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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Icekitten

  1. Owww cant wait for Crypt King <3

  2. Puddin is way to naughty for us :D putting all those lovely items on Etsy and ofcourse this time i could not hold back :D

    1. Icekitten


      Got myself some Blonds and a mister :D

  3. Red Wine and watching tv

  4. Sending warm hugs to everyone here, i love you guys <3

    1. lunaticana


      and we love you right back! you little birthday cake sweetheart <3

  5. Sick for a week now :(

  6. Started a blog in dutch for myself, i always wanted to do something with writing and now trying to keep this up if i can.. i think i am going to take the plunge and go to writing school, i havent been to school since my 17th never finished anything soo this means something!

  7. stinkie !!! i need to bpal again i miss it !!!!!!!

  8. Stoned :) in love and back!

  9. Sunshine and Smelling good<3

  10. Sushi is done!!! and it's yummy!!!!!

  11. The washingmachine is working like a charm :D streched my lobes to 5mm and bought some lovely Bridgewater candles!!! live is smelling good !

  12. This is a real lill stinker in a good way!! and sooooo sweet ^^ she is miss rainbow bright herself ^^ always in for a laugh hahahaha :joy:

  13. This is halloween! This is halloween!

    1. Icekitten


      In this town we call home everone hails to the pumpkin song! la la la lala la la la lala la la la lala laaaa

  14. tieterettettieteretettieterettettiiiieet

  15. Tired! have my sleeping pattern back but it's still a bit wobbly :D

  16. Trying to make my house more Feng Shui aka clean out my crap!!!

  17. Trying to make Sushi, my first time evah :D

  18. Very bored! nothing to do... darn it!

  19. Waar ben je stinkerd? neem je tel ff op :o

  20. Watching 10 things i hate about you

    1. Icekitten


      Joseph Gordon-Levitt is totally love ^^

  21. Watching Corps Bride

    1. Icekitten


      Only something delicate and pure as the corps bride would burst into butterflies.

  22. Watching Julie&Julia
