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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Xanon

  1. Xanon

    Paduan Killer Swarm

    I absolutely love this blend! It *should* not work on my skin as I have issues with Black Licorice and amber...but it is BEAUTIFUL! Wet I get bitter clove and the licorice with hints of the ginger cream. Drying I get more of a dry feeling, I think that is the coconut shell, cinnamon bark, and the tonka making an appearance. Mmm, I can see where the Snake Charmer comparisons are coming from. But this is lighter on my skin, where as SC is a heavy and think scent. Totally dry I am getting all the bits from the drying stage, plus something that is very faintly green. I am guessing the stinging nettle. I am totally impressed by this blend. Before the Bees go away, I am going to be picking up a back up bottle.
  2. Xanon

    Snake Oil Bath Oil

    This is amazing! I am not a big Snake Oil girl, but this? Whoa! Now I get why people rave about aged SO, it is just beautiful. I have tried this both in the water of my bath, and as an after-shower moisturizer. I like is best after the shower, but it was beautiful in the tub too. Very relaxing, and I smell divine!! Super incense-ie at first, with lovely vanilla a bit after my skin cools down from the hot water. I am in love! Definitely going to grab a second bottle of this before it goes away. (PLEASE MAKE IT LAST FOREVER)
  3. Xanon

    Common Jezebel

    Like Catseye, I think it smells amazing in the bottle. Nice and spicy and fruity, I was excited to put this on. Sadly, it was a huge morph-er. There was a moment of plastic coconut and apricot tinged with lemon sugar, which was smothered by vetiver. After a little while all I could smell was apricot and vetiver. It was not all that bad, and the Hub actually liked it. It lasted like WHOA! I put it on at 3:30 in the afternoon, and could still smell it when I got up at 7:30 am. However, a friend of ours asked if I had showered in Axe body products. *SIGH* Not really my thing.
  4. Xanon

    Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey

    Jerusalem cherry infused honey. ME! I had the same feelings that Ralenth did, except that this IS my thing. Green and honey. It gets a little softer as I wear it, but I don't lose the green vine goodness. Totally a hit for me.
  5. Xanon

    The Rat Speakers

    I love green earthy blends... but this is not my thing. I am totally sad because all I am getting from this is furry carmax lip balm. Sad Pandas.
  6. Xanon


    Totally surprised by this. In the bottle: Intense clove and sage. Nothing that is making me want to put this on my skin. Wet: Okay, this is getting better... but there is a period at about the 5 minute mark where this completely disappears from my skin. Dry: Oh, she came back! Sneaky Hunter! And she comes back in much better form! This is a golden colored scent. But not bright gold, more like the color of the grasses in Africa, muted but golden none the less. The clove is now much diminished and the sage is lighter, making this blend absolutely stunning on my skin. Overall, I am really impressed by Hunter. I am very happy that I have a bottle of this.
  7. Xanon

    The Floating Market

    This is making me hungry for curry. In the vial I get a lot of the citrus rind and wasabi root, oh and curry. Yes. Oddly I like it. Wet: Curry and lime. Oh, I am getting REALLY hungry sniffing my hand. This is a really fun blend. Drying down this starts to develop a bit more. I am getting more balsam and herbs and less spices. Still have the citrus rind, but I am also getting some of the advertised wood notes. Dry: Light citrus and herbs, much more green and yellow in feeling. Overall: I really am surprised by this. I liked it in the vial and thought that at the least it would be fun to have as an atmosphere oil. But this is actually quite wearable. Beth, mad props for creating something that captures so completely the feeling that I got while reading the scene of the Floating Market in the book. You are a gifted artist.
  8. Xanon

    Count Dracula

    I have been in love with this blend since first I sniffed it at the Bay Area Meet 'n Sniff last year. I was very graciously able to swap for an imp of this... I am forever thankful. In the vial: Oh, hai sexeh. Spice and wood. Yum. Wet: Oh there is the leather. Mmm, clove like in Hell Gate of Ireland, and ginger, along with what has to be the coffin wood. Its a little bit piney. Dry: This is amazing. Very subtle and yet rich at the same time. Nothing is overpowering the other notes, it is all working in harmony. Dark, sexy, harmony. Overall: Lust. I can't pull my nose away from my arm. THANK YOU RALENTH!
  9. Xanon


