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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Banyangirl

  1. I love recommending scents based on peoples personalities so I thought I would make a thread for it!


    So here is the first one: MY personality :D


    I'm a pretty silly and outgoing person. People have called me "cute" and "adorable" and "silly" more times than I can count. I'm an Architecture and English double major. I love the mountains and cold weather. I'm pretty terrible at sports apart from running and tae kwon do :) I'm always pretty hyper but not in an obnoxious way hehe. Black tea, orange juice, and passion fruit juice are my favorites. My hobbies include reading, writing, art stuff, listening to music (favorites include Beirut, Cold War Kids, Her Space Holiday, Jacques Brel, Ferraby Lionheart, etc!), movies (AMELIE!!!), sewing, hanging out with friends, acting, I could go on! I love to learn and think and that's about it overall hehe.


    So what do you guys think? Any scent suggestions?


    Feel free to write a little blurb about yourself too and get the thread going!!


    My first thought was Tweedledee, just because I identify as cute and silly and Tweedle's one of my signature scents. Also, Xanthe the Weeping Clown might be awesome for you, as would Jailbait (that whole sweet-candy aspect). Dee for the English major, always. Maybe Phoenix Steamworks for the architecture side?


    I'm an English major too, and I really love cooking, reading, climbing trees and riding horses. I'm also a writer and I love creamy black tea (really adore fruit-infused black teas). Boarding school fiction is one of my favorite kinds and "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is my favorite Shakespeare play. I also love music. Amanda Palmer, Vienna Teng, Ben Folds and Flogging Molly are a few of my favorites. Theater also makes me happy. My friends describe me as quirky, quiet until you get to know me, and intelligent. Go go, reccs thread!

  2. Oh man. This is seriously the sexiest BPAL scent I've tried yet. It might even beat out my beloved Hetairae. It's dark, rich chocolate with a rush of smoky, oaky whiskey. The cognac adds some sweetness, but there's this odd almost-marshmallow thing going on. My friend compared it to S'mores and I'm inclined to agree with her. But it's much more complex and sexier than s'mores. Definitely going to have to wear this to my SO's 21st birthday night out next week.

  3. Subtle, fresh and feminine: the perfume equivalent of a spring evening. At first this was totally and utterly pear, which was great by me, but now the rose is mixing up with the pear and the lily is in the background, providing an ever so slightly soapy/powdery finish. I like it, but there are floral scents that I like much more.

  4. Wet, this was about to be my Holy Grail scent, the scent about which I said, "Okay, BPAL, you and I have had fun but it's really Versailles all the time for me now, sorry." It was shimmering grapefruit and clean, fresh rose and it was INCREDIBLE. Except now, twenty minutes later, it's turned into Pez and powdery rose and dusty orris and... this just isn't working for me. If it's anything like Jezebel, the powder will age off, so I'll be keeping my imp to age it. Hopefully it'll become Jezebel's spunkier sister-scent (and I do love me some well aged Jezebel).

  5. Please let me squeal and dance about with JOY.


    This is wonderful. It's creamy and sugary and just a touch sour. I'm really wishing I had picked up a bottle of this when it was live. The myrrh doesn't show up at all, except to sweeten the blend and ground it a little. The fig isn't particularly juicy but it is earthy and sweet, and the goat's milk is likewise sweet. This smells like a drink you'd sip in a lawn chair out on tall summer grass. LOVE.

  6. For me, the flowers show up most, with the fruit giving it a nice sweet zing in the background. On me, this is the kind of scent you'd wear as you were lazing in a field somewhere on a hot Saturday afternoon. I wish the pineapple would show up more (I do love me some pineapple!) but it's a really pretty scent as it is.

  7. So as it happens, I'm obsessed with Beth's honey note, particularly in Hetairae. I'm considering grabbing Anactoria 2010 because it's got white honey, but I'm curious as to how white honey differs in smell from the regular honey note. Has anyone tried other blends that have white honey and noticed a difference?

  8. Got this as a frimp from the Lab. I'm not sure why, but this scent is making me smile. It's clean and fresh and sweet, and the mints are awesome. It's like Shattered's softer little sister, and much more wearable for me than Shattered. The throw isn't really noticeable, but when I wave my hands in front of my face, I get this nice little minty breeze. It's lovely!

  9. This smells like cucumbers and celery and rain.


    It's very River (from Firefly). It's cool and translucent.


    Y'know what this reminds me of? It's like the Stormhold's younger, waifish sister.


    I'm not sure where I'd wear this to, or when, but I kind of like it.

  10. There's this soda called Vimto. It basically tastes like a Shirley Temple in a can. It's sweet and pink and slightly strawberry-gum flavored. High-Strung Daisies smells like how that tastes, plus a bit of a kick from the pepper. Strawberry gum plus a bit of spunkiness. It's happy and girly and feisty, and I kind of love it.
