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Everything posted by blueroses

  1. blueroses

    Miskatonic University

    I am going to make this one work on me, dammit! In the bottle Miskatonic U. smells just like Irish coffee and that awful plastic note that has ruined many of the scents I was most looking forward to (like Midway). Wet: Yummy creamy coffee (almost caramelly) and chemical-y. It's that sort of foody vanilla that does this, I think. Dry: Coffee, plastic, and just a hint of tobacco. After a half-hour: THE PLASTIC GOES AWAY!!! Now it just smells faintly but strongly of Irish coffee. That last sentence didn't make much sense, but what I mean is that the smell is still strong, but there isn't much throw by this point. I am going to try to survive the weird smell, because I really like this one otherwise. Also, I am wearing this again right now, and I didn't get plastic today. I did get much more woodiness, though. All good!
  2. blueroses


    This is a nice earthy rose. Wanton is predominately rose and patchouli on me, a good thing because I don't like sandalwood much. But there's something sharp to this blend that turns me off. I don't know what palmarosa is, so that could be it. Other than that sharp note, I really like this. This would be a good blend for people who don't like the traditional feminine rose perfumes. This is an incensey, spicy rose.
  3. blueroses


    I tried this having no idea what the scent description was and knew right away that there was narcissus in it. Because underneath the spicy opium scent I could detect a hint of plastic, sort of like the smell of band-aids. Narcissus always gives off a scent of plastic on my skin. Otherwise, this is a nice smoke, incense, and poppy blend, sort of purpley-black.
  4. blueroses


    I finally got my hands on Fee, and I was surprised that this took some getting used to. I thought I would instantly love it. In the bottle: Honeydew! It smells very green. First applied: It smells like honeydew ... ice cream. The vanilla is very light and milky on me. It reminds me a little of Milk Moon, which is not my favorite blend. Hmm. Don't know if I like this. Dry: So here's where I start to really love Fee. The tea and sunflower come out, against a background of vanilla. There's just the slightest smear of watery honeydew and a smidge of oakmoss in there also. I don't get much carnation at all. I can't compare this to Dorian, because I can't remember what he smelled like, but this is good. I love Fee when it's dry and I do like the honeydew. I might be trying some layering with this one, because of the initial milky smell.
  5. blueroses


    This one is so weird! In the bottle: Lavender and herbs. I couldn't say what kind of herb, but something in there is familiar - it smells like something I have in my kitchen, I think. Maybe rosemary. Wet: No more lavendar. Now it's cinnamon, but a dry rather than foody cinnamon. It's nice. Dry: My least favorite stage. It's smells like Red Hots or fireballs, with something ... woodsy? underneath. It smells almost antiseptic. Interesting, but definitely not for me.
  6. blueroses

    Antique Lace

    I don't review many scents, but I had to review Antique Lace because it's my absolute favorite scent (and I'm wearing it today ). I'm not going to write separate reviews for in the bottle/wet/dry, because it's one of those rare blends that stay exactly the same for me. So ... AL is the perfect sweet floral white musk perfume. It reminds me of little-girl perfumes, the kind that grown-ups aren't supposed to wear but secretly want to. The vanilla is light, and the florals are very, very soft. It's not overpowering, but has a lot of staying power. It's worth noting that AL is thus far the only BPAL blend with vanilla that doesn't turn at all funky on me. I was a little wary because vanilla does strange things on me (plastic Play-Doh smells) but this isn't the same. I love it.
  7. blueroses

    La Fée Verte

    In the bottle/Wet: This definitely reminds me of Absinthe. We had some from Europe around during the holidays, and I can smell the resemblance. I suppose it's the wormwood. Dry: The recognizably Absinthe note fades, and I'm left with vanilla musk and lemon(? or is that the melissa?). I can smell a bright green herb. Very faintly, in the background, are spices reminiscent of Snake Oil. After an hour, La Fee Verte has faded to herbs smothered in vanilla and honey. It's great! I'm very glad to have this.
  8. blueroses

    Snow Angel

    In the bottle:Sweet lemony flowers Wet:Lemons edged with sugar. The tea starts to come out. Dry: Snow Angel dries to a light sweetness, tempered by the floral tea and slight sourness of the lemon. I personally can't detect any of the peach. Overall, a sugared lemon tea smell. This is a very bright scent. It makes me think of sun glancing off of snow. It's sweet without being syrupy, and floral without being overwhelming. This is what I first imagined Snow Bunny would smell like, and the Naughty/Nice blend I was most hoping to get. It does not disappoint; seriously, it's one of my absolute favorites.
  9. blueroses

    Lick It

    In the bottle: A strong, pure mint, with just a touch of sweetness to tame it a little. Wet: Minty! It's a sharp, slightly stinging mint. Dry: Now the mint is softening into a musky vanilla scent. It smells like the vanilla in Antique Lace to me, not vanilla bean, which turns out very badly on my skin. Oh no! I'm getting a faint plasticky scent with this. I don't know why. I wish I knew whether Lick It really smells plasticky on me, or if I'm just perceiving the smell as plastic. Sad, because this is really nice.
  10. blueroses

