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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by devilot

  1. Nemesis

    I definitely smell something green. Cypress, yes, but I'm not sure what cyclamen smells like. I also detect the rose. Whoa. Got a dab onto my fingers when opening the imp and as usual, my damned skin chemistry amps the rose. Get a hint of the fig, too, for some fruitiness. Overall, it's not all that bad, and would be amazing on the right person, but I'm afraid Nemesis isn't for me.

  2. Port Royal

    In the Vial: Salty. Definitely salty.


    Wet: Hm, is that rum now? Mebbe a bit of that ship's wood? But always, always, salt. Shifting quickly into a really sharp perfumey thing. Ick.


    Drydown: Still salty and still perfumey. Yeah, not feeling this...


    Verdict: I like the notes listed, but I guess the combination just doesn't work on my skin.

  3. Tamamo-No-Mae

    In the Bottle: Fruity, definitely that Asian vibe already.


    Wet: Yup, still fruity as well as that tea and rice flower feel.


    Drydown: Something shifts and it's almost dusty now. And yes, a bit sour, but still that fruity, tea, rice flower thing.


    Verdict: This is a gorgeous blend, but ultimately, my nose no longer cares for these sorts of scents. That's also why I sold my Hanami months and months ago. I feel like these blends just get a tad sharp w/ my skin chemistry.

  4. Loup Garou

    In the Vial: Juniper and cypress tend to translate to my nose as 'pine.' And yes, this is in-your-face pine. Ick. And then if I keep huffing, whoooooa eucalyptus rears its nasty head, too!


    Verdict: I'm not even going to skin-test this sucker. I'm not a fan of pine scents and not a fan of eucalyptus (unless it's for something somewhat medicinal, but not as perfume). Swaps ye' go!

  5. Goblin

    In the Vial: Patchouli!


    Wet: Strong patchouli still.


    Drydown: Again, patchouli is front and center. But now I'm detecting the resinous benzoin. I'm not getting much coconut, but that might be what's adding a slight dustiness.


    Verdict: I'm no longer so terrified of patchouli to immediately get rid of this imp. But, this is still too strong on the patchouli for me to wear as is. I think I'll hold onto this and let it age a bit. See if the patch' doesn't mellow out. ;)

  6. Lear

    In the Vial: CEDAR! Powpowpow.


    Wet: Super cedar still, and probably the sharpness of bay leaf. A quick shift into something dusty. Ew.


    Drydown: Ah, the sweetness of sage comes out. Except, this almost smells like single-note sage to my nose and on my skin! I may not be the biggest fan of cedar, but a little bit would have been nice to balance out the dustiness of the sage.


    Verdict: This reminds me of some batches of LUSH's American Cream shampoo (vanilla and sage). All in all, it's an okay enough blend, but not one I feel the need to keep the imp around for. I bet it would be nice layered with Antique Lace, but since that's on the brink of extinction... :cry2:

  7. Dragon's Tears

    In the Vial: Eek. Slightest hint of dragon's blood, but something that comes across as moldy to my nose. Shudder.


    Wet: Thank goodness, the 'moldy' note has shifted into something somewhat aquatic, almost green in nature. A green floral. Very soapy.


    Drydown: Strongly soapy floral.


    Verdict: My nose burns. This really isn't for me.

  8. Dana O'Shee

    In the Vial: Almonds?! That's not in the lab's notes.


    Wet: Still almonds. But now the sweetness of the honey mingles a bit.


    Drydown: Dusty, sweet almonds.


    Verdict: I guess something in this blend just doesn't want to play nicely with my skin chemistry. I bet this would be lovely on someone else, but it's not impressing me so far.

  9. Baron Samedi

    In the Vial: VETIVER! Ew.


    Wet: VETIVER! Ew. Shifting to... mm, bay rum!


    Drydown: Now it's spicy. A good spicy. Mmm. Wait, now it's just overwhelmingly spices. In fact, now this is like, a baby powdery spice.


    Verdict: I think this is a bit much for me. Too bad, I love in the in-between stage with the bay rum and a touch of the spices. Wish my skin didn't amp spices so much.

  10. Hellboy

    In the Vial: Crisp sort of generic cologne.


    Wet: Whoa, really cologney now.


    Drydown: Sort of powdery. Must be the brimstone. And mebbe a hint of something sweet (the 'candy wrappers?').


