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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by cinnamonster

  1. cinnamonster

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Which colour bottle is this in? I don't recognise this one at all. I know the green one - tomato, the yellow spicy one, and the blue - almond, but the notes you mention don't fit with any of these.
  2. cinnamonster


    It's the orange blossom Khrysee begins with but loses, only this stays the same. My first thought was orange blossom soap, which I see someone else also mentioned. it's pretty simple on me, and has faded in an hour, but I love it. I love orange blossom so it hasn't disappointed, I just think I'd need to reapply, a lot!
  3. cinnamonster

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    HOLY PARMA VIOLETS, wow! I love this, but it dries really fast into something else, the gardenia keeps coming out, and it's really reminding me of Follow Me Boy after the obnoxiously strong jasmine dies down (and I say obnoxious with admiration not scorn, I like my scents STRONG at the moment!). Is there Gardenia in FMB? I don't know but this is like a Violet Me Boy. I had to do a comparison with Faith and found that by comparison Faith is a sugary girly violet and this is a mature, woman's violet. No messing with a woman who wears this! Power Violet! It's a keeper. I'd get a bottle of this.
  4. cinnamonster


    The first time I tried this, it was a solid battle between a surprisingly feisty apricot and a deep dark dirty patchouli. Too simple for me. The second time : pencil sharpenings. I checked with someone else in case my nose was broken, but no. Then they politely asked that I not get them to smell any more bpal unless it was actually NICE. oops.
  5. cinnamonster

    Old Scratch

    I have to admit before I was frimped this I had no idea it existed, I don't remember reading the description before even. I'm glad I got this though. I really like it. I get a strong blast of a citrus-y lavendar, with what I guess is the rosewood base, but has a slight white sandalwood feel to me. A hint of spice rounds it out after a few minutes, but the citrus feel remains, which for me is amazing as I destroy citrus in anything else It makes me think of a good man, clean shaven but rugged, into walks in the woods, wearing a soft lambswool sweater, wow, it's made me all Harlequin novel! It's lovely anyway, nothing diabolical about this at all. It'd suit someone who found Dorian too feminine. I find Dorian very femme personally (although maybe it's just how it goes on me), but this is a unisex scent. ETA: wow after an hour this has really masc'd up! I think the tonka has come out now, the citrus has run for the hills and it's reminding me of a body spray that Avon did, that was a bit Angel-y, only definitely a masculine scent. Not sure I like this so much anymore! Dammit! Rugged man fantasy over...
  6. cinnamonster

    Anise, Aniseed, Licorice, Liquorice, Fennel, Ouzo?

    This absolutely screams fennel on me which is aniseed-y.
  7. cinnamonster


    This is a bright smell, it morphed so fast I can't recall the opening scent but it settled very quickly into being the lemon turkish delight in one of those mixed boxes. I like it a lot. I can't say much more about it, it's very simple on me. ETA: I have tried this again - the opening is fizzy, fruity lemongrass, like a lemongrass seltzer might smell, it's drying down into less fizz, still very strong on the lemongrass with hint of citronella, and a hint of white floral, possibly a white rose (which is probably where I got turkish delight from before). This would be nice scent to use outdoors one night in an oil burner. It's making me think silk cushions in fuschia, those low Thai style couches, candles, relaxed outdoor atmosphere, more Thailand than Cairo I guess!
  8. cinnamonster

    Advice on Gaiman scents please

    Just resurrecting this thread - I have now tried Lady on The Grey which sadly turned into straight up Polo for men on me. Why?? It was super-strong too. I still haven't ordered Shadwell! How's anyone else doing on the anti-aquatics front? Slightly off topic but I tried Prunella and that had a hint of the White Rabbit about it, I'm thinking it must be something to do with the cream note?
  9. cinnamonster

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Lucky I have no money as those queens are totally gorgeous!
  10. cinnamonster


    I was kind of expecting roses and cinnamon, having read all the reviews. What do I get?? Lush Aqua Marina cleansing roll. Exactly the same. It took me hours to work out why it was so familiar but it is the same. I can't comment as to the effects, but I'm not keen on the smell as perfume. For a face cleanser, it's fine. ETA, I have since come into contact with a second imp of Chuparosa, and it is much more pleasant, a watery rose, but no cinnamon...where's my cinnamon?? I would actually wear this now. the first must've been a bit of a funny imp maybe.
  11. cinnamonster

