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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by cinnamonster

  1. cinnamonster

    La Petite Mort

    It's strongly musky honey, and I don't really know what else to say about it, it's very simple on me. In a side by side comparison with O, they ARE similar but O is super sweet, and I prefer O. La Petit Mort has a more masculine feel to it, and there's a drier feel with a suggestion of something almost fruity. It'd be nice on a guy.
  2. La Befana - Candy charcoal, winter lilies, parma violet, a sprig of cypress, a poof of chimney dust, and holiday sweets.
  3. cinnamonster

    Blood scents

    To me Crimson Christmas was so hotly blood-y I had to wash it off. I'm not a fan of the blood! Although bizarrely I love Anactoria which has blood accord, but smells on me of smoke, honey and incense.
  4. cinnamonster


    Wow, a rose I can wear, normally I amp up the rose to a biting level, single note status. Not here. To begin it has a hint of orange amongst the soft rose, the jasmine is a mild trace like it wafted over on a warm breeze from across your garden as you place your face into a sweet, dark, velvety, double petaled, scented rose. The rose to me is very "real" as opposed to the strong pot pourris oil I usually turn it into. It's a close to the skin scent, I can imagine it being very calming as a bedtime scent, or a very beautiful evening scent, that is sexy without screaming sex (yes I am thinking of you, Muse), enticing but classy, but not in a cold way.
  5. cinnamonster


    If I test a couple or more scents at a time I like to apply them in places far apart to avoid getting them confused. This is on my knee, and my knee is cold(as in so cold I'm going to shut the open window now), but the throw is tremendous. I barely applied any. There was a sourish tang of lime to begin but this has quickly died down as all citrus seems to on me, now it's a strong tuberose squishing just about all of the jasmine into submission. There's also a very sexual undertone to this. It's not a powdery scent in a talc way, but there's a hint of flour and also body fluids. Despite the fact I am finding it quite weird, I do want to keep re-sniffing this
  6. cinnamonster

    Carnaval Diabolique recommendations

    My top recc's would be: Cytherea, Xanthe and Midnight on the Midway.
  7. cinnamonster

    Anything laundryish?

    White Phoenix. Smells just like fabric softener to me, the blue one
  8. cinnamonster

    Rose Recommendations - which blend is for me?

    I have a tough question...I am rose up to high heaven in most things. I do like rose, but I don't want to wear single note rose. Can anyone suggest something that has a tiny hint of rose, like a teeny amount so that when my skin's done with it it will be a balance between rose and the other notes? My mum and I both tried Haunted Palace... on me: ROSE on her: sweet orangey floral Sadly, we both preferred it on the other more! On a chemistry note, does anyone know what skin type amps up rose? Is there any reason behind it? I'm guessing it's not because it's my middle name but it is a funny coincidence
  9. cinnamonster

    Advice on Gaiman scents please

    I thought I would start thinking about my next order last night and focus on all the Gaiman stuff. Once I started reading reviews, so many of the notes are just an instant turn off to me, being things maybe you don't want to wear outside as a perfume, and the ones I did like, had either reviewers saying there was a strong dust note, or even worse, aquatics, which just make me feel ill. Anyone else got the aquatic hatred but can reccomend one that might work. I have Trist(r?)an, and Fairy Market, bot of which are good, but I want to try more! I so love the descriptions for them all. Famine sounds perfect for me, until people started saying vomit..
  10. cinnamonster

    Advice on Gaiman scents please

    I may search for a Lady Una decant to compare - honey seems to be behaving a little more these days after the BO in the dry down phase - yuk
  11. cinnamonster

    Abyssal Darkness

    I'd vote for: SLOTH From the Seven Deadly Sins collection... Thick, dark, sluggish and heavy with indolence: vetiver over black myrrh BLOOD KISS Lush, creamy vanilla and the honey of the sweetest kiss smeared with the vital throb of husky clove, swollen red cherries, but darkened with the vampiric sensuality of vetiver, soporific poppy and blood red wine, and a skin-light pulse of feral musk. BLACK ANNIS Vast talons, foul with human flesh, there grew In place of hands, and features livid blue Glar'd in her visage; while the obscene waist Warm skins of human victims close embraced. The blue faced hag of the British Hills. She lives in the Dane Hills, Leicestershire, in a cave called Black Annis' Bower Close, which she dug out of rock with her own iron-strong claws. Dozens of huge cats prowl the Bower with her, and it is guarded by a great pollarded oak in which she hides so that she may catch lambs and small children to eat. She carries her victims back to her cave, where she flays them alive before devouring them. She drapes their skins on her guardian oak to dry. Her skirt is fashioned from the skins of her prey, and her bed is a high-piled bed of their bones. Black Annis' perfume is a mixture of damp cave lichen and oak leaf with a hint of vetiver, civet and anise. Rumpelstilzchen Firewood and ash with an oddly otherworldly blend of patchouli, cardamom, nutmeg, black pepper, tonka, vetiver, and myrrh. I don't find Cthulhu dark or wet smelling, to me it smells of Dove soap
  12. cinnamonster

    Advice on Gaiman scents please

    Is it anything like Bewitched? I tried that for the first time tonight.
  13. cinnamonster

    Advice on Gaiman scents please

    So what's Lady Una like? Weird you should post about trying Antique Lace finally as this very thing was on my mind just before! Shame you don't like it though.
  14. cinnamonster

    Advice on Gaiman scents please

    I tried Shadwell finally (thanks sqwook), but for the overwhelming horror I have of mildew, I would've liked it.
  15. cinnamonster


    I sniffed this in the imp and put it into my swaps pile because it smelt too peppery, but then something pushed me to try at least a skin test first. It begins as strongly cinnamon, not in a cinnamon gum way, more like actual cinnamon. I get the sweetness of honey and strong skin musk, it's reminding me of Demeter's Cinnamon Toast, only with musk. A few minutes later it has a hint of tea in the throw and the pepper has come back, but a few minutes after that it has sweetened again. I think this either is battling on my skin or my nose is switching from one note to another. I do like it a lot though, it's a sexy spicy smell without becoming cinnamon pot pourris. As a side note my arm is now itching a bit. Maybe not one for the sensitive skinned.
  16. cinnamonster


    Wet this is strongly a blackberry scent but the sage pushes through from underneath. The blackberry is zingy and the sage softly furry. A few minutes later i am getting an almost lime scent with my nose six inches from my wrist, nearer, more berryish. The throw seems good. I don't get the scent of a real woodland here, more like a play set in a woodland, if plays scented their sets, this one would be scenting A Midsummer Night's Dream. Ten minutes later a more woodsy scent is peeking through. I like this a lot, it's fresh and fruity but not sickly sweet. A summer scent. ETA-my skin is ruining this I think, this has, twenty minutes after review, gone much much sweeter, it's like fruits of the forest yogurt, and the manly powdery dark musk is starting to assert its presence. I don't like this so much anymore. (Note to self - wait longer before reviewing) Edited again:Over 24 hours and a shower later, and I am all allergy-ish today too so my nose is not good, there is still a semblance of this on my skin, this has staying power! Also, it got through the dreaded yogurt phase eventually. This is something I might just wear occasionally, I'd wear it more if it smelt how it does now at the beginning.
  17. cinnamonster

    BPAL scents appropriate for very young children?

    Hey, don't worry! My friend's husband wears Midnight (and loves Haloes) - she wears Fenris Wolf Is Hi'Iaka nice? I meant to order an imp this last order and forgot.
  18. cinnamonster

    BPAL scents appropriate for very young children?

    Bumping the little ones thread. The Mouse's Long and Sad Tale is sweet on my two girls, and the bigger one loves the Pumpkin scents. Too much it would seem as she actually used/spilt a fifth of a bottle of Pumpkin 5 this morning...while I was asleep...
  19. cinnamonster

    The scent of a sexy vampire...