    Verdict: Overall, too generic cologney, too powdery, and yes, it makes me sneeze. Ugh. So glad I swapped for a decant and not a bottle. Eeps.

  11. CD023

    In the Bottle: Ha. Weird, my nose makes me think 'chemical.' Boozy chemical. Sweet, boozy chemical.


    Wet: Super rich butterscotch, so rich, it definitely comes across as boozy. But unmistakably sweet and sugary at the same time.


    Drydown: That strong 'chemical' aspect is definitely gone and am left with a stunningly smooth and creamy, sweet butterscotch. :yum:


    Verdict: Total heartbreaker. It smells wonderful on me. It really does. Or at least, I happen to love the way it smells. Well, when I can actually smell anything. My stupid skin chemistry just swallows this up so quickly that it's way too subtle. I just can't justify hanging onto such a beautiful blend when it evaporates to nothingness on me. :cry2: This has found a new home.

  12. Capela Dos Ossos v5

    I definitely get the sweetness (almost creamy vanilla sweet) and the dry spiciness that others have mentioned. Resins, possibly frankincense, and I agree with others who guess that amber is in the blend. This definitely is incensey, but sooooo light, it might be the only incense blend I'd ever consider wearing as a perfume. It is wonderful, but I'm afraid too unattainable as well as much too subtle on my skin. Really gorgeous, though.


    *Luckily for me, I had an amazing trunk show angel and now have my very own bottle to cherish! Squeals!*

  13. Buck Moon

    In the Bottle: Very faint-- barely musky with a hint of pleasant grasses. Dry, not super duper green and wet to my nose.


    Wet: Mm, gloriously soft and downy musk. Similar to Ivanushka and Creature Feature's musk, but much muuuuch subtler. Maybe a hint of that same dry grassy/ herbal tinge. But really, this on my skin is all gorgeous, soft, hushed, musk.


    Drydown: Not much has changed at all. Could it be due to aging? I'm not sure, but whatever the reason, it's still that same, gentle musk.


    Verdict: I see why this has been such a coveted blend. It really is lovely. However, my skin is just too "thirsty" and gobbles up most oils leaving little to no scent behind. Because of this, I figured this lovely cobalt bottle should find a new home, which it has. Gorgeous, though, if only it stuck around longer on me. Glad I can fall back on more robust blends (Ivanushka, Creature Feature, etc.).

  14. Aeronwen

    In the Bottle: Super crisp, clean, FIG!


    Wet: Pretty much just the fig. Do I amp fig? Or are there significant batch differences? 'Cause I'm tellin' ya', I'm only gettin' fig.


    Drydown: Hm, I think I might be getting the redwood. Something smells piney. And something else smells very very dusty-- myrrh? Amber? I'm not a fan. :(


    Verdict: I love the figgy beginnings, but am not wowed by how it ends up. This bottle has found a new home.

  15. I might come back and edit if I think of others, but the v first blend that popped into my mind was White Moon '06, which shouldn't be hard to find at all on the swaps forum. The notes are: These are the blossoms of loss and liberation, soothed by the calm, comforting scent of sandalwood : lilac, calla lily, wisteria, white sandalwood, moonflower, night musk, phlox, and violet.


    I feel that Mr. Ibis can also be a bit soapy. Notes are: Papyrus, vanilla flower, Egyptian musk, African musk, aloe ferox, white sandalwood.

  16. Red Moon 2007

    In the Bottle: Red musk and something deeper somehow.


    Wet: Slammed by red musk. I love me some red musk, but I'd like more to this. Sweetness that I identify as dragon's blood (since it's the same sticky sweetness I get from the Ars Draconis blends).


    Drydown: Shifting into something sharp, almost dusty. Guess it's the herbs working together overall, maybe this amber isn't working for me, though it could be heliotrope. I really wish I could try some SN Heliotrope as I think it might be this note that my nose/ skin dislikes.


    Verdict: It's a nice blend, but not quite what I thought it'd be. It's sharper and dustier than I had anticipated. Also seems too similar to some other strongly red musk blends. I'm grateful for this bottle, but I think I'll swap it to a better home.

  17. Verdandi

    In the Vial: Appley. Really discerning, huh? Heh.


    Wet: Hm, there's that herabally/ bitter element I've seen in other reviews.