    I almost did not skin test this. The vetiver was amazingly sharp in the vial. But, as I am constantly reminded with BPAL, you have to at least try it. Wet: Sandalwood and Hibiscus and Ho wood! Vetiver it tempered down by the other notes. It is still there, but totally kept in line. Dry: Mmm, warm and lovely. Not sharp at all. The white tea is present now, as are the floral notes. Something is hinting at citrus, but I could be making that up. Wow this is really lovely. Overall, I am not sure if I am going to need a bottle right away, but this is going to be a go to scent in the Autumn and winter, I can tell. Really surprised be this.
  10. Xanon

    Sara Pezzini

    Wow, I like this. Wet: I get the leather, which is a note that I LOVE, as well as a slightly musky honey dusted skin. Nice. Dry: The leather is gone, BUT I am left with a very familiar scent. Oh! Has anyone ever tried the Karma Sutra Honey Dust? Its a more adult version of baby powder that has a light honey scent. Well that is exactly what this smells like. Even down to the powdery feeling. Overall, I find this a really interesting blend. I am okay with my imp for now, but I may pick up a bottle in the future.
  11. Xanon


    In the bottle: Mmm, exactly what I was expecting. A little boozey, lots of cherry, and dark vanilla. Wet: Oh wow, this is getting better. More creamy, but a little bit of spice from the Egyptian musk. Wow, I am impressed. Dry: This gets really faint, but holds VERY close to the skin. Overall, this is beautiful. A good one to wear around people who are sensitive to perfumes (in the office, etc.) Lovely blend.
  12. Xanon


    Oh. Swoon. Lust. Drool. In the bottle: A bit sharp. Leather and metal. Hmm, but it is intriguing. Wet: Oh, give it a little space and it starts to really develop. Definitely black leather, but not like Black Rider which I thought was more pleather. Dry: Oh Hai Sexeh! Musky worn leather, machine oil, metallic... all I need is a man to put this on. Unfortunately DH is not into it. Mayhaps I'll sneak it on him while he is sleeping.
  13. Xanon

    Chaos Theory VI: Eris' Tilt-a-Whirl

    Bottle #126: It is becoming apparent that I need to let bottles rest before making up my minds as to how they smell. I honestly thought that this was aqua-net hair spray when I opened it. However, today is another story. There is something smokey in there, along with a little bit of incense and herbs. It is really interesting. But once it gets on to my skin it goes powdery. It probably has amber or orris in it as those two notes turn everything to powder on me. Verdict: Very interesting, but not really for me. *SIGH*
  14. Bottle # 167 This one had me guessing at what the hell is in it. When I first sniffed (fresh from the mail box), it was kind of like sniffing fruity cookies. But the kicker: was it melon fruit or berry fruit? There is something else in here that I am not getting. Today, about 3 days later, in the bottle it smells like vanilla, Carmel, and green apples. Wet on my skin, I am thinking that it could be apple blossom... GAH, my nose really is not good at picking out these notes. When dry, it is VERY pretty. Not too foodie, which I am happy about. It leaves my skin smelling like creamy vanilla fruits, with a hint of something golden. Verdict: Best Chaos for me thus far. Even the hub thinks it is pretty.
  15. Xanon

    The Bow & Crown of Conquest

    It took me a while to actually try this one out. I am not a fan of lavender... too much like those underwear drawer sachets and hippie soap. Carnation and I have an iffy relationship too. It's either creamy or powdery on my skin. Due to those two notes I held back on trying this. But a friend of mine is in love with this blend because of its leather. Being the leather fanatic that I am, I finally decided to grab an imp with my last order. Man, I should have done that AGES ago! I am absolutely in LOVE with this blend! Wet, I smell the sharp sage and cedar, it makes the leather note a bit sharp too. Drying I start to amp the vanilla and carnation, making this a creamy leather. Oh nommy! Dry it is all leather and creamy vanilla with the barest hint of lavender. It is stunning! Not at all masculine, more unisex. I have made a lotion with my imp and ordered a bottle of this goodness. 5/5 for lasting power too!
  16. Xanon

