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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by azurephoenix

  1. azurephoenix

    How to make a paypal order.

    yups you will get a Paypal CnS.
  2. azurephoenix

    Green Tree Viper

    I'm really glad I'd doing DC circles of the Carnaval, I'm finding scents that I absolutely love that I would never have picked for myself. This is one of them. In the bottle: orangey vanilla mint When I first apply it, it's whoa MINT! This lasts for about 5 minutes. Within 15 min. my skin devours the mint and it pretty much disappears, it might be there brightening the scent but I'm not smelling it. I get a lighter yummy version of Snake Oil - GTV takes away some of the powder and tosses in a scoop of vanilla icecream. I could sooo love GTV if it just stayed like this, but after a hour GTV morphs again and turns into a gorgeous medium weight vanilla musk. Pure win! Bergamot and green tea don't show up as noticeable notes at all. Sometimes I just love my skin and the wonky things it does. It rocks with Green Tree Viper!
  3. azurephoenix


    I'm not sure what cardamom smells like but I think this is probably what I'm amping at the beginning. First impressions after application: Dry, Spicy (very light cinnamon hints?) very Woody, faint Vanilla Mint On me the dry spicy woodiness stick around for a couple of hours, I find it very unique and elegant. I don't tend to like straight wood scents, but the spiciness of this intrigues me, while the dry/dustiness keeps it balanced. Slowly over time the cardamom starts to fade and I get more of the vanilla/egyptian musk. I would have thought the musk would be heavier but this is very nice, light, warm and barely there. I actually get more vanilla than musk. At this point it's a really nice cuddly vanilla - come close and sniff me!! The scent fades away completely after about 4 hours. I really like this, I tend to really like heavier scents like Snake Oil and Mircalla - but in really warm weather or in crowded hot spaces they can be too heavy to wear. I think this will slide nicely into my perfume rotation - Bottle!
  4. azurephoenix


    While doing my recent CD circle I clumsily splashed perfume onto my desk and I mopped it up with a cotton square and plopped it by my computer monitor. It was late at night so I didn't lock in what scent it was and promptly forgot about the cotton. A few days later I picked it up and sniffed and OH MY!! What is this heavenly clean/soft/snuggly/creamy/vanilla-ish/almost foody-but-not scent??? >.< I still had the bottles so I opened and sniffed and not a single one smelled like my cotton square!!! Was I delirious? Where was this OMG scent?? Grrrr... obviously this was one of those morphers. I would have to test all 8 bottles. So off I went. Well it's Daiyu. I was amazed to realize this. In the bottle and for the first 30 or so minutes on my skin I definitely smell the acai berry, that fruity almost apple-y scent. At this stage the scent is alright... but not bottle worthy. Then the acai berry leaves and I'm left with this gorgeous soft SNUGGLY warm musk, I get a faint impression of the jasmine, it adds a slight floral sweetness to the blend but to my nose doesn't overpower it. When I put this on I can't help but think that I'm wrapping myself in a fuzzy cuddly blanket of scent. I definitely get the comparison to Dorian as it has that smooth creamy soft feel, but I think this is better than Dorian. It has just a bit more oomph. This is one of the scents I didn't really care to try but decided to decant and obviously I'm glad I did! It dries down to something I would never have expected to love. BPAL constantly amazes me and reminds me to keep an open mind to all of their blends, cause one can never know without trying them! This definitely takes a spot as one of my top 5 BPAL blends!
  5. azurephoenix

    Traipsing through the Crop Circles

    Miles and miles of flattened wheat, barley, and maize. This scent is positively amazing. It smells exactly like when you have fresh corn and you have to husk it and pull all the silk off. Earthy, fresh and clean... this is a wonderful "grounding" scent to me. I've tested it twice and the first time after a few hours it gained a slight hint of cinnamon to it, the second time I pulled a slight hint of sweet honey. I'm so glad to have this decant and am considering a bottle.
  6. azurephoenix

    Phantom Time Hypothesis

    Fresh clean slightly sweet shampoo smell. I can't tell you what shampoo, but it smells like shampoo. It's a nice scent but not something I would wear. I didn't get much rose and the orange water is faintly there. No idea what vegetal musk is... but it must be one of the lighter types because I wouldn't have guessed that there was musk in this.
  7. azurephoenix

    The Montauk Project

    Wet my impressions of this with deep rich dirt mixed with woody notes and a bit of menthol. After an hour it morphed into very peppery, slightly sweet woody scent. Very masculine to my nose and definitely not my style. Still going pretty strong after 4 hours, I'll be washing this off.
  8. azurephoenix