    Follow Me Boy

    When I received my imp it had leaked slightly onto the tape and I could smell it without opening it. The oil's dark red, and I wasn't too keen on opening it. However, I unearthed it by chance the other day and decided I would give it a go. Still hesitant over skin contact, I swiped the imp wand through my hair. I still wasn't over keen on the smell, but I did feel pretty good. I went on to have a great day at a wedding, (the rest of me was smothered in Khrysee) which could be attributed to the oil or not, I did feel really good about myself though for the first time in ages, and got complimented A LOT. The smell? Strong Jasmine to begin with, almost a strong old lady perfume kind of smell but even though I think other people may recoil from it, I still kind of want to wear it! After a few hours wear (on skin, second test) I was totally surprised to discover the base is...vanilla! A musky sweet vanilla, and totally utterly different to the start. There is something sexual about the smell of this, as other reviewers have touched on - it wouldn't be for anyone uptight about that kind of thing or a jasmine hater! I have liked jasmine a lot more since trying this. ETA:my cat seems to like this also as he has been a lot more friendly recently, even deigning to sit on my knee last night.
  12. I notice you have Khrysee on today, I had this reaction with Khrysee and it smells similar in the drydown (on me) to snake oil, only better
  13. cinnamonster


    In the beginning this is citrus over a lily fabric softener base (maybe Blue Lenor) with a smidge of liquorice, then the citrus burns off to leave a dead ringer for White Phoenix, and I did put some WP on to check and they were exactly the same! I'm sad about this as I have White Phoenix already and it felt like a bit of an anti-climax. I'm 0/2 for the DD summer series so far
  14. cinnamonster


    OMG CIGAR I had so many hopes for this but it is just awful on me, if cigar was distilled to make an alcoholic cigar-drink, this is what it would smell like. No vanilla, certainly no plum, no jasmine even , and no red musk. It reminded me of smelling cigar smoke during my pregnancy with my first daughter, and after half an hour I had to wash it off. I'm really sad about this one as it could've been heaven. Edited because I can't type the word pregnancy right the first time
  15. cinnamonster


    I was gifted a decant of this and upon smelling it I had to go and look up the notes again, as it seemed to fit more with Marcilla as I applied and got....PEACH! Very very weird since I turn everything(almost) with rose in into single note rose (and thus ruin it). I get the idea of rose in it, but it's very behind the peach who is cuddled up next to coconut. It's totally different than the notes suggest, but I actually do rather like it, it's a sunny daytime-y holiday smell.
  16. cinnamonster


    Wet this is is strong, clean neroli, reminscent of Barcelona in the sun, a clean Spanish cologne smell, and as time goes by the amber really comes out, I don't find much vanilla. Later still I keep thinking ooh, I smell Snake Oil, until I realise it's me. Other people have called it Snake Oil Light which is fairly accurate, but it's nicer on me than Snake Oil.There is something about this that reminds me very much of Obsession by Calvin Klein. It's very sexy, not terribly long lasting, I reapplied more than I have with anything else, but partly because I love it so much, and I can't wait to get more. It was very highly complimented when I wore it to a sunny wedding reception!
  17. For me Xiehcutli XIUHTECUHTLI = the beautiful dry-down of Angel without having to wait for it to go bad on my skin... Neither of these do anything like Angel on my skin which is a shame. XIUHTECUHTLI was overly fruity and also gave me an instant headache, and Theodosius is all jasmine and tea.
  18. cinnamonster

    Centzon Totochtin

    I smelt this without opening the imp, it's that strong. I made myself open it and was rewarded (using the term loosely) with a very very strong smell of CIGARS and stale coffee grounds which turns my stomach. In fact, you know what this smells of...Columbo. ETA, I have received a second imp of this and it is much more pleasant, more chocolatey. I still don't like it but I think the other has aged badly perhaps.
  19. cinnamonster

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I second that! Love that label!
  20. cinnamonster

    Baby Scent

    Someone said Black Pearl smelt like babies to them when I was wearing it, and they meant it in a good way. Lady lilith has a really baby-ish smell to me too, Gladdener also.
  21. cinnamonster

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    In the bottle I get sweet PINK smell, a very vanillaed candied sweet pea petal, almost too sweet for me but then this drys, and indeed "drys". The sandalwood comes through, a hint of the amber, and a sense of buzziness. Like it vibrates high and fast enough to barely be perceptible but it adds to the feel of it for me, it's almost fuzzy. It's very warm and alive. However weird this all might sound I like it a lot. I bought my 5ml unsniffed, I just knew I would like it, I didn't know I would LOVE IT!
  22. cinnamonster

    Advice on Gaiman scents please

    Is Wensleydale anything like Cthulhu?
  23. cinnamonster

    Pothôn Mêtêr

    First few minutes on skin this is like a slightly more complex version of Corinne Cobson's quartet of Love etc perfumes, the Romantic feelings one (pink pepper and cinnamon) which I love to bits and hoard the last drop of. I get all excited about Pothon, then rose creeps in and takes over and shoves cinnamon out of the window. Then as revenge, cinnamon sends in someone to dump talc all over rose, and that's how it ended folks. So sad...this could have been my everyday "me" scent, but my everyday me smell is not "talc". Pah.
  24. cinnamonster

    Advice on Gaiman scents please

    Heh, join in! I don't OWN it Tristran is lovely but I think it's a boy scent.
  25. cinnamonster

    Advice on Gaiman scents please

    Antique Lace to me smells gorgeous and nothing nothing nothing like Dormouse or White Rabbit, or Sea Foams Milk, because they all smell similar to me! Give it a go! I see some in your future