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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by thekittenkat

  1. thekittenkat


    In the bottle: Spicy prunes. And something sparkly, probably the lemony mead. Wet: The lemony mead is front and center! But now it's being tempered by the prune soup and rice pudding. The Dry-down: The prune soup, rice pudding, and mead are blending together nicely. Foodie, but more of a skin scent. Didn't get any smoky hearth, which is fine by me. I like that for a foodie scent, the lemon mead makes it sparkle.
  2. thekittenkat


    This is for the 2009 blend. In the bottle: A very brisk day, full of cool mints. Wet: This oil feels rather cool on my skin. The cool mints are present, with a wintermint and a spearmint coming out in the mix. No peppermint to discern. As with the previous version, there may be a very light, delicate white or skin musk serving as the base. The dry-down: As with the earlier blend, this tends to become a little less minty and a tad bit sweeter as it dries, but not foodie sweet. I still think that the comparison to Dublin, Ice Queen, and Skadi hold true. It's not sweet like Snow White. If there are any florals in this, they are herbal and complement the mints beautifully. This scent is more icy than snowy.
  3. thekittenkat

    The Peacock Queen

    This is a medium rose, not light like a tea rose, not dark like Blood Rose or Black Rose. To me, it's a bit sweeter than the PQ that went all to powder on me (not sure if it was 05 or 07). I don't get aquatics in this, nor do I get the green stems and florist shop coldness that I sometimes have gotten in Rose Red. An elegant scent for a sophisticated woman.
  4. thekittenkat

    Snow White

    For the 2009 version. In the bottle: Gently sugared snow. Wet: There's a bright, sparkling high note at first. It's almost like a dept. store perfume, for a moment. There's some ozone and the lightest hint of florals. The dry-down: It turns a little bit more sweet and more snowy as it dries. The coconut note is present but not as strong as in the 2008 version. I think some aging will work wonders on this year's blend.
  5. thekittenkat

    Pink Snowballs

    I compared Snow White and Pink Snowballs side-by-side last night at WC and they aren't the same, or similar, at least not to me. If Pink Snowballs reminds me of anything, it's Hope from the Carnaval Diabolique. Hope is a richer scent, whereas Pink Snowballs is lighter. In the bottle: Like, pink sugar and roses. Wet: It's now a light pink rose, like a tea rose. There's still the sugar, and some snow. The dry-down: This is not a morpher on me. It's much the same throughout, a pink rose that's been sprinkled with sugar before the snow came falling down. It's a light, delicate skin scent.
  6. thekittenkat

    Sol Invictus

    For the 2009 version. There's a lot of citrus and other fruits. The florals make it bright. I like the citrus fruits in this, especially the tangerine. There needs to be more BPAL scents with tangerine and blood orange as major notes. (NOTE: I did not pick up blood orange as a note in Sol Invictus.) Dry-down was a soft, warm, golden scent.
  7. thekittenkat

    Mother Shub's Pfancy Pfefferneusse

    Smells like the best bakeshop in Germany around. Very cookie (of course), with hints of almond and pepper; the rest of the spice notes were even fainter. (I do like the cookies in RL, so may get a bottle of this for year-around sniffing.) I was very pleased that this wasn't almond all the time, as I usually amp the dickens out of almond.
  8. thekittenkat

    The Fruit of Paradise

    If you liked the earlier version, you will like this 2009 one, I think. The pomegranate is sweet, not bitter, very yummy in its fruitiness. I'm not getting any spicy notes, though. There's a lot of sugar, but this isn't girlie pink like, say, Velvet Unicorn, but more of a sexy dark and deep pink scent but still sweet.
  9. thekittenkat

    Mother Shub's Toothsome Banketstaaf

    I amp almond, so that's all I got at first, both in the bottle and then on my skin. After a while, the apricot came out to play. Never got any cherries, though, not like I have a problem with that, or anything. This scent makes me want to try the real thing. It's a nice yummy food scent.
  10. thekittenkat

    Lick It Til It's Sticky

    The usual: very sugary sweet and peppermint. Really, better than the candy canes themselves. It's strong, and lasts a long time. It reminds of all the other years' versions.
  11. thekittenkat

    Mother Shub's Spiced Lait de Chèvre

    Anyone who knows me very well knows that I hate store-bought egg nog, so I didn't expect anything out of this. But the goat's milk note is very nice and creamy. It's not too sweet, and thank goodness the coffee note doesn't rise up and slay all the other notes as it usually does on me. I'm surprised by the idea that out of the three Mother Shubs oils, this might become my fave. As the evening wore on, this just got better and better. It's a foodie scent that's more like a skin scent.
  12. thekittenkat

    Mason & Jenkin's Port Jelly

    This was very strong to sniff right out of the bottle! It's very much a red wine scent, and I'll swear that there's some red musk in there somewhere. After it dried down, I got more of the red currant note.
  13. thekittenkat

    Snow Scents!

