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Everything posted by zankoku_zen

  1. zankoku_zen

    Scent for Halloween?

    Hee... I was a ninja... I guess I could have used Neo-Tokyo, but I went with Fire Pig instead.
  2. zankoku_zen

    Sugar-Slathered Candied Apple

    I agree with the comparison with Creepy, minus the rum and the apple is much crisper and with a bigger bite. On the other hand, the caramel note soon comes to completely dominate on my skin, which makes me a sad little puppy since it is tooth-achingly sweet. It smells like I poured syrup on my wrist. *sigh* This was so not meant to be. Bad skin chemistry, bad.
  3. zankoku_zen


    Again, I can see the comparisons to Snow Bunny and Snow Moon on this. On me the pine and evergreen are a little overwhelming. It's mintier than Snow Bunny at the beginning, but overall, it's also pinier, woodsier and ozoney. Out of all the snow blends so far, Snow Bunny has been my favorite. Snow Bunny is the girl out in the snow. Talvikuu is being out there in the cold slushy snow in the middle of a ski trip.
  4. zankoku_zen


    Again, this is very similar to Death of Autumn (I tried that one first). It's like if Samhain and Death of Autumn got together. It's not as smoky as Death of Autumn, but it lacks the sweetness of Samhain. This one is darker, slightly murkier. Very strong patchouli and vetiver on me.
  5. zankoku_zen

    Fruit Moon

    There are so many fruits in this I am not entirely sure if I can distinguish a single one! It does bring me in mind to Fire Pig... but without the sharp ginger or flowery peony. A tad too sweet but I'm definitely glad I got to try it!
  6. zankoku_zen


    This is very rose. Not so sugary. Just uber-rose.
  7. zankoku_zen


    At the beginning, it was very much evergreens with a hint of mint. In the wet stage, it started to turn sweeter though. Like a sweet minty Vick's. Overall, it had a very Christmassy feel because of the evergreen/pine notes to it.
  8. zankoku_zen

    The Death of Autumn

    This is a very dark scent on me... at the beginning it smells like I've just crushed a plant open. Literally. Then I set it on fire. Dark, whispy smoke, the smell of dying plant material. As a perfume, a total no go at this point. As a scent experience, wow. After a couple of hours, it eases up and the amber isn't so much resinous but more powdery and it becomes more 'perfumey'. But in general, it brought to mind man, smoke, dying leaves and other fall stuff.
  9. zankoku_zen

    Vampire Tears

    BWAH! This one is like bitter grapefruit love. And I do mean bitter... and yes, I get something that is a tinge salty. I also think I smell wisteria and wisteria and I must not be friends.... Bitter grapefruit and sharp florals. Bloodless? Oh yes. Sad? Very. Breaking my heart? Indeed. So hard to love a vampire these days....
  10. zankoku_zen

    Midnight Kiss

    This reminds me alot to Blood Kiss -- mainly because I get slight wine, ALOT of cherry/strawberry sweet fruityness from it and the red musk, big time. And yes, this does remind me to a cross of Centzon Totochin and Blood Kiss (CT comes to mind because of the cocoa). Pretty.
  11. zankoku_zen

    The Crumpet Rebellion

    Buttery when wet indeed. For me it's buttery and a slightly berry tang to it. Unfortunately, it's a little too heavy on the butter even in the drydown and I get a weird burnt undertone to it. Aw, fine and dandy because this is for a friend.
  12. zankoku_zen


    This one really is autumn air and leaves. Very musky sort of autumn air and leaves. Not my cup of tea. But a brilliantly executed concept. Very fall.
  13. zankoku_zen

    Kumari Kandam

    This is a hot, spicy sort of ozoney blend with a whaft of flowers. Unfortunately, for a long time it also sort of smells like a musky version of Irish Spring on me. Definitely masculine. I would recommend this as a male ozone sort of blend. Very intriguing.
  14. zankoku_zen


    I originally shied away from this scent because magnolia and I don't get along. I have to say that this time, she and I play nicely together. At the beginning, this is a slightly ozoney, lavender sort of blend without the lavender being too much. It softens a little but retains that same sort of airy quality. The floral nature of it changes from lavender to some other floral, which I assume is the magnolia. In short, this is pretty, airy, crystalline and just a bit haughty. Very much like Yvaine herself, with a core of warmth but wrapped in coolness.
  15. zankoku_zen

    Hunter Moon 2007

    This is a very complex blend for me. I don't pick out any individual notes but my general impression is of a musky vanilla like smell, with a touch of spice. I can see the comparison to O without the sweetness. No hint of wine in my case, but that's okay.
  16. zankoku_zen


    This is a very delicate tea rose, slightly sweet and with a whiff of lily. Light, feminine and gentle. It does make me think it is a fitting portrayal of Victoria. A beautiful girl that you should be in love with. In my case, I'm not a huge rose fan but this is very pretty.
  17. zankoku_zen

    The Atrocious Attic

    This is a floral that turns to powder on me. I don't know why. Slightly dusty and it kinda does make me think of cocoa. Lily smelling cocoa powder. Weird, now that I think of it.
  18. zankoku_zen

    The Perilous Parlor

    I hate to be a negative reviewer but... the plastic vanilla doom gets me. It smells like pear plastic on me. It really does bum me out. I was hoping for sweet fruity pear. No. I get evil instead. WAH!
  19. zankoku_zen

    Pumpkin V (2007)

    This one is an interesting on my skin. Hint of vanilla, some of the blood orange. Again, not a big pumpkin smell (unlike PIII). Vanilla and I aren't great friends so it has that weird plastic like undertone to it. Sad.
  20. zankoku_zen

    Pumpkin IV (2007)

    This is the one pumpkin that doesn't smell like it! I get a very mild pumpkin note, but this is dominated by a grassy note (I have no idea what a cactus blossom smells like). Very desert like. Interesting.
  21. zankoku_zen

    A Murder of Crows

    This is sleek and glossy! At the beginning it was a bit too powdery for me. It smelled like iris talc powder. Nice but not menacing. Now I'm getting the sleek and glossy vibe, a touch of muskyness that sets off the iris powder. Not really brooding, but the possibility is there. This is spying a crow in the daylight.
  22. zankoku_zen

    Pumpkin II (2007)

    So far, I like this pumpkin. It's less sweet and pumpkiny than the rest, with a touch of spice and a light carnation to it. Very pretty and very much autumn. Very enjoyable.
  23. zankoku_zen

    Schrodinger's Cat

    In the imp: Citrusy bright On Skin: The lime is very predominant, but there is a slight soapy undertone to it. Lime soap? Still yummy. On Drydown: Such a mishmash of things. It kind of reminds me to Fairy Markey - slight incense, slight foodyness, slight sweetness --- but in this case with more citrus Verdict: Pretty.
  24. zankoku_zen

    Squirting Cucumber

    This was very sweet very grassy cucumber. Very fresh and clean. At the beginning it was slightly off putting but it mellows out. Yummy.
  25. zankoku_zen

    The Ghastly Garden

    This is such a sweet blend on me. Fresh mix of florals, sweet berries and something else. It is sort of climbing vines vibes for me. Pretty, feminine, good throw. It's a tad too sweet on me but it does well as a representation of an overgrown garden with poisonous and beckoning flowers. Red for blood and white for bone, indeed.