    Staged Moon Landing

    I got straight Choward's Violet Candy from this.. like if I was able to rub it on my wrists and perfume myself with it. Stayed pretty true for the 4ish hours it lasted on me. Unfortunately I hate violet candy, so off to my sales page this goes.
  9. azurephoenix

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    Hiya! There's some great tips on converting BPAL into different formats in the BPAL Chatter > Beyond Perfume section of the forums. This is the link for dry oil spray http://www.bpal.org/index.php?showtopic=12394 This is the link for the roller ball discussion http://www.bpal.org/index.php?showtopic=42286
  10. azurephoenix

    Traveling with BPAL

    How awesome! Alooooohaaaa! I'm thinking that the suitcase thing is better than packing it into your camper, because it will be with you longer and you'll be able to control the temperature of your bottles a bit better. In a camper I would think there's a better chance of it being subjected to extreme temperatures.. like a car on a hot day with the windows rolled up? I'd totally offer for you to mail them to me.. but unfortunately I'm on another island. So just to get them back to you would require more mailing. >.< On the plus side, you might get some really great deals on construction work because the economy is slow.. and the big island even more so.
  11. azurephoenix


    The Hummingbird of Love, the Rose Sucker. A potent, benevolent, merciful love blend. In the vial, this scent seemed familiar but I couldn't pin in down, but then I put it on my skin and whammo I got hit with a scent memory. On me it smells like beautiful fresh plumerias. I remember when I was young and May Day would come around, we would go out to pick white/yellow plumerias and string them into leis. Then the leis would get popped into the refrigerator to be brought out the next day for whatever occasion. This perfume smells exactly like the moment when you pull the plumeria lei out of the bag all cool and fresh and lovely. Loooove this! eta: scent description
  12. azurephoenix


    Wow talk about a scent turn around, I'm glad I actually skin tested this! Sniffing the decant I got a icky Marzipan smell, then on my skin dry it's a really nice strong clove scent. I like this a lot, but surprisingly for such a strong feeling scent, it fades from my skin in about 2 hours. >.<
  13. azurephoenix


    I can see the potential of this, lovely light florals with a soft musk... but something in this reacts to my skin and adds a light layer of pickled sourness to the whole thing I'm beginning to think Shungas and I will just not ever be friends.
  14. azurephoenix

    Prosperity of a Country

    UGH! ! I get tons of leather and a really deep smoky tart wood note. Nothing feminine comes out, this is not for me!
  15. azurephoenix

    Metal Tiger

    When I sniff this from the vial I get a bright grapefruit and peach/nectarine scent. Initial dry down gives me a grapefruit top note with a candy sweet bottom, sorta like a sweet tart/candy powder scent. With a little bit of time it all smoothly melds into a very pretty fruity sweet floral.. I quite like this! I was afraid of the dragon's blood because it tends to turn sickly sweet on me and though I can definitely smell it in there anchoring the scent, it doesn't overwhelm all the fruity floral notes. This is a happy bright carefree scent, definitely spring/summer in nature. It's lighter and more floral than Earth Ox and Fire Pig, which both reminded me of too strong fruit punch. Wear length is on the shorter side, after about 4 hours I was having a hard time catching whiffs of it off of my wrist and I had to hunt down the scent a tad. I'm iffy on the bottle, I want one, but don't know if I'll wear it often enough to warrant it... perhaps another decant.
  16. I like aged SO, but not fresh and I recently tried 6 of the Snake Pit Blends and I was surprised how different some of them smelled from SO. I wouldn't have guessed that SO was in the first 3. 1. Cottonmouth - pretty, light and florally which settles into a pretty floral vanilla sweetness (my fav outta the 5) 2. Australian Copperhead - fruity scent that gets lightly anchored with a musk of some sort (sorry I don't know what kind) 3. Coral Snake - tart apple with no hint of SO or any of the heavier deeper notes that I associate with SO 4. Temple Viper - it was ew, for me didn't get past that.. heavy scent 5. King Cobra - incense with SO - heavy scent 6. Boomslang - zomg, yum choccie SO There's a thread about the Snake Pit Blends here if you want to check it out. http://www.bpal.org/index.php?showtopic=38551
  17. azurephoenix

