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Posts posted by zankoku_zen

  1. Okay, so I wasn't expecting to enjoy this as much as I do. The jasmine is soft and curling, the currant adds a soft fruitiness, but then I get mainly a caramelized resin. It's soft, feminine, and very nostalgic. This is the smell of standing on a full moon on an late summer night, when it's not summer anymore and it's transitioning into autumn so you get a bit of a chill in the air. There's a quiet in the air, and you're struck with a sudden contemplation and reflection of your life. It's not sad or nostalgic, but it is that powerful moment of calm as you take inventory. Haunting. Beautiful. Lovely.


    Medium throw and wear length.

  2. Cucumber and mistletoe. So I love me some cucumber and it makes me think of Blue Moon 2004, summer, and Hendrik's Gin drinks. This time however, the mistletoe gives it a distinctive Yule herbiness. It smells like a musty green. Good throw and wear length.

  3. Carnation with a touch of orange peel and champagne. Huh, funner and more wearable than I expected. Also, if you love carnations, give this a whirl. Because you know, carnations. Good throw and wear length.

  4. Fear of Religious Services


    Sour wine drying on an ancient ciborium, crumbling pages of a yellowed sacramentary, blinding glints of bitter white sunlight shattering off a tarnished monstrance, and doleful voices droning through a haze of oppressive, smothering incense.

    Tons of red wine, squeeze of orange, and a hint of incense. This one just smells like fruity red wine. Sangria anyone? Great throw and wear length.

    For lovers of sangria.

  5. Motor oil and that pine car air freshner. This smells like car, scorched rubber and all. Actually, I imagine this is what Supernatural's Impala smells like. Dark, broody, and ready to rumble. Good throw and wear length.

  6. Six Geese-A-Laying
    Five Golden Rings
    Four Calling Birds
    Three French Hens
    Two Turtle Doves and a
    Partridge in a Pear Tree

    Pale white lilies and elegant gardenia shadowed by bloody clove and black myrrh, gnashing with sharp fangs of screaming eucalyptus.

    Lilies, gardenia, and myrrh. On wet, it's a very minty watery lily and gardenia blend. After a few hours, you get the clove and myrrh peeking through.

    This smells like WHEN SWANS ATTACK. Something beautiful and majestic that is ready to take you down.

  7. The Fortunes of Those Who Protect the Defenseless

    A hymn to give strength and good luck to those who safeguard others: black peppercorn, bitter almond, patchouli, and benzoin.

    Patchouli, sweetened by almond and benzoin, kicked up with black pepper. This is a dark, spicy patchouli to me. Good throw and wear length. If you enjoyed Nasty Woman, this is a more golden but no less fierce patchouli.