    Now that's an amazing list! I love Beth's snow note, so I have a lot of these, and am looking forward to the new scents and also the resurrected ones for this year.
  14. thekittenkat


    In the bottle: Musk, something sweet, maybe fruity, some spices or incense--it's a sweet darkness. Wet: A sweet dark cake, being eaten in a room where there's some dark fruits in a bowl, like blood oranges, too ripe peaches, plums. Nearby, perhaps in another room, someone is burning a lovely incense, full of amber and resins. The dry-down: Just yummy and foodie, but not in a lick-your-wrist sort of way. This is what fruitcake should smell and taste like. I like this a lot and will be wearing it some during the winter holidays. My only complaint is that it doesn't last long and I have to re-apply. And the name of the scent is pretty, but I would have expected a lot of ozone for some reason with such a name.
  15. thekittenkat


    This review is for the 2005 version. In the bottle: Like standing in an evergreen forest, at night, no wind, no snow, just the scent of the trees all around. Wet: A very powerful pine/fir/Christmas tree scent. There also seem to be a hint of citrus, very faint. The dry-down: Still very much the evergreen scent. No juicy berries here. This may go into an oil burner, or head off to the sales/swap pile. It's a very evocative perfume oil, but as others have said, I don't want to smell like an evergreen tree with no other notes to calm the scent down and ground it. This scent does not morph on me at all. I'll try it on the bf and post back as to how it works on him.
  16. thekittenkat

    Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller

    Coconut and a bit of sugar with pomegranate, pink musk, orange blossom, cypress, honey myrtle, and incense. All the notes look and sound lovely, so let's see how this goes. In the bottle: Spicy, sugary fruits floating on that pink musk. Wet: There's the orange blossom as a top note, pink musk as the bottom note, a whiff of the incense, and all the fruits rolled in powder sugar. Otherwise, this is rather the same as in the bottle. The dry-down: Lovely and delicate, yet strong underneath. I like that this scent is not a morpher on me. I'm not sure what honey myrtle is supposed to smell like, but it may be that note that keeps this from being too sweet. And I'm not getting red musk, but pink musk, and that's wonderful.
  17. thekittenkat

    Lilith vs. the Giant Crab

    In the bottle: Tangerine is one of my favourite fruits, and this smells just like I started to peel one. Wet: The benzoin and ambergris are swamping all the other notes. This oil is sticky, too, just like the fruit. The dry-down: It's all sandalwood and pear now. Where did my lovely tangerine go? This is one for the scent locket, obviously. And another morpher.
  18. thekittenkat

    Tattie Bogle

    In the tester: Hay and sunshine and patch. Wet: All the notes are present and are doing that wonderful combination thing. The dry-down: It's very much as though I was standing at the edge of a noon-time woods, off to walk in the fields where some patchouli-wearing folks have been shooting at hay-stuffed targets. There was a bottle of this at the August DSWC; I would have been happy to buy it then and there. The hay note is the same one as in Hay Moon, if memory serves.
  19. thekittenkat

    Pumpkin I (2009)

    Last of this year's Patch to be tested. In the imp: Why, hello there, almond! Wet: All almond, all the time. At the moment, this is disappointing. The dry-down: Finally starting to get some of the honey note, and a touch of pumpkin, and a hint of the brown musk deep in the mix. Everything is slowly mixing into a lovely blend. I was hoping that this would be beautiful from the notes, but that blast of almond was rather off-putting. I suspect that this will will do much better with some age on it. Next autumn this should be very lovely, with the almond note hopefully mellowing out. (Note: this does not seem to be the same brown musk note as in Whoso List To Hunt, thank goodness.)
  20. thekittenkat

    Pumpkin II (2009)