    Drydown: Fades fast. Powdery now. Powdery? Ohhh, the black amber. I don't think I'm liking this black amber. Hm.


    Verdict: Not really for me. Not a bad blend, but not great either.

  18. Cathode

    Whoooa nelly, they're not kidding about the mint. This is actually a really gorgeous blend, but not something I would really consider wearing as perfume. I'd love to hang onto this imp, but if a swap comes along, I should be good and pass it on to get something I might love more and actually wear out. Still, I wouldn't mind having an imp of this around, just in case.

  19. 'Tis The Voice Of The Lobster

    In the Vial: Fruity! Melon (ah yes, watermelon).


    Wet: Instant squirt of mandarin, and just, a sweet, artificial candy fruitiness that is overwhelming. Like Jolly Ranchers had sex on my hand.


    Drydown: Still very fruity, but already toning down. Oddly enough, my nose wants to say 'banana' though that's not one of the listed notes. Might be because bananas are so damned sweet that my nose/ brain are just tricked. Think the gardenia might be peeking through, now.


    Verdict: Much more fruity and sweet than I had expected, somehow. Too much like candy. And am slightly sad that I don't get more gardenia. A nice and fun blend, but one that I highly doubt I'll ever reach for.

  20. Blood Phoenix

    In the Vial: Dragon's blood and something... purpley. Ah yup, the burgundy wine grape. And the red musk.


    Wet: Red musk, something sharpish (is that the red poppy?), hint of the almond for sure, and something that comes across to me as 'dusty.'


    Drydown: Ooh, some neroli! The neroli I've tried in other BPAL blends haven't been like this, this to my nose and on my skin, is much more similar to the neroli I love and know from LUSH. :P


    Verdict: Ultimately, it turns into red musk + neroli, which while really nice, isn't something that I'd reach for and use up. Time for this decant to find a new home. :)

  21. Thirded on Detestable Putrescence! That was the first thing to pop into my mind when I read the title, and then the OP. :P


    LE and possibly a little tricky to find, I'd recommend Love's Philosophy: Vanilla, saffron, and cream.


    But in terms of readily accessible GC blends, DP from up above and...


    Lyonesse (Wanderlust): Golden vanilla and gilded musk, stargazer lily, white sandalwood, grey amber, elemi, orris root, ambergris and sea moss. (The end result is just a subtle, gorgeous vanilla-y feel, at least w/ the two imps I've tried.)


    Mouse's Long & Sad Tale (Mad Tea Party): Vanilla, two ambers, sweet pea and white sandalwood.


    Dorian as mentioned upthread is one of my top 5 favorite BPALs, but I don't necessarily feel it's vanilla. I mean, duh, yes, of course it's vanilla, but I think it's not the vanilla most people think of when you say vanilla. I "blame" the gorgeous musks in it. :yum:

  22. I don't mean to hijack the thread, but can any of you Snow White aficionados tell me whether all the Snow White releases are exactly the same from year to year? My chances of finding another bottle of the '05 version are slim, but I'm reluctant to buy the others in case they're different.

    I've noticed a difference between Snow Whites of varying years. I first got an imp of SW '07, and really loved it. It smells like very soft, snowy, fruity flowers. This prompted me to order a bottle, but I purchased SW '08. I found '08 to be heavy on the coconut to the point where it ruined it for me...


    I'm no aficionado, but have been lucky enough to get testers of Snow White '04, '05, and '08, and at one point had a bottle of '07. I quickly sold the '07 as it was a very sweet, powdery almondy coconut and NOT what I expected nor wanted from a blend called Snow White. ;) I couldn't detect much difference between '04 and '05, but I'm fairly sure I preferred those over the '08 tester. But all of them have that sweet element, but to my nose, some years are definitely more coconutty than others.


    As for the rest of this thread, I'm definitely keeping an eye on it. This is my first BPAL Yule and I, too, have lived my whole life in a region that doesn't usually see snow (and when we do, it's pretty much melted in 20 minutes). Having gotten decants of the previous Snow-Flakes (love!) and Archangel Winter (interesting), with pending bottles to decant of some of this years snowy blends, I'm very excited to sniff 'em. But I wasn't able to get a lot of the blends I most wanted so I'll definitely be stalking the reviews threads and swaps forum. :twisted:
