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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Amoraexcena

  1. STILL missing you SV! Where'd you go? Hope everything is alright!!!

  2. Lovely, thank-you! Stinking : we do it best :D

  3. May I join your stinky hippie family? <3

  4. Hey :) How are you? I love your profile pic!

  5. We miss you and we all think of you. I have now finished my degree, looking for a job, and hoping to save for masters. After I can responsibly do so, I will keep my promise and adopt that cat in your name. xoxo

  6. I think you're probably one of the nicest people on the internet I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Thank-you for being so awesome! xoxo

  7. Haha I probably can't do any better either.

  8. oh, I meant your hiatus pre-2011! I would have started a topic on the primaries but I'm not caught up on Ampo lately... my last year of undergrad in IR is keeping me busy! Bias is in everything, including the natural sciences, post away IMO!

  9. It really is great to have you back :)

  10. お疲れ様! I hope you get a well earned break after this incredible (and big) Hallowe'en update.

  11. Lisa, I love you! *hugs*

  12. Cool, a fellow artist (wannabe, in my case!) Welcome to the forums.


    That is all.

  14. Yup, actually I read the blog and not the post here. It's a very beautifully set-up blog.

  15. protoomega, my friend, your review of Jack is wonderful.

  16. I echo Mellifluous. Thank-you for your considerate, polite, interesting posts in the Politics forum, they are a pleasure to read!

  17. I like your epics too lol. I wander too much! and then try and get around editing out tangent-material by doing an "interdisciplinary" major. I'll work on my self-editing skills haha.

  18. I WANT TO BE SUCCINCT TOO. It never works!!! My words breed like imps!!!

  19. Alright! So the time-consuming part, the pencil-ing, is all done! I just moved out of my house and don't have a scanner where I'm homestaying but I'll be scanning the img at univ on tuesday! I'm thinking colour-scheme will be greens/cream/white/pink/purple. I can't wait to show you!!!

  20. She looks beautiful in your deviantart, did you draw that? It's a great reference, thank-you! And if it's ok with you, I'll start with the Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf Mage with lots of flowers and vines in her hair. Sounds so pretty<3

  21. Hey! I was thinking, I would love to draw your character if you would be so kind as to post the image on my swaps page. I notice you're new and maybe don't have many bottles yet, so... How does that sound?

  22. In that case, thank-you for directing me to the article! :) It certainly is striking.

  23. Your recent post in the feminism thread is so moving. Thank-you for such an eye-opening experience!
