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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by teamilk

  1. Attached a t-shirt to the ceiling fan to dry it. Best idea ever.

    1. autumnal


      Hehe, one time I attached hanging Halloween bats to one, hoping they would swoosh out and look like they were flying. Well, fly they did! Alas, a very short and missile-like flight(!) Ooops!

    2. Dymphna


      I had a friend in high school who hung Barbie heads from her ceiling fan blades. She enjoyed being all edgy until one of them flew off and whumped her in the back of the head. XD

    3. teamilk


      I'm kind of waiting for it to slap me in the face when I'm walking by. It's on a very low setting.

  2. Hungry. Tired. Rough times.

  3. If you never speak to me again, my heart will break.

  4. Praying for meat balls.

  5. Sobbing over kitten videos on You Tube. It's not even clsoe to shark week. WTF.

  6. The Birthday Daemon is down, so I made a post for Kitrona in Celebrations. <3
