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Everything posted by Xanon

  1. Xanon


    Dryer sheets. High quality dryer sheets. I am not sure how much use I will get out of this, but it is really a beautiful "clean" scent. If you are into the clean linen scent family, do not pass this one up. Happy I got a decant and not a bottle, but I am going to keep this imp on hand for that *what if* instance.
  2. Xanon


    In the imp, it reminds me of Planting Moon - all dirt and veggies. Wet on my skin I got the same feeling, but with what must be the crystal musk coming out. At this stage it really makes me think of Doozers! Sweet but dirty. Dry (about 15 minutes in) - something went floral baby powder on me. It is making my eyes sting, actually. Overall, considering this was something I just wanted to try (because Beth does great imagery with her scents), and not something that I thought would work on my skin, I am happy. I will probably keep this around to huff - or put into some sort of air scenting device... but its a real "no go" on my skin.
  3. Xanon

    A first date kind of scent?

    Hmm, I don't know how it works on you, but I would go for CC:Female if you have it. Its feminine without being flowery. Also, I'd consider Sara Pezzini - the honey dust and leather combination I find get attention without dominating the scene. Good Luck! Have an amazing time, too.
  4. Xanon

    Rosewood, anyone?

    The King of Hearts. I love the rosewood in this blend, and the other notes compliment it nicely.
  5. Xanon

    Halloween: Las Vegas

    Rats, I really wanted this to work for me. All I smell - in the bottle, wet, and dry - is red wine. Its like all the other components were forgotten.
  6. Xanon


    A note: I was hesitant to even order this as vetiver and I normally do not get along. However, I believe that this is my favorite of the RPGs! In the imp this smells like a cross between wheat grass juice and zucchini bread batter - not foody, but liquid and merky. On wet this develops into a beautiful smooth green leather. Still kind of marsh green, but the zucchini balances the blend really well. I am not getting any vetiver. It is playing really well on my skin. Dry this is a sweet green leather. I have no other words for this. I love it. AND it makes me think of orcs - I love when I get the whole experience form a blend that Beth makes, and this does not fail! Bottom line: TRY IT!!
  7. Xanon


    In the imp this is very metallic, and the leather was a bit on the chemical side. On wet this smelled a lot better. The steal dropped out a bit, but the metallic blood tang was still there. The leather softened a bit, much more like the leather in VILF to my nose. Dry Fighter is awesome. It does not change much from the wet, just more worn in - if that makes sense. Not a lot of throw, but damn does this fighter have stamina. If I were to make a decision based on the smell in the imp alone, I would have never tested this. However, I was surprised in the best of ways.
  8. Xanon

    Quirkiest, most bizarre oils

    I'll second the Floating Market, and throw in Splatter Comedy. FM has the oddest scent to my nose, but I freaking love it! I could huff this all day. But I don't like to wear it on my skin. Scent locket for the win! SC smells like banana Runts (those candies), pie crust, and WD-40. Its like my childhood in a bottle.
  9. Xanon


    In the bottle, I get a mesh of the listed notes, with the cherry and lemon peel standing out. Wet I find that I get lots of the Peru balsam... reminiscent of U, but with some vanilla and sugared lemon peel in there. Oh Yumm! Drying the vanilla bean backs out a bit and lets the sugar cane shine a bit. Bitter almond is making this a little funny on my skin. This hangs very close to the skin. Overall, I think that I am going to have to let this sit for a few days before I make any decisions about this. I really like the wet stage though!
  10. Xanon

    Obsessed with Tomato Leaf

    I second Pumpkin III 2009 and Planting Moon. I would also suggest Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey. It is a little on the honey-sweet side, but invokes that great tomato leaf feeling. On a non-BPAL, but totally on par with the tomato leaf love, Burt's Bees makes a tomato leaf toner... I have no idea if it does anything worthwhile for my skin, but I LOVE the smell!
  11. Xanon