    Nuclear Winter

    In the bottle: Minty herbs, like grass crushed under ice. The mint is not as powerful as I'd thought it would be. On skin : The mint disappears on me immediately, to be replaced by pine. Underneath the pine, I detect something green, and ozone. It definitely smells cold and barren. Nuclear Winter smells like a slightly more masculine version of Snow Bunny on me. By masculine, I only mean that there is more pine and less sweetness. I would hoard tons of this if I didn't already have Snow Bunny!
  11. blueroses

    Gingerbread Poppet

    In the bottle: whoa, not what I expected. I get a sugary, syrupy smell. On: There's the gingerbread. It's sweet gingerbread that smells as if it's been soaking in syrup. It's as if Shub-Niggurath and Sugar Skull mated.
  12. blueroses

    Snow Bunny

    We had our first big snowfall the other day. I rode the bus into work and even though I was cold and wet and late, I just felt good. It smelled like winter. At one point, when the bus made a stop, I craned my neck around to see if we were near a store selling Christmas trees. And then I realized it was me. Snow Bunny is pine, pineapple, and flowers on me. It's perfect. Despite the pine, it's still very feminine. I keep reaching for it even though I've got tons of other things to wear. I'll be carrying it around with me until I can get extra bottles.
  13. blueroses

    Chaste Moon 2005

    Hmm. This one has grown on me. I received a frimp of Chaste Moon in my first swap, so this was the first Lunacy I smelled. In the imp: straight butterscotch On: butterscotch and flowers My impression was that it was just okay. Since then, I think my nose has gotten better at distinguishing notes, or at least I get more out of the notes. I put the imp aside for awhile, then went back to it. And now I adore it: Chaste Moon is a creamy, sticky butter scent topped with a light floral. It required an immediate upgrade, and it's probably in my top five scents. (To me, Chaste Moon is not like Milk Moon. Milk Moon is light and, well, milky, and Chaste Moon is butterscotchy and creamy. I don't get any mint or coconut with either of them.)
  14. blueroses


    Interesting. In the bottle: whoa, cherries. And something sharp, almost antiseptic. I didn't think I would like this. On: The cherries and medicinal smell disappear almost instantly. I'm left with a white floral scent. Florals aren't normally my thing, so I'm not the best at identifying notes, but there is definitely jasmine and, early on, possibly honeysuckle. Ylang ylang lurks behind the flowers. Usually florals stick around on me, but this vanishes in less than half an hour unless I slather. This might be one straight-up floral that I keep, because it feels so calm, unlike the heady feeling I normally get from flowers.
  15. blueroses


    In the imp: Almond and cherry On skin: This smells like Dana O'Shee with cherries! Yay! After five minutes: Hmm. This has dried down to a baby aspirin or fruit-flavored vitamin smell. After 20 minutes: This is pretty! It smells like bright, pink candy. It disappeared completely after about an hour and a half. I like this, but the baby aspirin stage and the fact that it faded so quickly make it not for me, ultimately.
  16. blueroses

    New Orleans

    I ordered this imp for my sister and received it on August 29. Timely. This is all jasmine on me at first, and something musty, in a good way. It reminds me of a soap I once used, not a generic soap smell, but a specific, luxury soap that I can't remember the name of. After about half an hour I get honeysuckle. It's very pretty, but in the end too . . . sophisticated for me, I guess. I get the image of an aging Southern belle, which is so not me.
  17. blueroses

    Snake Charmer

    Yay - the coconut doesn't show up and turn funny on me! On me, Snake Charmer is all amber and spices. The plum puts in an appearance early on and then slowly fades. Very nice - I'll be hanging on to my bottles. ETA: Four months later, this has gotten even better. The plum note isn't as sharp as it used to be, and the incensey spices and amber feel more ... settled or something. Better blended. I wasn't impressed with Snake Oil that much when I tried it, but my aged Snake Charmer is so good that I'll be ordering a big bottle of Snake Oil.
  18. blueroses

    Buck Moon

    This is so, so pretty. In the bottle: ozone and something green On my skin: the ozone fades completely away and I'm left with a sweet herbal smell. It almost reminds me of Milk Moon (!) because behind the cold green smell there's something really creamy. I don't know if it's the musk reacting to my skin or if it's the lunar oils that are reminding me of Milk Moon, but it's there. I'm so glad I caved at the last minute and ordered this.
  19. blueroses

    Pink Moon 2005

    In the bottle: Sugary strawberries! What's strange is that this smells like New Age stores to me. You know those little stores that sell Wicca supplies and astrology books and stuff - every single one of those stores that I've been to smells like this bottle. Wearing: Strawberry is the predominant note for me. This is a real strawberry, not the sweet fake artificial smell. The florals in this are subdued, but nice. After two hours: This smells like pure sugar to me, with a faint hint of flowers. This wasn't as sweet as I thought it would be. And a little darker than I expected - Pink Moon is pink, but it's a deep, dark pink. It's beautiful, though, and I'm definitely impressed - it's my first bottle.