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BPAL Madness!


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About chinchiller

  • Rank
    casual sniffer


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    United States


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  1. chinchiller

    Scents for doula work and birthing

    OH! Also trying to avoid foodie scents. Unless mom sneaks food in or outright defies hospital policy, most moms won't be eating during labor. I don't want a blend to remind them of food and how they aren't eating it.
  2. I'm getting ready to become a doula. I know that essential oils can affect psychology, some are calming some excite. I'm looking for formulas that are calming, soothing, warm, tranquil, good for focusing and I'm trying to avoid things that are electrifying, sharp, cold, distracting (I'm thinking specifically of Lightning here). Also looking to avoid things that people either love or hate, with very little middle ground. I know I could use single note EOs and probably will in some capacity, but I really like the idea of blends. Any thoughts?