    The Perfumed Garden

    2010 version I apply a regular sized testing patch on my arm and…. HI FLOWERS!! Whoa! I wish I had put on half the amount! >.< At first all I smell is a flower that we use a lot for lei’s here in Hawaii, but I can’t remember the name of the flower – I do some research on Jasmine and bam…Pikake!!! No wonder you smell so familiar! And no wonder you are king of the hill on this scent, you are scarily overpowering in lei’s too! >.< I am now edumacated. So tons and tons of Jasmine, you smell good but damn you’re really strong, under that top note I get a fruity goodness, must be the apple peel and quince though I’m not getting tart citrus notes, then at the bottom a faint muskiness holding the fort down. At this point you are a high pitched diva scent, screaming "look at me" and all I want to do is shove you under a pillow. 2 hours in, bye bye jasmine – you have faded to a soft accent. What I’m left with is a fruity goodness over soft musk that has strengthened. I’d say that both fruit and musk share the scent equally now. Now this is a round full semi-heavy scent… languorous and lazy. The Perfumed Garden definitely has presence in all stages and I like this and will definitely use my decant, albeit with a very light hand.
  18. azurephoenix

    Picture Book and Pleasure Toys

    When I came to look at the fragrance notes I was really surprised. I would have thought this scent to be heavier than it is. I didn’t get any jasmine or nectarine or a noticeable musk scent. It was pale rose over woods with dust overlaying it all. An aged scent - very reminiscent of old dry books. It evoked thoughts of a large empty room with an old wood floor, mid morning sunlight streaming through semi-opaque windows, with a light rose scented breeze wafting through making the dust motes dance. Nice and calming but not really me.
  19. azurephoenix


    Katharina A strong, willful blend with a soft, utterly lovely soul: white musk with a trickle of bright, sharp apricot and orange blossom. In the imp - Nailpolish remover? >.< Dry - I think the description of the scent is spot on.. this is a strong willed blend.. it's not dainty or delicate and it has "presence" or "weight" on me. I get the musk, the apricot and the orange blossom fairly well. I'd rate this as a mid-sweet smell. The orange blossom takes over with time though, and since I'm newish to bpal.. this blend is helping me realize that I'm not so fond of the scent of orange blossoms. Katharina is not bad... just not me. This is definitely the sister to Aglaea (which I like).
  20. azurephoenix

    Has No Hanna

    From the imp - Strong white florals, not too sweet... with a light green bitter edge. On me - Florals went poof and disappeared, its all a bitter sharp green scent... the closest I can describe it is.. like bitter celery gone bad... maybe even cilantro-bitter..without the cilantro part? >.< This gives me a headache. Oh well, it was worth trying, since everyone seems to have very different experiences with this scent.
  21. azurephoenix

    Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms

    When I first tried my imp a month or so ago.. I thought that the musk was a tad too strong and heavy, I was looking for a lighter scent. On this second try, I find I quite like this! It's soft and cozy, it's settled down and gotten closer to the skin, I get the sweetness of the vanilla musk and the cherry blossom floats over it beautifully. I can see wearing it during the summer where the heavier musky scents would be too much.. this is light but the musk still grounds it enough to give it a sensual edge.
  22. azurephoenix

    Golden Wave

    From the imp I get a nice bright fruit punch scent, smells alot like fruit punch concentrate. On my skin, where'd the fruits go? Okay what I pretty much get is wham bam thank you ma'am gin... Or what I think is gin... it's the same note that I don't like in Velvet Pink Kitty and apparently I amp gin alot. I like gin in my martini's but not on my skin it's too bitter...
  23. azurephoenix


    I was dismayed when I realized I accidentally bought 2 imps of Aglaea off the forums to try and I hoped that I would like the scent. Sadly, my strikes have been outnumbering my home runs. But Mr. Synchronicity strikes again! I'm so glad I have 2 imps! I got the imps in the mail yesterday and I was just SO enchanted by the imp sniff that I HAD to throw it on for a skin test today. Aglaea hit me in the face with ripe peach juice.. juicy, drippy, melt in your mouth peachiness. (I'm an oddball I like to eat my peaches all smooshy vs. crunchy crisp) Then the amber/musk came out to play create a rounder richer depth, so it's not all fruit. This is a very bright warm happy scent. Very Summer-y. Oh how I love love love this! eta: I did a test on my second imp and it must be fresher than the first imp I tried.. This one definitely starts off on a brighter note.. like bright fizzy peach champagne... both are sooo scrumpdillyumtious! *I'm seriously beginning to think I'm a sucker for amber...