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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by thekittenkat

  1. If you're a US citizen who voted for Trump. please PM me so we can unfriend each other.

  2. Summer is still quite hot!

  3. Might be off-line for a couple of days.

  4. I'm behind on everything right now. BF was sick last wk; I was sick over weekend, & had to rush dog to ER vet. Just the basic crazies.

  5. Here's a post abt a beautiful rescue cat named Victor who has a blocked urethra and his owner has no money to pay for it: http://slarmstrong.tumblr.com/post/105641215910/meet-victor-hes-our-three-year-old-rescue-we The Go Fund Me is here: http://www.gofundme.com/SaveVictor Please help if you can, and please boost the signal. I once had a cat who had this same problem, 15 yrs ago, and it was $800. I can well believe that such an op is even more expensive, along w/ everything else.

  6. Nestle former CEO says water not a basic human right http://themindunleashed.org/2014/05/nestle-ceo-water-human-right-privatized-2.html Boycott all Nestle products! The company's greed has destroyed any moral compass that their leadership/owners may have once had. This is just the sort of evilness that SF authors have warned us for years. Those water riots will happen. Support charity:water http://www.charitywater.org/ And stop drinking bottled water--if you're in a 1st world c...

  7. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes! :)

  8. The black stripe egg hashatched! Please PM me the link to the spilt egg. And many thanks!

  9. Hi Aleah! Let me get back to you as soon as the black stripe egg hatches!

  10. Hi there!

    Be sure and come over to the Unicreatures forum here in the Entertainment forum. :)

    Glad that you are here! :) *hugs*