    Halloween: San Francisco

    Sorting my horde and decided that it was about time to review this baby. In the bottle this is like a very aquatic version of A Blade of Grass. Drying the leaf note pops on my skin along with the salt. I am holding with my assumption that the leaf note is the same from ABoG. This is pretty. Dry this hangs closer to the skin, and turns a little perfumey. However, my impression is salty cement and trees in the rain. Very evocative of San Francisco in October. I love how Beth does that. Overall this is a very pretty scent. I think that this will get most use when I am going out for an evening with the hub, or out on the town (which happens to be SF for me) with the girls.
  12. Xanon

    Ein Kuss von Krampus

    I agree with Sunshinedaisybliss on this one - it is very much like Cthulhu in Love, but replace aquatic with spice. In the bottle this smells like you mix tootsie rolls with frosty forest notes. Very reminiscent of a few of my 13 blends in terms of what type of chocolate note it has. Wet I get intense blasts of the caraway, pepper and chocolate. Very intense. I put the smallest of drops of oil on my skin, and could smell it in my face from a foot away. (Wrist held out from body) Dry this is better. Not slapping me in the face anymore. I am getting some of the wood notes and juniper in the background now, but this is still predominately caraway, chocolate and pepper. In that order. This is not bad, and I think that with the right skin chemistry this would be amazing. If you find that the 13 blends are frequent winners for you, than Ein Kuss von Krampus should not be missed. Edt. for spelling failure
  13. Xanon

    The Arabian Dance

    As ltrittipoe said, this is like Bow and Crown with out the lavender. I smell almost no coffee at all, and the middle eastern spices only faintly. I get no hazelnut, but that is fine by me as it tends to go sickly sweet on my skin. When I initially put this on I smell a hint of coffee and a little bit of the spices. After about 5 minutes though, its all leather. Don't get me wrong, I am a leather freak, so its not a bad thing. I just wish that there was more coffee to this. Also, I am not sure how much use this will get as I already have a bottle of Bow and Crown... If it develops more spice in the aging process, that I will get more. Otherwise, I'll enjoy this and not freak when I run out. ETA: After letting this sit for a few days, the spices have come out more. It actually has much more depth to it that I had through originally. Also, this layers with Snake Oil Bath Oil like a dream. I lusted after myself when I caught a sniff.
  14. Xanon

    The Soldier

    At the end of the day, to me, this smells like my bottle of Herr Droselmeyer 2006 with the addition of pie crust. I like it. The leather is faint, so for you people out there who wish to wear leather, but your skin amps it like whoa - I suggest trying this. The vanilla In the earlier stages of wear, I get more black tea and pepper with the pie. The leather tends to hang in the background for me through the stages. I am guessing that the pie is cherry or currant... something that pairs with the red musk and vanilla cream very well. Overall I really like this blend. I am happy that I purchased a bottle.
  15. Xanon

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    My bottle of Kitsune-Tsuki was amber glass with the blue border label. I purchased that in Jan 2009 I believe. I have swapped it off since then, but I think that is the style that you are talking about. My next bottle was Whip, which I think I purchased a month later, and that has the GC label that is current.
  16. Xanon


    I get root beer bottle caps. You remember those bottle cap candies when you were a kid? Yep, straight up root beer ones. But I like that. Its a bit more powdery on me than I would prefer, but I like the scent overall. Not a long later either, but it makes me smile, so I don't mind all that much.
  17. Xanon

    Tricksy Bath Oil

    I smell like a sexy man! I am having the hardest time trying to put into words what I am getting from this. At first the was "WHOA HIPPIE" patch, but now after about half an hour I am getting pine forest - but the dryness of cedar - something a little earthy (patch I am sure, but on an extremely small scale), and honey. I think it is the dryness that is throwing me off... my skin feels so soft that my brain is refusing to put it together that the dryness is just an evoked feeling rather than a state. Nice. I am not sure how much use this is going to get, as I am sure DH will not like it (he's still asleep at the moment), but I am really enjoying this. Much more than I thought I would.
  18. Xanon