    I'll Nth Blood Kiss. It starts out like I won't like it (the vetiver monster) but then I have to keep sniffing it, it definitely has an addictive quality. Snow Glass Apples wasn't on me the way I hoped, or how my vampires would smell. I wanted it crisper, glassier, more Granny Smith, rather than what it was on my skin which was dried apple ring, and fusty, musty, old, apple ring at that, with a hint of chewing gum in the mix. I in no way am blaming the oil - Neil Gaiman loved it, it's his thing. Just, on my skin, not sexy vampire apples.
  20. cinnamonster


    Wet, this is a bright transparent blue (think perspex as a mental image) lavendar scent, which gives the impression of becoming more opaque as it drys. It becomes cloudier, and powder-ier until it becomes what I think chalcedony would smell like. I'm getting a hint now of the later drydown stage of Follow Me Boy and since my mum loves that, I may try her with this. I will note that I am aware this is a sleep blend so after I have used it, I'll edit for what happened, and also say that this made me a bit sneezy briefly and has left my tongue somewhat itchy. ETA: I have used this quite a few times now and can say that I definitely sleep better using it. Thankfully the itchy thing ceased.
  21. cinnamonster

    Van Van

    I hate vetiver. This starts off as vetiver, but I'm almost loathe to say, it's nearly-wearable vetiver. I think there must be more than one kind, as one is sniff in the imp and find it so repellent I can't even try it on, and this kind which is put it on and see what happens. That kind normally burns away (as per Antonino), and indeed it does in this. I feel the vetiver I hate the most is a smoky-black smell, reminiscent of the smell possessions get after being in a severe building fire (I hope none of you get to know that smell if you don't know it), this is a dark green vetiver, a fresh stick, bent and sniffed deeply. It has a sweet undertone, which amps up as the vetiver drifts away, almost rosy, but this is not floral. It has something in common with Black Cat, I don't know what it is, since I have no idea what's in that either! Later it ends up vanilla-y, pleasant with good throw. Does it work? I'd say it does. It instantly (despite not being something I the smell of right away) makes me calmer, feel stronger, and this evening was able to deal with a situation that could have turned petty and squabbly with relative detachment. I think it lets you be less emotional to positive effect.
  22. cinnamonster

    The Best Mint Blends

    It smells like neither on me! It's more like a sophisticated male Dove Soap My suggestion would be Green Tree Viper...
  23. cinnamonster


    I ordered an imp of this and then forgot what notes it had! So it was a big surprise I'll say I was surprised to read the notes and see pomegranate as it doesn't do pomegranate on me.If this was the official dragon from shrek scent, it would fit fine. It's a dry, warm smell, spicy, woody, there's a smoky scent reminiscent of the smoke in Stormclouds, that is also in my Dorian Chaos. Liking both of those I find the similarity here endears me to this also. This is not a barbeque type smoke scent, or a burnt bacon smoke type scent. Thankfully! I have to keep sniffing my hand where I put this. I know it's hot, but I kind of like the spicy feel of this in the heat, makes me think of neck-nuzzling as the summer heat fades a little in the night.
  24. cinnamonster

    Lilith and the Jarocho

    I was convinced I would love this, but I don't (to the point I ordered...ahem 3... ) Straight off I get lime, and a musty-ish kind of Gerbera smell (the daisy-ish flower not the small rodent lol), then I get more of the tequila showing, a hint of snake oil pokes out but not enough. It has abad kind of smell to me, like Youth Dew or something old fashioned of the kind I don't like. I LIKE old-lady violets and roses so I'm not anti classic-ish smell per se. I just don't really like this. If it had more, yes MORE jasmine...I might like it more. I just get the feeling people might smell me wearing this and think I stink. I know...it's a bit like an old old powder compact left in the pocket of an ancient coat with a perfume smothered hankerchief. I hate to write bad things about perfumes, but this is bad on me. I would think it probably smells fab on someone else.
  25. cinnamonster

    Nag Champa scent in a BPAL blend?

    I'll third Temple Viper and add Tushnamatay to the list.