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Everything posted by Banyangirl

  1. Banyangirl


    This turns very generic clean, fresh, fruit/floral on me. It's nice, but I'd hoped for more juiciness. Swaps anyone?
  2. Banyangirl

    Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal

    I love this. It's fun and sweet on me. I mostly get the lemon-squeezed candyfloss and vanilla and pink pepper, not any of the floral/fruity notes. It feels young, like the kind of thing I'd give a lovestruck teenager... who may or may not happen to like human flesh. Edit, March 2010: this has become my Holy Grail scent. Must. Have. More. That is all.
  3. Banyangirl

    Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp

    It's a thin mint on me, initially, but then the chocolate note dies out and it goes into a pure, sweet mint. Awesome. Great for when I'm not sure what I want to wear.
  4. Banyangirl

    High John the Conqueror

    I get fresh, clean, sweet florals out of this one. with a hint of strawberry leaf. Honeysuckle, maybe, and the strawberry scent isn't going to plastic hell like it normally does. Its a very cheerful scent. I will use up my imp, although I'm not sure it's worth it to get a bottle. We'll see how it does if I wear it when I need courage or strength. It's happy enough that it's put a smile on my face by itself.
  5. Banyangirl

    The Stormhold

    I really like this one. It's good for those times just after a rain storm with wet sidewalks and creeping, growing, wet things. I can smell the moss, and overall this has a stormy blue-gray color feel to it. I'd be interested to try this on a guy. Edit: I gave this to my mister to try, and he adores it. He actually stole it from me (okay, I gave it to him, but point is, it's his now).
  6. Banyangirl

    Brown Jenkin

    This one disappointed me greatly. I put it on and all I got was Coconut Vanilla Heaven, and I was so extraordinarily excited. And then within five minutes all of the woods and incense came out and overpowered the coconut and vanilla goodness. So now I smell like a mix between Dee and Cathedral and both smell better on their own than mixed. Boo.
  7. Banyangirl

    Snake Oil

    Oh my me. Oh goodness. Oh. So I'm not sure how aged the tester bottle at the Whole Foods in Raleigh was, but my thought now is, "How do I get more of this?" I *adore* this. It might become my signature scent (yeah, I know, me and about a hundred other folks around here). But first I'm going to get a lab-fresh imp and see how that treats me.
  8. Banyangirl

    Baobhan Sith

    The grapefruit and apple blossom are most prominent on me, making it a very fresh, clean scent. It's slightly soapy, but somehow that works for it. It's also very sharp. Not sure if this requires me getting an imp of it, though.
  9. Banyangirl

    Schrodinger's Cat

    Oh my me. This is all citrus brightness and happiness on me with a hint of chocolate if I sniff very deeply. I would be more coherent but that would involve pulling my arm away from my nose. Imp. Must have it. Now.
  10. Banyangirl

    Sed Non Satiata

    This has a lovely base, but the top notes (which happen to be the flowers on me) go plasticky and rather like hair spray on me quite quickly. It's a shame, because wet and just drying it's a very sexy incense on me. I tried the sample bottle from Whole Foods, though, which might have something to do with it. I'd be curious to get an imp of this and see how it does on me lab-fresh.
  11. Plunder smells exactly like strong, spicy chai tea on me, it's fantastic. Reminds me so much of the holidays.
  12. Banyangirl

    Eat Me

    I love this, but the black currants do not love me back. The vanilla and the cake are lovely, but the blackcurrants are grossly sweet and plasticky. Still, I'd love to give this a go in a lab-fresh imp just to see if it's any better (since I got my tester sample from Whole Foods and the bottle was most likely very aged).
  13. Banyangirl


    Please allow me to nom on myself. This smells like chai on me, with no milk or sugar. Just tea and spices. Mmmm. I'll love this when I have a cold. It's so bracing. I could really imagine this being hidden away on a pirate ship, down in the belly of the ship, in a trunk among the dusty wood.
  14. Banyangirl


