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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by amandette

  1. This is actually reminding me of Black Lace. I wouldn't have expected that, but thinking about it makes sense. The tobacco and incense in BL are similar on me. The agave instead of vanilla makes it slightly more unisex, but no less pretty. I'm glad I went with my instinct and got a bottle!

  2. I got a Click N Ship on 1/04/11 and it said "processed through Santa Clarita, CA sort facility 11:26pm" ok, that's normal...then on 1/09/11 it said "processed through Honolulu, HI sort facility 9:01pm"


    I live in Oregon, though, and the packages have never had a problem going straight up! :lol:


    So what do you think that means? Is my package lost in the mail or might it be on a long journey back from a vacation? About how long should I give it to travel back from Hawaii before I assume it might not be coming? A couple weeks? I realize this is an odd question! :D

  3. I am so glad someone else thinks it smells like Dr. Pepper, because I kept smelling this and going, what is it? It smells like something so familiar...oh it's Dr. Pepper!!!


    I love this. It is glorious, dusty Dr. Pepper. It is in the same family as Black Opal; there is something similar but they don't smell *alike* if you know what I mean. I also get a note from Smoky Moon, probably the orris. Yum yum is all I have to say.

  4. I had a feeling I would like this, because I'm obsessed with nicotiana, and boy do I ever! When I put it on, it was very strong, but in about 10 minutes it calmed down to just gorgeous florals.


    I can't pick out the vetiver at all, it's just in there making this rich and yummy. It smells classy and elegant, but not stuffy or old. I definitely want a bottle.


    I feel like this gets overlooked, so I recommend you try it!

  5. Ah! It's so good! At first, wet, it smells chocolatey. Then the vanilla starts to come out, and it's a little powdery. I then got the incense and flowers coming out, like warm silky vanilla with incense. There's some flowers and herbs, no more chocolate. It's still faintly lingering at the end of the day, a perfectly dusty incense.



  6. I had to have Pet Magah Bird! It's a bird! I love birds. And guava...


    In the bottle, it's really sweet and fruity. Not foody, though, I'm usually turned off by foody and this isn't to my nose. When I first put it on, I could definitely smell an explosion of fruits, and the caramel was more prominent. It was really sweet when wet, so I was a little iffy. It dried down great, though! I am reminded a little bit of Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller, but it's mostly just the fruity notes extracted. It gets smoother, and softer. I can't really smell the caramel anymore, after it's dried.


    Final verdict? I like it! It's a fruity little bird.

  7. Clarimonde is pretty good. I get a bright rose, tempered by something a little powdery and also a bit sweet. It smells classic, or antique, in a good way. It totally evokes a classic vampire. I don't know how this is possible, but it is. BPAL is amazing.

  8. The Girl is definitely a cousin to Antique Lace on me. The Girl is a little less warm and a little more floral, but the soft vanilla is identical. I liked it, but it disappeared after a few hours. I'll keep the imp, but I don't think I'll get a bottle.

  9. Mmmm Antique Lace. At first, I got this weird red licorice note from it and I was concerned. Never fear, it dried into warm creamy vanilla with light floral-y bits. It is just snuggly and delightful.


    I walked into an old musty house (that my family is cleaning out) after I put on Antique Lace and my aunt and uncle said "Omg what was that!? You smell good, come back here." It can cut through must, what more could you ask of it!!?


    You can put it on at night or to sleep, but it won't put you to sleep if you don't want it to.

  10. 51 is a little loud when it's wet, but as soon as it dries it's very nice.


    It has a hint of fruitiness and a hint of floral but it's not only fruit/floral. I don't know what else to call it, but there's some neat notes that must be the salt flats and air. It's definitely a creamy bright glowing green.

  11. This is great! It's sweet (is that the wisteria?) and gently rosy, but not overpowering. I think the sandalwood and frankincense are quietly holding everything in and tying the notes together. It's definitely floral, but there's something more to it. Very well blended, nothing is amping on me.

  12. Vigilant day-glo guardians of lawn and patio, stalwart protectors of the home.
    Pink sugar-crusted marshmallow, dandelion, and sap.

    I was nervous at first because I got that plastic note straight out of the bottle.

    But then 10 minutes after I put it on it became warm and soft and snuggly-sweet. All traces of plastic or Play-Doh are erased and it's absolutely divine.

  13. Croquet is so good! It smells sweet and fruity in the imp. As it dried, it became a happy citrus grounded with rose, patchouli and sage. It's rich, but light green. I'm probably going to wear this all the time when it gets hot this summer.

  14. Ok, so once upon a time here in Portland, there was an awesome music store right next to a Lush shop. The music store smelled very incense-y, and the Lush smelled, well, like Lush. So the Caterpillar smells exactly like that street corner did! It's crazy. I love this as a scent memory, but I'm not sure I'll wear it as perfume. I'll keep my imp, though!

  15. I love hellebores, so I absolutely had to try this. I got a little worried when I read the reviews, though. I shouldn't have worried. This smells absolutely wonderful on me!


    Wet, it smelled green and floral.


    On me, it smells like a rich and dark purple floral. It's a little warm, and a little sweet. I can still smell a little green coming through, too. I didn't get any powder or any sour from it, I think my skin melds well with peony. I love it and I'm buying a bottle.
