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Posts posted by zankoku_zen

  1. A scent straight out of a deep-fryer: scorched, lard-addled potatoes, beef gristle, and a bit of bacon.

    Proceeds from the sale of this scent benefits the American Civil Liberties Union.

    BACON and ranch dressing potatoes. Seriously, this smells like bacon and ranch dressing potatoes. This smells like food. And smoky bacon.

    BACON BACON BACON BACON. Great throw and wear length, of course.

  2. Thyme, juniper, bergamot, and gum mastic with minty overlays. This is a strange odd one. It's cool, refreshing, and kinda oozy tentacley weird. Honestly, this is more like six octopus a-chilling in an aquarium. Being you know, low-key Cthulu guys. Very fresh, aquatic and gender neutral. Medium throw and wear length.

  3. On wet, I get a blueberry note that reminds me to blueberry muffins. However, it dries down to a chypre with a hint of dead leaves. The blueberry is MIA at this point. However, this is one of the longest lasting hair glosses I've ever had on. I fluff my hair and its just like I applied it. It's very gender neutral, and sort of a fall chypre on my hair. Gentlemen, take note.

  4. Alright guys, this sucker is at least 13-14 years old, so it's been aged. It's definitely orange, and on wet, its got an orange zest and orange PEZ combo, but less than what you expect. Citrus oils tend not to age well in general, less so by themselves so given how 'orangey' this is despite the age is nothing short of a blasted miracle. Definitely 1 hour after drydown, the orange has developed a slight berry undertone to it. It definitely codes as 'blood orange zest' as opposed to 'regular navel orange'. Low throw, low wear length.


    The oil itself is a nice golden color.

    ETA to add wear length and throw.
