some ways, this makes me think of a purple winter version of Belle Epoque. It's got the same sort of Belle Epoque base with plum and snow throw in. Delicate, purple, regal.


    Good throw, good wearlength.

  6. Black ice, smokey incense and dripped blood. This one is a very disturbing blend for me actually. It smells dark, and narcotic, and like the type of pagan ritual that ends up with a sacrificed goat in the middle of the night. Not the type that is to honor a god, but to appease his or her savage need for human pain and flesh.


    So of course it has great throw and wear length.

  7. The Bear Prince smells like a lighter version of Rose Red mixed with Snow White. NO JOKE. I amp up red roses like no one's business, and Snow White is like a coconut pina colada on me. So I get this musky light red rose with traces of cool coconut snow.


    So I shouldn't love. I really shouldn't love this. But I do.



  8. Moss, bergamot and a touch tobacco flower. This smells like a traditional Christmas smell but turned into a mossy fougere. There is a very present aquatic quality to it, and it veers mostly masculine on me. Seasonal, traditional cologne. Decent throw, mediocre wear length.


    But on the other hand, if you wanted your men-folk to smell Christmassy without smelling like they haven been rolling around in pine sap, give this a whirl.



    This smells like ham. Baked ham. You know, ham. The ham you eat. It's definitely ham. Excellent throw, and wearlength.


    Is this what Lady Gaga's dress kinda smelled like, but the ham equivalent?

  10. So weird. So for me, this starts off as a very heavy whiskey blend. I'd think of it as a guy that likes to drink Manhattans. That burns off and all I can smell is a white fougere cologne with a touch of bay rum. Overall clean, but a little dirty and a little drunk. Good throw, good wearlength.


    I actually think the men-folk should try this out. It ends up in a much more conventional cologne place than when it starts out.

  11. I get datura (which sort of smells like trumpet flowers)/white floral smell, mugwort, tobacco and opium. It's a weird floral with tobacco and opium. It actually reminds me to one of the "Evening with the Spirits" blend from Yule 2014. Good throw, good wear length.


    Ghostly white florals, tobacco, opium.
