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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by zankoku_zen

  1. Peppermint and vanilla. I was feeling a little down this morning, and wanted a boost. TA-DAH! I picked up some Lady Luck.


    So it's been an odd mixed bag. I forgot my metro card, but had enough money in my flex spending account through work to put $10 on my emergency metro card. I've had some good news and I've had some OK news. I'm currently on hold with Paypal due to weird restrictions going on. So I'll update this review afterwards to see how the resolution comes out.

  2. Leather. Smidge of Snake Oil. Well, huh, a snake oil variant that doesn't completely suck on my skin. I can finally smell some of that sexy Indonesian and vanilla spice that everyone seems to love.... EXCEPT ITS BLANKETED IN CHEMICAL BLACK LEATHER. *sigh* Great throw and wear length.

  3. OMG black oudh and I do not get along. I get amber, and some vicious smelling perfumey toilet cleanser. Except worse.


    ... OFF to wipe this off. It smells rank.


    ETA: That was worse than Gore Shock for me. OMG. EW.