    Marshmallow Pumpkin

    Oh nommy! I normally stay away from the sugary blends as they have a habit of going squiffy or disappearing on me. This, however, was a pleasant surprise! In the bottle: CINNAMON! and pumpkin, with other pumpkins pie-esque spices. No hint of the sugary fluff. Wet: Still strong cinnamon, but there is a kind of buttery note, like when you are baking and you melt your butter and add your sugar? or like hot cinnamon sugar toast? Dry: Cinnamon has settled down and is now playing well with the others. I am not really reminded of marshmallows, but I do like the scent. Overall, I am totally pleased with this. The throw is not so far, but it lasts a long time hanging out near my skin. I put a test spot on my wrist before bed, and I could still detect it (with my nose shoved up to it) in the morning.
  19. Xanon

    Ginger Skulls

    I have to say that this was a huge disappointment for me. As other reviewers have said, and I am going to echo here, I was hoping for more ginger. In the bottle: Sweet flinstones vitamins? and powdery. Not a good sign. Wet: Okay, there is the pear - this could get better. Dry: Powder disaster. I think that it might be that I can't wear Asian Pear. I ended up with a similar problem with Kitsune Tsuki - which I love in the bottle bet can't wear at all. Overall, the fact that this did not even smell good to me in the bottle is reason enough to be sad. Skin chemistry issues can be solved by a scent locket. Oh well, just not for me.
  20. My imp as well says nothing about Strawberries on the label. In the imp, this is straight up bazooka joe.
  21. Xanon

    The Infernal Lover

    I have to agree that this is the same honey note from O, which makes me very sad. I put this on and it is absolutely gorgeous! I smell sexy! ...and within 2 minutes I smell like gross musky play-doh dipped in honey. No more goodness. I am really sad. All the honey blends that came out over this summer were amazing with my skin chemistry, so the fact that this is more like O is heartbreaking.
  22. Xanon

    Nothing Gold Can Stay

    As was mentioned before, I am reminded of A Blade of Grass (which is one of my top ten BPALs). For me though, this is not the grass aspect of that blend, but the leaves portion. Its like Beth took that leaf note and blended it with the feeling I get from Nostrum Remedium. Ginseng and rooibos evoke the feeling that the wasabi and honey give me from that blend. I do not smell amber at all in this one, but that is fine by me. I am really happy with this blend... more so that I thought I would be.
  23. Xanon

    Shrunken Heads

    I am really glad I picked up an imp of this before I went out an got a bottle. In the imp: green and astringent, not getting any leather at all. Wet: Oh there is the leather. And greenery! But wait... this is not smelling rain forest-ie to me... Dry: I can place it now. This smells like Pais de la Canela - just swap out the cinnamon for leather. Overall, this is not bad. I love leather, and this is a nice solid leather note. The greenery is what throws this for me. It is more evergreens to me than what I would associate with rain forest. Lovely, just not what I was expecting.
  24. Xanon

    Moonshine and Mist

    I had hopes for this one, but sadly I was disappointed. In the imp I smell something along the lines of laundry detergents and Ivory soap. Wet on my skin it is all magnolia, which, in this blend, turns powdery. Dry, I get more of the other notes listed, and it is much improved, but the magnolia's powdery effects are making this a disaster on my skin. It would probably be really pretty on someone who has better luck with magnolia.
  25. Xanon

    Ghoul Hooligan

    This is awesome! In the bottle I get a thinner version of Dark Chocolate and Pepper-smoked caramel. Much more spicy though. Wet on my skin its all cinnamon and a hint of chocolate and yeast. When I say yeast, it is totally faint, but adding to the beer feel. Dry this is really lovely. Someone mentioned chai spices, and I have to agree. This is chocolate and chai lightly lingering on my skin. Light to moderate throw, and pretty modest lasting time. Happy that I tracked down a bottle of this as it is going to get some serious use.