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Everything posted by thekittenkat

  1. thekittenkat


    This is for Boo 2012. In the bottle: Sweet vanilla cream, with just the softest hint of something fruity, perhaps like a berry? Wet: Now a little more sugary and a little more fruity. The dry-down:Settles back down into the vanilla cream, not so sweet or fruity, and just a slight hint of the cotton note. So far this is my fave Boo, ever since the scent debuted.
  2. thekittenkat

    Vol. 1 - Tricks & Treats Hard Candies

    GHOULISH Black cherry, and coconut amaretto, gently laced with saffron. BLUE PUMPKIN FLOSS Puffy clouds of pumpkin candyfloss with a trickle of blackberry juice. AUTUMN CIDER Fermented apple juice, brown sugar, spice, lemon zest, butterscotch liquor, and orange slices. Beautiful tin with a lovely vintage Halloween picture. The hard candies inside are yummylicious without being too sweet or too overpowering in flavour. If you like old-fashioned candy, please don't miss out!
  3. thekittenkat

    Autumn Lace

    In the bottle: On cold sniff, this reminds more of Antique Lace more than Black Lace, which is quite fine with me, mixed with a fallen leaf note. Wet: The sweetness is fading somewhat. The dry-down: This lovely scent doesn't morph too much as it dries down, although the incense note comes out more to the foreground. The leaf note may be indeed the same from my beloved Falling Leaf Moon. I've often dabbed a bit of Milk Chocolate Buttercream on FLM to give it a touch of sweetness, but might try Boo! instead. If you like any of the scents with dead/dried/fallen leaf notes, this is certainly one to try.
  4. thekittenkat

    Scent for Halloween?

    Samhain '12 today, and which ever All Souls bottle I first put my hands on tomorrow.
  5. thekittenkat

    Apple Orchard Atmosphere Spray

    Lots of tart crisp red apples, ready to go plop onto the black-brown dirt beneath the apple trees. There's woods for sure, and far off in the distance, a touch of woodsmoke on the gentle breeze. Beautiful and evocative.
  6. thekittenkat

    Scents for late summer into autumn

    A little bump. Adding my two cents. Aged Snake Oil. Aged O. Lady Una--the honey is so good. The Phoenix in Autumn--lovely scent, and not heavy like Samhain, as an example. Any of the apple-based scents. Hay Moon, Mead Moon, Storm Moon. The three Summer's End scents from '09: Under the Harvest Moon (not as lovely as any Harvest Moon on me), The Last Rose of Summer (perfect except for the bad orris), and Shadowless like Silence (a bit powdery, but drying like the end of summer). Also Lughnasadh sounds perfect and Mabon (I prefer the '04 version to the '10) is perfect. Atlas, if you like sweetish milky coffee drank in the woods. (I associate drinking coffee with the cooler and cold months.) Nonae Caprotina, as figs ripen at the end of summer.
  7. thekittenkat

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    I looked back through the thread and there are some GC autumn-like scents that were suggested. Otherwise, jump on one of the decant circles so you can try the Limited Edition (LE) Halloweenies as a sample, like an imp.
  8. thekittenkat

    Ae. Aegypti

    Five honeys with vanilla orchid, gardenia, dragon's blood resin, gingergrass, and turmeric. In the decant: Honey, but not sweet, more herbal in feeling. Wet: Still an herbal honey. The dry-down: Getting some sweetness from the vanilla orchid and the gardenia, but still herbal in nature. I rather like this.
  9. thekittenkat

    Ruddy Daggerwing

    In the decant: lots of the coffee! Wet: The other notes come bouncing back, thank goodness! The dry-down: I don't really care for the combination of chocolate and orange, like in those Christmas treats, but this isn't bad. Might be a nice scent at Christmas time, actually. Much more lovely than expected because of the ebony and orange notes.
  10. thekittenkat

    White Peacock

    In the decant: Woods and more woods on a base of orchid and tonka. Wet: The ebony wood is most prominent. The dry-down: Yes, the woods have blended back together, along with all the others into a scent that I shall wear this autumn. It just has that feeling.
  11. thekittenkat

    Bernardino Dotted Blue

    In the decant: Patch, choco mint, tobacco. Promising. Wet: The florals come zooming along! Note: the oil is very reddish in colour. The dry-down: Strangely, it's all calmed down and blended together in a faint, slightly sweet floral, that's not terrible but really isn't my style. Morphed like nothing that I have ever smelt and tested before!
  12. thekittenkat

    Ae. Albopictus

    In the decant: Intense pepper and tomato leaf and the other spices. Wet: Alas, the geranium jumps out. This reminds me of the potted plants that my grandmother had blooming on her front porch all summer long, a nice memory. The dry-down: More and more sharp = me, more and more sad. I was hoping for a tomato leaf/honey/beeswax-dominated blend, but no such luck.
  13. thekittenkat

    Passion Butterfly

    In the decant: Amber dominates the citrus notes. Wet: Citrus notes, mostly. The dry-down: Now the notes are blending together in a musky medley ( the "musky" note is probably coming from the amber. ) Certainly a morpher!
  14. thekittenkat

    Ceanothus Silkmoth

    In the decant: very well-blended perfume oil. Wet: Woah! There's the citrus! The dry-down: The blood orange is being over-ridden by the wood and moss, but not quite. The sharpness of the citrus is still rather a loud note.
  15. thekittenkat

