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Everything posted by thekittenkat

  1. thekittenkat

    La Calavera Catrina

    In the decant: Yet another well-blended scent, as no one note predominates. Wet: Some sharpness from the mums and marigolds is obvious. The dry-down: At the last, I'm finally getting the autumn leaves with a hint of coolness. What a morpher! I like it, but don't need more.
  2. thekittenkat

    Muse of the Night

    A soft, resinous indigo musk with black currant, ylang ylang, Tunisian jasmine, opoponax, rose otto, benzoin, Tahitian vanilla bean, and opium tar. In the bottle: All the notes have sprinkled on some fresh roses. Nice. Wet: Still a lovely rose with those other well-blended notes. Dark, but not too dark. Sweet, in a floral style, not foodie. The vanilla bean affords a gentle shot of sweetness. The dry-down: The indigo musk has finally appeared, and seems to have drenched the other notes as it competes with the rose. A lovely dark and deep scent, perfect for wearing out at night, whether for a walk in the country or the city. A scent fit for an elegant woman.
  3. thekittenkat

    The Mandrake Charm

    In the decant: Basil, myrrh and olibanum give a nice sweet fresh scent. Wet: Much as when sniffed. The dry-down: Only a hint of the lemongrass came through, thank goodness, as it usually takes over any scent that it's in. Does not seem to morph, which makes it nice. Lovely scent for spring and summer.
  4. thekittenkat

    The Changeling

    In the bottle: Gentle pumpkin and sweet vanilla with hints of wood and cloth. Wet: The wood and linen are over-powering the pumpkin and vanilla. The dry-down: Now everything has calmed down, and all the notes have blended together. This is a good scent for autumn.
  5. thekittenkat

    La Mort: Mon ironie dépasse toutes les autres!

    In the bottle: That's a beautiful red rose accord--very rich, like smelling a freshly-cut rose. Wet: The rose is being tempered by the pom and the anise. The dry-down: Mostly rose and anise. Not sure where all the other notes scampered off to. I like the cold sniff the best, so this will go in the scent locket.
  6. thekittenkat

    Garden of Death

    In the decant: Bitter loam and herbal plants. Is there rue in this? Wet: The soil is wetter and fresher now, and the plants are green and growing. Well-blended, as no particular plant note jumps out. The dry-down: As this goes along, it's a little bit fresher and greener. I could see wearing this in the springtime. It's rather a nice garden, after all; in fact I think of it as a garden of life.
  7. thekittenkat

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Thanks to everyone who has posted pics of the labels.
  8. thekittenkat

    Devil's Night

    Note: this is for the 2011 version. In the decant: Sweet smokey musk. Wet: Much as when sniffed, only a bit sweeter. The dry-down: Now getting a hint of those burning autumn leaves. So far, I like this better than the 2009 release. As this goes along, the leaves and the sweet smokey musk have blended together in a lovely melding.
  9. thekittenkat

    Pumpkin Latte

    In the decant: Smells like a good pumpkin spice latte, only not so spicy. Wet: The bitterness of the coffee cut through all the other yummy notes, sad to say. The dry-down: Still mostly mildly bitter coffee, with only hints of all the other yummy notes. Not as much bitter coffee as last year's version. If this got made with the coffee bean note instead of the espresso note, I would be totally in love and would wear it all autumn. As it is, there's always the scent locket to save lovely scents from my wonky skin chemistry, thank goodness!
  10. thekittenkat

    Halloween: Las Vegas

    In the bottle: Sugar, wine, Dorian, and Snake Oil. Wet: Much as in the bottle, but more with the Snake Oil on the sweetie. The dry-down: From first to last, this scent stays true to itself on me, Still more Snake Oil on him, though. Might layer with Dorian for an added kick of tea.
  11. thekittenkat

    Araw Ng Mga Patay

    In the decant: There's flowers in a vase on the kitchen table; on the stove, a pot of caramel is slowly cooking. Wet: And now something sharp has appeared. The dry-down: A hint of sweetness has returned, probably from the flan, the muffins, and the cake. The wet stage just does this in for me, though. I'll probably wear what I have in a scent locket, even though the dry-down is pleasant. I like the strong caramel note that I get from sniffing the bottle.
  12. thekittenkat

    Le Revenant

    In the decant: Many florals sprinkled with cognac and musk, only lightly. Wet: The narcissus and muget are doing what they usually do, turning sharp and nasty. The dry-down: Yep, that brown musky scent from the muget, aided and abetted by the narcissus, has over-ridden all the other notes, alas. I was hoping for a lovely gardenia and sandalwood scent, backed by the musk.
  13. thekittenkat


    Note: this is for the 2011 version. In the imp: Lots of vetiver and autumn leaves. Wet: Now the patch comes out, but the leaves and the vetiver are still very strong. The dry-down: There is now some sharpness from the geranium and the clove. Certainly a scent for those who don't like the autumn. If there was more patch and leaves, and less of the vetiver and the geranium, I would like it a lot better.
  14. thekittenkat


    Note: this review is for the 2011 version. In the bottle: Gorgeous! Roses, dark and lovely, dipped in copal and agave, then rolled in wood chips and tobacco. Wet: Suddenly, it's mostly cigar tobacco, but some rose and copal hovering nearby. The dry-down: Thank goodness all the other notes (with the exception of the spices) return to temper the tobacco. It's now more like what I sniffed in the bottle. Still, I might put it in the scent locket when I want a stronger rose note.
  15. thekittenkat