    Pumpkin, rosewood, red sandalwood, and tea rose. In the imp: Sandalwood and rose, and a grace note of pumpkin. Wet: Morphing into lots of rose, with the sandalwood deep in the mix, and a buttery note from the pumpkin somewhere in the middle. The dry-down: This has become a lovely light tea rose. The red sandalwood note gives it a touch of spice, and the faint pumpkin note grounds it. Not getting any of the rosewood note. The sandalwood reminds me a bit of MB:U, although the sweetness here is of rose and not vanilla. A very light and delicate scent that has some depth to it.
  21. thekittenkat

    Pumpkin V (2009)

    I'll say right off that I like to drink coffee, but not smell like it, but since this has a coffee bean scent in it, now that I have finally located the decant, I thought that I would try this, and also because I want to know what the hazelnut note is like, since it doesn't get used very much. In the imp: Lots of coffee, just what I was afraid of. Wet: Still coffee, but the beginnings of being slightly tempered by the other notes. The chocolate and the vanilla are present, but I have no clue where the pumpkin or hazelnut is. The dry-down: Wish I was getting that pumpkin spice latte scent that others have gotten, but, alas, it's not to be. This is more like a plain cup of joe that someone has put in some of the chocolate and the vanilla from the shakers. I just amp coffee, and that's that. It does smell good, though. Ah, there's a hint of pumpkin, now, but faint, as though I wandered into a kitchen where someone had baked pumpkin bread the day before.
  22. thekittenkat

    Perle von Mauren

    In the imp: Florals, a hint of blood, and fresh moist dark earth. Wet: The metallic copper tang of the blood and the sweetness of the heliotrope have overwhelmed the soil. In fact the flower and the blood are combining to make a richer and deeper scent than I would have imagined. The dry-down: The wet dirt has dried up and is blowing away, the flower is dead, and the blood no longer runs freely. A fascinating scent, but I can't imagine when or where I would wear it. But then, I said that about Graveyard Dirt, and yet I have a bottle. At any rate, this doesn't come off as an autumnal scent to me. There's a coolness about it, so it might be good in early spring, when a sudden frost can still come and wreak havoc amongst the buds. Yet another morpher.
  23. thekittenkat

    Mabon 2004

    First, I must say that I love blackberry fruit and leaf scents, and also apple scents, and so this has been a bit of a Holy Grail for me. In the decant: Apples and blackberries all mixed together with something that's a little spicy and herbal. Wet: snuffs deeply at wrist My goodness, but that is one of the best things ever! This smells exactly like walking through an apple orchard in the autumn. In the next field/meadow over is where they make apple cider in a little old stone building covered with ivy and surrounded by copses of hazels and overshadowed by oaks. There's a fence in-between with last of the season blackberries growing amongst a tangled thick vine, and some wild sage hiding under the brambles. In the cider-house is a shelf to one side with various jars of spices and other goods. For some reason, a jar of myrrh is open slightly. Off to one side is a barrel of hops, in hopes of apple beer. The Dry-Down: Exquisite. If there's a matter of component issues, I sincerely hope that one day they can be resolved, and that Beth can re-create this work of almost sheer perfection once again. Until then, I will treasure my decant. And, best of all, this is not a morpher on me, as from first to last, it's just the same lovely scent. If only apple cider or hard cider or apple beer tasted as good as this smells... If you like blackberries and/or apples, this is the perfume oil of wonder. Thank you, LittleBird, for allowing me to experience this beautiful perfume oil.
  24. thekittenkat

    Lucy in Darkness Atmosphere Spray

    This is about as opposite from Lucy's Boudoir Spray as one can imagine. I sniffed the tester and found all the scents present, very strongly. After spraying, it's rather intense, very cloying in an almost sickly-sweet fashion. If one were to spray this in a room, and then apply Lucy, Kissed, the two scents would work well together, but at the same time, the result could be a little too intense, perhaps. These are elegant scents, but I'm not a femme fatale and I don't think that I could carry these off.
  25. thekittenkat

    Lucy's Boudoir Atmosphere Spray

    Just sniffing the tester I get the rosewater and lavender right away, but the florals just seem to be a selection of light and white flowers. There's a hint of sweetness, which must be the honey. After I spray it, the light, delicate feeling continues. This would be a lovely room spray for spring-time for those who love gentle florals that don't overwhelm. It's very pretty in an old-fashioned lady-like style.