    Juniper Hairstreak

    In the decant: Ozone tempered by the other notes. Lovely Wet: Seems to be turning sweeter. The dry-down: Alas, the brown musk is coming to the foreground and dominating the blend. Yet another one that doesn't work in the dry-down.
  16. thekittenkat

    Sphaeromachia Gaumeri

    In the decant: Musty lemon peel all the way! Wet: More of the same, with a faint hint of the spices. The dry-down: This has not morphed as it dried. Not my thing. Never got even a hint of the current.
  17. thekittenkat

    Zebra Heliconian

    In the decant: Nice combination of scents that smells somewhat herbal. Wet: Cedar, frank, opium tar and coffee are the most obvious notes. The dry-down: Now the dread lemongrass starts to rear its ugli head, alas. I like this better wet. I was afraid of the lemongrass and rightly so.
  18. thekittenkat

    Polynesian Pop

    POLYNESIAN POP Ginger ale, white rum, and a squeeze of orange. As advertised: fizzy ginger ale spiked with orange juice and rum. I think I would rather have this as a real drink, but it's nice as a scent. Stays true to itself from beginning to end.
  19. thekittenkat

    Silver-Haired Bat

    In the bottle: OMG! *eyes roll up* Just an amazing scent, with the cedar, the balsam, the benzoin, the ambergirs and the oudh. Wet: ZOMG! This is one of the most marvelous things that I have ever scented on myself. All the notes, with the exception of the black pepper, are medling together. Glorious! I am in . The dry-down: Okay, trying to calm down here. Sweet dry cedar, with some vanilla and ambergris mixed in, and the resins of the oudh to keep it grounded. A wonderful skin scent! Beth, thank you for creating this divine scent--truly you were inspired! To say that I want-nay, need more of this is an understatement.
  20. thekittenkat

    Pteropus Leucopterus

    In the decant: The sage is first off the mark, followed by the frank, and a light hint of the patch. Wet: As I applied this to my wrist, the patch just exploded. The dry-down: Well, if I had wanted a SN Patch, I would have looked for one. :| I'll just wear this in the scent locket. Later: The SO detected some sandalwood, and I'm getting a hint of the balsam, but we both agreed that this is mostly patch.
  21. thekittenkat

    Great Vampire Bat

    In the decant: As advertised! Only, with extra incense! Wet: The incense calms down the moment it hits my wrist. The dry-down: As this dries down, the lovely orchid blooms into some sweetness. Really, not as much of a morpher as I might have made it sound. I can see this scent being worn by a Hollywood leading lady of the '40s and '50s in a film noir film. Very grown-up and elegant, beautiful, but not really my style.
  22. thekittenkat


    MIAIPHONOS Blood-Stained Clove, anise, mandarin, and cumin. What this reminds me of is a cloved orange. It's a Yule tradition in some places. You basically core little holes into the fresh ripe orange in a spiral path, and then place whole cloves in those cuts. Then you wrap a pretty ribbon around the orange, along the path in-between the cloves, leaving a long loop at the top, and hang it on a hook. Lovely smell throughout the holidays. Seriously, I didn't pick up a lot of cumin or anise when this was wet. In the much later stage of the dry-down, they are more present, as though the cloved orange had been hanging in your kitchen for a while, and was starting to dry out, and had picked up some spices. It's a mild perfume oil, and could make a lovely Yuletide scent, especially in an oil burner. The mandarin orange is the dominant note, but it's not overwhelming as citrus can be sometimes. The clove and orange work together to make a lovely scent.
  23. thekittenkat


    In the bottle: Black orchid and currant, touched with lavender and oakmoss. Wet: The black orchid is more present now. The dry-down: This dries down into a dark but slightly powdery lavender scent. Quite a morpher. It's as though all the dark notes combined into one scent and then darkened the lavender into a dried form. Nothing fresh here, but more like a dried herbal scent. I wouldn't refer to it as nightmarish, but it's certainly not for those who prefer their lavender fresh out of the fields.
  24. thekittenkat


    In the bottle: Lots of lavender, but with something sharp behind, probably the mum. Wet: The vetiver and mum are trying to drown the lovely lavender. The dry-down: In the end I'm left with a hint of tobacco and lavender. Interesting, but I won't need more than the partial bottle. Blue lotus doesn't turn into pink bubblegum, which is nice!
  25. thekittenkat


    In the bottle: Red rose and frankincense--lovely. Wet: The rose is not so prominent now. The dry-down: The rose faded into the background, and the calla lily finally appeared, with a hint of the amber (which is not too powdery!). No mum, thank goodness. There's a fresh coolness to this scent now, which probably comes from a combination of the calla lily and the daphne aka laurel. It isn't ozone-like or aquatic, either. Perhaps it's just the feeling of walking through a garden early in the morning as the dew is drying. Very delicate and light and quite a morpher, but in a slow and soft fashion. Alas, it fades fast. I may order another bottle, as the half-bottle I have now won't last, as I will have to slather or touch-up quite often. I love calla lilies, and the artwork is elegant, as befits the Mother of God--the bf and I were just discussing Christian iconography the other night as regards Aslan and the Lion of Judah, so this elegant and delicate scent fits right in with my current research.