    As soon as I put this on, I ran around my college dorm room squealing, "It smells like I'm standing in an apple orchard with lilacs blowing in the spring breeze! This is fantastic!" The one drawback is that it doesn't last very long on me, but it's pretty and breezy enough that I really don't care about slathering. Ars Draconis has been very kind to me so far, and I want to try some more!
  15. Banyangirl

    Dragon's Milk

    I'd really like a bottle of this. It's sweet and vanilla'd lilac on me. It's so fresh and creamy, and it lasts forever.
  16. Banyangirl

    Jolly Roger

    This.... this is fascinating. I'm not sure I actually like it, but I can smell the rum and the leather and the woods. It's also got a fine layer of salt over everything else. It's very, very true to life (or how I imagine life as a pirate would be). I'd love to try this on the fellow to see what it does on him (and what that does to me, haha!).
  17. Parrot, you might try Siren. It becomes sweet, spicy incense on me once the ginger and jasmine have calmed down.
  18. Banyangirl

    Springtime scents

    I just picked up my very first bottle ever: Embalming Fluid. It's so wonderful and light and springy. It'll also be a very nice cooling scent for summer. Tweedledee and Eden are also very green and springy to me. Tweedle is good for when you want a green with a snap, and Eden is just lovely, creamy and lush.
  19. Banyangirl

    Frumious Bandersnatch

    Ugh. This wants to work on me so badly. The spicy flowers and fruit are lovely and wonderful, but the musk overshadows everything and makes it all turn sour. Too bad. This could have been a really pretty scent.
  20. Banyangirl


    SUGAR CUBES. This scent on me is like someone took a sugar cube and dribbled tea, musk and lemon over it. It's far, far too sweet. It's reminding me of crunching sugar cubes to the point where I'm actually getting a stomach ache. Now that's amazing that a scent can do that in its own right, but jeez. I'll see how it is on me in an hour or two, but for now, I really have issues with Mr. Dorian.
  21. Banyangirl

    Old books... Books, paper, libraries

    Dee is my "go to the library and study" scent. It's very masculine but approachable, but on me it's all dark woods and leather. It's lovely for studying IN a library, but it does not necessarily SMELL like a library.
  22. Banyangirl

    Springtime scents

    Tweedledee and Eden are great happy, bouncy spring scents, at least on me. Tweedle is kumquat, white tea, white pepper and orange blossom. Eden is fig fruit, fig leaf, honeyed almond milk, toasted coconut and white sandalwood.
  23. Banyangirl


    This was an emotional scent for me. It came as a frimp and I'd never heard of it before, so I looked up the note list. Lilies were used at my mom's funeral a month ago, so I sort of cringed, but steeled myself to try it on. And I'm glad I did! Instead of being "WHOA LILIES" this was extremely reminiscent of turning the soil in the garden with my mom during the late spring, with the sun on my back and a hint of rain in the air. It's a fresh, light scent, and although I liked it, I don't know how much I'll wear it. But it's good for those times that I'll be really missing her. Thank you Beth, for bringing back those memories.
  24. Banyangirl


    This just goes to show how different one bottle of the same scent can be from another. I tried Eden at Whole Foods and it was green, green, green. All I could think was fresh trees and forest after a rain. I thought, "I love this, let me get an imp for myself." I got my imp today and it was pure almond-coconut-sandalwood on me. None of the fig or green showed up except a leeettle tiny hint in the background. I'll see if it switches over as it ages, and I really hope it does, because I don't care much for almond in my perfumes.
  25. Banyangirl

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    Mmm, Mouse. I tried Mouse at Whole Foods and loved it. I thought it was very sweet and feminine, so I grabbed myself an imp. It's lovely as ever. I don't know if it's just this week and where my skin chemistry's at, but absolutely none of my BPAL oils have had any sort of throw on them, not even the usual powerhouses like Kubla Khan. This is true of the Mouse. But it's still going to be my go-to vanilla scent for hanging out with my fellow, who adored the note list on this one.