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Posts posted by zankoku_zen

  1. Lemon, peach and a ton of tuberose. Tuberose is one of those florals that is white and sharp on my skin and I sort of smells like hairspray. This is no exception. Lemony-peachy hairspray. Medium throw and wear length.


    Skin fail.

  2. Tobacco, high john the conqueror, patchouli, and ginger on top of a bed of bitter dark chocolate. This smells like it should belong in a voodoo shop. This isn't eating chocolate. This is magical chocolate. The kind that you buy, throw in big chunks to appease a deity, and hope that its powerful enough to keep them at bay. Medium throw and wear length.


    I'd put this up there as a potential TAL blend.

  3. Honeydew melon, peony, and a touch of citrus and bamboo. All of the new year blends have been similar to my nose, but this one is definitely more a of a fruity peony blend than the others. I'm really amping up the peony, with a watery bamboo on the drydown. Good throw and wear length.

  4. [No description listed at the Twilight Alchemy Lab website.]

    It smells like cool water, with dabs of pink rose in it. I think there's either mugwort, and another floral that sort of makes me think of either as if ylang ylang or moonflower were there. The base made me think of parts of Blue Moon 04 and 07, but more charged.

    Energetically, I get the impression of moonlight and a pool of water. I used this in an emotional healing/cleansing/purification sense. I dabbed this on my heart chakra and just asked for healing sleep last night. It was an impulse decision, and our home environment has been stressful lately, and I just wanted sleep and to feel more stable. I typically don't sleep well when stressed and have been known to just randomly wake up in the middle of the night and ponder.

    I slept like a rock for eight hours, but I felt more grounded this morning. The sources of stress are not gone, but emotionally, I feel better equipped to deal with it.

    I feel more attuned to solar energy, and using Luna for the first time felt like a counter. Like things got snuffed out while I slept. I've gotten that impression from both Ebon Night and Lunar Tincture (both of which are dream/sleep blends) as well but Luna felt more like the source. It's not a TAL I feel an immediate connection with, but it's an interesting experience to have something that forces you to stop being in your wheelhouse and might stretch you to grow into the more shadowy recesses of your personality.

  5. Cologney black musk, hints of cedar and patchouli. This one is gender neutral/slightly masculine. That said, mr. zee_zee was "Oooh, you smell good." I'm actually not that fond of this scent and much prefer Spectre Blue. Good throw and wear length.