    Staged Moon Landing

    This started out smelling like a medicinal mint. Probably the muguet and white sandalwood making a weird combination. At the 5 minute mark this is perfect! A dusty vanilla with Silver Phoenix... I really like this! 5 minutes after that... what happened? Oh it's YOU orris! You make pretty things turn sickly powdery on my skin. Lame Sauce, I really loved it there for a minute.
  17. Xanon

    Traipsing through the Crop Circles

    On the initial application I got a lot of dirt. I was kind of afraid that would be it for this blend. After about 10 minutes of letting it sit, I get green husk of a corn field. Nommy! Oh, there is a little white corn in there. Now about 20 minutes later I am left with a pretty sunny cornfield and some dirt. I like this! Pleasantly surprised!
  18. Xanon

    Illuminati Cotillion

    Let me start by saying that I really like rose and wood blends. This is a well balanced blend. I think that the rose has a bit of a green tinge to it, which I like. The incense is light, as is the tobacco. I get a lemony note that hints at polished (with pledge) wood. The longer it sits on my skin, the more the green and lemon come out. Kind of sad... where is the smoky incense from the initial application? I had high hopes for this. We'll give i another try in a day or two and see, but this might hit the swap box.
  19. Xanon


    Pleasantly surprised by this one, as I am not a huge lavender OR magnolia fan. I swapped for this out of complete curiosity, as Yvaine is my favorite character in Stardust, and it actually paid off. In the bottle all I get is sharp lavender, but with something else. Perhaps that is the crystalline note. Freshly applied I get the lushness of the magnolia mixing with the lavender. Gee that's pretty. Dry gets a little powdery but it is still beautiful. Not sure how frequently I am going to reach for this, but considering I thought that this was going to be total fail, I am VERY happy with it.
  20. Xanon

    Unexpected Golf Hazard

    In the Imp: sharp green grass clippings. Initial on: still green grass, but there is something a little dirty and sunny coming through. Dry: Stays much the same as the initial application, but just a little sunnier. Lovely.
  21. Xanon

    Clockwork Couture: Male

    Oh man, I really love this one. Spicy and smooth, with some metallic tinges. The sandalwood is beautiful. It does get a little powdery, but not in an unpleasant way. I don't feel like people are giving this enough love. If you liked Hell Gate of Ireland, then this is a must. As some have noted, this is amazing layered with Female.
  22. Xanon

    Lawn Gnome

    I can't believe that I have not posted a review for this yet! This is one of my favorite BPAL's, and ranks high in "smells that make me happy." In the bottle it is candy sweet, but the moss and patchouli make it weird earthy candy. I can see where people would get a fake strawberry from this, but I get a red currant hopped up on creamy sugar. Wet i smell the vanilla cream, currant and green moss. I amp green like crazy, but I like green scents, so this is win for me. Dry I get more patchouli and molasses, but the currants keep it fruity an light. The throw is moderate and it lasts for HOURS! As Purrsnikety said, this aged like a dream. Absolutely love this one.
  23. Xanon


    This is my new Spring scent. It's clean and green, but the melon balances it out very nicely. I was a little skeptical of the freesia, but it is not a dominant note for me. I do get the smashed wood lingering in the background. I really like this. It's what I had hopped that Tis the Voice of the Lobster would smell like. I only wish it lasted longer.
  24. Xanon

    Dragon's Milk

    Oh I really like this one. I have no chemistry issues with Dragons Blood... I know that there are people out there who do. I was looking for something sweet that was NOT O, something about the honey that is in there goes all powdery on me. This does not do that! Imp - Holy smokes that is some thick oil! Getting some plastic in there, as Venneh mentioned. On - No more plastic! I am getting the cherry spice that others have mentioned. It reminds me of a cherry-vanilla cigar, before it is lit. Dry - pretty spicy honeyed vanilla. Oh, I love this!
  25. Xanon

    Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds

    Just got an imp of this today, but I am a little unimpressed. I think that has more to do with skin chemistry then anything else. In the imp i get the same rose that I get in my aged bottle of whip. Whip is my all time favorite rose scent that Beth has out out there and I have tried. There is something a little more delicate in the imp. Smells promising. On this gets a little odd as the coconut tinged orris comes out. I think this is where my skin rebels. Dry this went powdery. I get beautiful rose, a hint of the musk, and powdery orris. Sad. This is not bad, and will probably be great on someone else. But my skin and orris are not meant to be together.