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Everything posted by totheo

  1. totheo

    The Castle

    WOW strong out of the imp! Attacks you! I think it's the pine and the wet moss with something else... maybe incense? Wonderful bloody, golden colour. Takes a while to settle down but once it does and you've had a chance to get used to the strength of the scent, it really does describe that picture beautifully. Decay and memory and dankness, old magnificence. I remember one reviewer said you could smell a large space, like a great hall. It's true, you really get a sense of vastness. I wouldn't call it an every day scent but every once in a while, especially if you need a little mythology, a smokescreen to protect you from the world, this is the one. I will definitely use up my imp and maybe one day, get myself a bottle, if I can.
  2. totheo

    Pisces 2008

    I had to try this scent, what with being an absolutely mad Pisces myself. Out of the imp, it was very complex and quite strong with a green smell I can't quite place. It could be the Irish moss but this is a familiar scent and I don't think I've looked under too many damp stones from the Isle of Skye recently! On my skin wet, still very strong and difficult for me to place, I couldn't decide whether I liked it or not... the the opium poppy came through, as well as the hemp, but that could be because they're scents I recognise. Dry on my skin, well - that's the best part. A very comforting, dreamy smell (unsurprisingly!) I get the sense of being at the beach, with my sunscreen already rubbed in, on a day with a light breeze bringing in the freshness of the water and not rotting seaweed or dead fish. Lying on my stomach, contented, on a towel on the sand, sun warming but not burning my skin and eyes closed. This also got the thumbs up from our resident sceptic towards esoteric perfumes... she said I'm wearing a 'mainstream one'. Hm... well, it would be one of the few mainstream perfumes I'd actually wear, if it were! And my mum likes it, too. Big plus (I think she has a sophisticated nose). Definitely buying a bottle when funds allow
  3. totheo


    This is my first review as well and because my nose is absolutely nothing compared to the rest of you perfume buffs, I'm just going to have to go with what's natural. Whole scents and memories. Djinn is a big scent. I couldn't smell the smoke, myself, or the fire. At first it was a strong incense, with a tang at the back. It stays acrid in and out of the imp, my throat still burns when I smell it on my skin about 45 minutes to an hour after I put it on. The effect is lessening slowly now, the scent is mellowing out. About twenty minutes ago, I figured out what it really smells like. Incense at first but then... bushfires. Australian bushfires. When the fires start around Sydney, you can smell them everywhere. When they get really bad, the scent reaches the centre of the city, and people start getting spontaneous nosebleeds and weepy eyes. Where I live, north of the city, on the beaches, I'm surrounded by gum trees. If we drive slightly further inland, to the hills, the scent of the forest is even stronger. When the bushfires come, and they can come very close amongst the hills, if you're in a safe area, you can smell the healthy green eucalyptus gums and the acrid smoke all at once. That's what Djinn smells like. At around an hour in wearing it, the smoke begins to dissipate, like the fireys have one and the air is finally clearing. Or the wind has changed and it's just a short, sweet reprieve. Then it's like standing under a healthy gum tree, completely at peace that it's still alive and growing. Though it could be the first to go next summer.