    The Vampire Bride

    In the decant: A very well-blended scent, with all the notes swirling around in a heady but light mixture. Wet: The white tea is the most obvious note at the moment. The dry-down: Very much a skin scent, probably because of the skin musk. A cool scent, also, Yet another scent that I would save for late winter/early spring, a gentle and lovely tea scent, touched by all the other notes, but not over-powered by them.
  16. thekittenkat

    Nothing But Death

    In the decant: It's a misty day in the early spring, when winter can still return. Some green things are braving the cool winds to push their way out of the moist dirt. Wet: The sharpness of the green plants takes center stage, but the lovely violets crowd in the background. The dry-down: Nicer than expected, since the Lab's violet note usually does not work on me. This is pleasing to me. Although I suspect those black fruits may be adding to the lovely but faint sweetness. It will be a late winter/early spring scent for me.
  17. thekittenkat

    The Night Hag Visiting The Lapland Witches

    In the bottle: Pine, but tempered by the other notes. Wet: Now the pine seems more fresh and green, but there's a hint of the smoke and the frank. The dry-down: I had expected this to be be a stronger scent and to last longer, but it does seem to be becoming somewhat faint and fading fast. I'm glad I have a half-bottle, as it's a nice pine scent, but I may have to slather.
  18. thekittenkat

    Expressive Head

    In the decant: Whoa! Lots of vetiver, backed up with the teakwood and the green pepper. Wet: Ah, now the clove and champaca come through a glass, darkly. The dry-down: Getting some of the clove, but the vetiver and green pepper have come roaring back. Not sure where the patch wandered off to. Tried on the bf, and on him it's woodsy green pepper all the time. Not sure that I like this, but it does illustrate the painting amazingly.
  19. thekittenkat


    The label is very amusing! In the bottle: More like a dark baking chocolate or cocoa powder, after a careful rolling so that the gloopy chocolate bits would mix in, but there's other notes hiding in the depths. Wet: Not really a sweet chocolate at all, and the oleander is rather present. The dry-down: This reminds me of the 13 series, with all the different notes mixed in with the chocolate/cocoa note, thus saving it from being too foodie! (Mind you, I like foodie chocolate scents, but it's nice to have a non-foodie take once in a while.) The oleander seems to be retreating a bit, and the sandalwood and musk are giving Batty an interesting depth. This may work better on the bf.
  20. thekittenkat

    A Nocturnal Reverie

    In the decant: Mostly the bpal violet note, but with other scents tempering it in the background. Wet: A musky violet. The dry-down: This is such a well-blended scent, and it's lovely. This is a big surprise for me, because usually the Lab's violet note turns a little sharp on me, alas, and I love violets so. However I think all the dark notes are keeping it in check, and because it's a violet musk, not just violet, that's also probably part of why this is working. I got it mostly for the ambergris, wood, currant and fig notes, not to mention that I was curious about lavender incense. And I was hoping that the amber wouldn't go to powder on me, as it often does, but it might be heading in that direction. I think I'll save this for springtime.
  21. thekittenkat

    Sonnet D'Automne

    In the bottle: Hints of all the notes, but overall is the aquatic feel of the shivering white musk. Wet: Cold and somewhat aquatic leaves, green not dry. The dry-down: The vanilla-infused white cocoa is making its presence known again, with hints of the amber incense. The leaves are now seer and frost-coated. The way this morphs captures the outdoors of the autumn in an interesting fashion. I rather like this and may have to stock up. Love the poem, of course. If this scent was a tea, I'd be drinking it all year-round, as hot tea in cooler times, and iced tea in the warmer months.
  22. thekittenkat

    Candied Pumpkin

    In the bottle: Sweet liquid candy sugared pumpkin mash. Wet: Seriously, like a pumpkin liquor! The dry-down: Mellows out in the dry-down, with the almost butterscotch liquor note fading away in front of the spices. I liked this better when wet (and thus will probably go to the scent locket). Seriously cute vintage or vintage-style label.
  23. thekittenkat

    Ghosts In Love

    In the decant: Cool pale florals with a hint of something aquatic. Wet: Much the same as when sniffed. The dry-down: This scent doesn't really morph, which is nice. I was really worried about the lily of the valley, as that can turn sharp on me (leaving a sort of brown scent--I can't describe it any better than that!), but the other florals, along with the slight spice of the sandalwood and the sweetness of the magnolia (not a heavy note, here) and the rose, are keeping this lily note in check. I like this scent, but don't think that I need more. It's a subtle skin scent, for when you want scent, but don't need every one else to know that you are wearing perfume.
  24. thekittenkat

    An Incubus Leaving Two Sleeping Women

    In the bottle: Lots of that brown musk! That's what I was afraid of. Wet: Brown musk, but the vanilla-infused white honey and ylang ylang are struggling to break through. The dry-down: All the other notes have come through, but faintly. If it wasn't for the brown musk (no kidding, it really is feral), this would have been an amazing scent, as I love all the other notes. But no, brown musk has got to wear its stomping boots to the party and try to ruin things for me. I will say that things are better once it has had time to dry, but the wet stage is a bit difficult. It's certainly an autumnal and winter scent in feel, esp. for where I live, since it rarely snows here. I usually wear Samhain or Falling Leaf Moon for our walks in the woods, but this might work as well.
  25. thekittenkat

    John Barleycorn

    This review is for the 2011 version. In the decant: All the notes! Wet: Very beery. The dry-down: There's a hint of barley (a sort of yeasty note) and that metallic copper tang of blood seeping through now. The sweetness of the whiskey tames the beer. However, like all perfume oils with alcohol notes, I probably wouldn't wear this whilst driving.