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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by zankoku_zen

  1. 2016 version


    Yup, sugared violets with a nice white sugar crust to be honest. I like the current violet note that BPAL is using much more than its previous incarnations, but still. If you wanted to smell like violet pastilles, give Faith a whirl. Decent throw and wear length.

  2. Oh god. This actually smells much better on me than the previous incarnation. I get a ton of cloves, amber, ambergris/moss and a touch of patchouli and vanilla. Like a hotter, manlier version of Voodoo Queen? Yeah, its that sexy clove note. At this point, whatever clove that the Lab is using is totally working for me. UNF.


    Sadly low throw and wear length, but I may need some of this in the future. mr. zee_zee totally has to test this one.

  3. Sharp cuddly musk with tinges of chocolate, lavender, vanilla, and a smidge of smoky vetiver. I liked the previous incarnation of Wulric, but I find it much more wearable in this particular incarnation. In some ways, it reminds me to a much more robust and musky version of Mysterious Warning, the Dark Delicacies exclusive, with a dash of A Moment in Time from the BPTP Lilith Fatherhood series. Decent throw and wear length.

  4. To your side, you hear a mans deep whisper, Slowly I turned inch by inch step by step. A scream interrupts him, and a roar of laughter pulses through the shadowed hall. Following the commotion, you move to the next stage. A bone-thin man moves across the stage, and sits upon an overstuffed, threadbare armchair. A battered violin is propped against the chairs side. The audience starts to dissipate, and you realize that you must have just missed his performance. Relaxing, he reclines lazily, and as the light falls on his face, you come to realize that he is truly skeletal: a thin membrane of skin covers most of his body, but in many places, bone is completely exposed. He winks at you, and chuckles at your obvious discomfiture. The sweet smoke from his cigar touches your senses, and you hear the soft clink of the ice as he swirls the bourbon in his tumbler.

    Late for the show, are ya, friend? Ill tell you a quick one, and then youd best skedaddle. I have better things to do than sit here and be gawked at all night. He takes a swig from his tumbler.

    A man goes to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist says, I think youre crazy. The man says, I want a second opinion. The psychiatrist shrugs and says, Alright, youre ugly, too.
    His attention is diverted by a scantily clad woman in the audience beside you, and he leers at her. Hello, nurse! he growls, and leans towards her lecherously. Hows about you come back to my dressing room, and I show you my stamp collection?

    Bourbon, black tobacco tar, dry bone, bay rum aftershave, and sleazy cologne.

    Isaac is a ton of black tobacco tar, bay rum, and a touch of bourbon and cologne. This smells dark and sleazy. But really, it mainly a very deep black tobacco predominant scent. Good throw and wear length.

  5. Orange creme brulee and a touch of carnation and berries. I didn't expect this to be so foodie. It's like burnt sugar crusted creme brulee with enough orange and citrus notes to prevent it from being a sugary vanilla pudding. Definitely a cream dessert type with sugar on top. Good throw and wear length.


    The original Zarita was a sharp floral, with less sugared cream on me. This one is almost the complete opposite, with the sugared cream being the most heavy component.


    All you foodie lovers, get in with Zarita. She won't disappoint you.


    I swear to god, I really do smell like creme brulee.

  6. You move towards the first stage on your right, and as you walk, you feel something brush across your cheek. Something about the softness of the phantom caress makes your skin crawl, and you flinch involuntarily. At that moment, the Spider Girl strides haughtily onto the platform, her stiletto heels clicking a strange staccato as she walks. Her body is wrapped in skin-tight strips of black PVC, and the gleaming vinyl glistens in stark contrast to the alabaster skin on her six pale, white arms. She gestures to the rafters above with a graceful flick of her blood-red nails. In dread, your eyes are drawn skyward: above her, in a gossamer snare, web-shrouded bodies twist and struggle.

    A swirling, hypnotic perfume of black currant, poppy, red and black musk, lilies, nicotiana, tobacco tar, and patchouli.

    Okay, I get black currant, lots of musk, a touch of tobacco. This one is muskier and fruitier than the original Arachnina. For me, it feels more gleaming shiny carapace than feral. The previous one definitely felt like a feral, hairy prickle. This is more the shiny dome of the abdomen of a black widow. Stays fairly close to the skin, medium wear length. There's something here that reminds me to red wine.

    I also had the serendipitous swab on a spot that I was re-testing Imperfect Enjoyment and it really smells fantastic to combine those two. IE brings out a different musk on Arachnina, tames some of the white floral aspects and brings out the patchouli. At the end it ends up like a more slinky type of blend. Sort of like when Black Widow is doing an incognito mission and is posing in a slinky Hollywood siren dress. You know she's deadly and can probably kill you with those thighs, but its just classy all the way.

  7. Moving counter-clockwise through the room, you come upon the next stage. The backdrop is shredded, and seems to have been torn in a fury. On the remaining half of the canvas, you can barely make out a faded illustration of the sun setting over a pyramid. On the center of the platform, an elaborate golden sarcophagus has been set upright and propped up towards the edge of the stage. Beside it, upon the ground, sits a hooded lantern. A woman’s image is painted on the front of the sarcophagus, and upon the gold limned body, a tale is being told in hieroglyphics: scenes of murder, carnage, and grotesque, mad passion. Although you do not know the language, the inscription upon the tomb translates within your mind, and the words burn behind your eyes as if they were written in blood and fire: “The Guardian will never part the veil for her soul. Mighty Sutekh, have pity on us all.” A thin, dark-skinned man wearing a linen loincloth climbs onto the stage. His form is frail and withered, he is impossibly old, yet his long, straight hair is as black as the night skies. With solemn, reverential gravity, he slowly moves the casket lid aside. Within the box, you see a skeletal figure wrapped in stained, ragged cloths, draped in a mauve cloth. The dark-skinned man bends low, and lights the lanterna magica. From within the glass, images begin to form, and glowing alchemical symbols cast their eerie light onto the mummy. As the lights touch the creature, the desiccated body swells, and with horrific, agonizing slowness, a woman’s form begins to appear within the wrappings. At her chest, the rotted wrappings burst, exposing sinew and the glinting white bones of her ribs. Her hands reach towards her face, and with a screech of agony and eons-long rage, she tears the gauze from her glittering black eyes.

    The perfume of life-in-death: embalming herbs, black myrrh, white sandalwood, black orchid, paperwhites, olive blossom, tomb dust, and Moroccan jasmine.

    Jasmine, myrrh, sandalwood and something that smells like papyrus. For me, I am really amping up the jasmine which is covered in dusty book jacket over a resinous base.

    Compared to the 2006 version, the jasmine on my skin is definitely more prominent. I get less of the dust and resins, and definitely more white jasmine florals. Good throw and wear length.

  8. Hmm, to me this is a sweeter more resinous version of Snake Oil with a touch of orris. But you kinda have to go hunting for the orris.


    To me, based on my review of the 2006 version and this 2016 version, I'd say they are actually pretty similar on my skin. Low throw and wear length.
