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Posts posted by Icekitten

  1. Aahh I didnt even review my love! ^^


    The first time i got Black Lace was from a very sweet girl from my country we were swapping some stuff and i wanted to know what the fuss was all about Black Lace.


    In the decant and even after i put it on my skin, i just thought this is sooo not me.

    This is a perfect man perfume the one that is gonna turn your head to look at him mmm so sexy!!

    So i thought i will give it to my sexy boyfriend ^^.


    But after i got home (i was having a sniff n meet with my friends) the scent was changed to the most wonderful lovely and mindblowing scent that i ever had on!!


    It comforts me and reminds me of days that were easy and sunny.

    So everytime i put this on i just dream away and think of the most lovely things.


    To you my love, i will wear thee forever....

    (untill it's gone and need me a bottle ^^)


    I did gave a blurry review of the 2007 version :blush:

    But for me Black Lace started out a bit strong male colony after a while this get a little less strong and more vanilla comes out.

    It's a very sexy perfume, and has the perfect name for it ^_^


    The 2009 version:

    I just got 2 bottles from Darkdel they arrived a week ago and stayed at my friends house.

    Yesterday i finally picked them up and instant slatherd it all over my arm.

    I wonderd if i would get the same apple scent some people get, but i dont at all!

    To me this is very simulair to the 2007 version :wub:

    Colony, vanilla, sweet and smokey (incense) :heart:

    I dont get any spicy, boozy or apple notes from this.

    Cant make a better discription then :love!: :D

  2. First time me and my friends saw this discription we all screamed a bit hmmmmm Mulled wine!! hmmm Marzipan.!!!

    From the bottle: Warm Wine!! i dont know how bpal's Gluhwine smells but this is very simulair to the irl version!


    Wet: wine, wine, wine, purple, berry's!!!!


    Dry: juicy berry's !!!! but a bit of warm spicy in it, i dont detect any marzipan.

    I think ageing this will make the marzipan settle down and a bit stronger, got high hopes for it!!!


    On my friend the berry's was less strong and much more balanced (soft spicy berry + almond,creamy?)


    And it doesnt smell boozy at all! (i dislike boozy scents) not on me or my friend :wub2:


    This is def. bottle worty!!!

  3. Ok maybe a stupid question but i need to ask :blush:

    Wich GC could be compaired to MB Underpants :D

    Yes i know we all love it :wub2: ^_^

    I did heared Cockaigne had a touch of it but maybe any more?

    Going to place a order tomorrow :D

    I just tested Cockaigne and thought it was more like Beaver Moon 05 than Underpants. Underpants is a very unique scent, and so far I haven't come across anything similar in the GC.


    Aah well i already orderd a bottle of Cockaigne ^_^ , but beavermoon 05 is very yummy aswell.

  4. Well i have Egg Nog 2007, wich is creamy sweet custard it is Egg Nog!!! perfect scent i love to wear this a lot!

    So when i saw the 2010 version i did not hesitate to buy that 1 aswell.


    Just got it fresh from the mailbox:

    From bottle: smells sweet creamy vanilla custard, Egg Nog!!!!!!!


    Wet: for me it smells almost the same as the 2007 version lovely sweet creamy yummy ness !!!!!! :wub2:


    Dry: Still stays sweet and creamy lovelyness, but i did smell a hint of burned plastic??? :cry2:

    10 min's later: Atm i only smell a very faint and light Egg Nog wich is not that bad because this ages perfect!

    Not detecting the burned plastic anymore, i will ignore it for now.

    (i love this scent to much to write it off)


    Overal: i do think ageing this baby will make it divine !! :wub2:

  5. Fresh from the mailbox:

    From the bottle: spicy buttery scent


    Wet: heavy butter, smells like biscuit and anise.(in dutch: beschuit met muisjes)


    Dry: still smelling like bread and anise, maybe have to test it later when it has settled down.



    Smells much more creamy now, the strongest note is the bread with anise (but not heavy at all) then sweetness of tea, it's much better then when i just tested it, it's nice but i'm not convinced i will wear it a lot, plus my friend is stalking me to give it to her :lol:

  6. From the imp: Berry's !!


    Wet: cleaning product :( with a hint of something fruity

    (i did tried baneberry before it was powdery berry then)


    Dry: More sweetness settles less cleaning product but it's still there.

    Overal: i had high hopes for this one because i love fruity scents, i will be keeping the imp en try it later again ^_^

  7. From the imp: cant really place my finger on it, hint of sweet, light cookie scent, but fresh


    Wet: very faint on me i do smell a tiny sweetnes and tiny flowers.


    Dry: i smell almost nothing, could have been a soap i washed with.


    Overal: Think my skin doesnt really hold a tiny scents, for me it's way to faint.

  8. Got this bottle just out of the mail! from a lovely swap :heart:

    From bottle: Sweet creamy reminds me of floating brain but lighter.

    Wet: i get a fresh sharp fruity smell of this (lemon?) with cream.

    Dry: i get a sweet lemon cake from this.

    Overal a very nice scent :wub:


    Have tested it again, and i only get soft cakes now, no lemon at all.

    It's soooooo good :wub2:

  9. Got this bottle from a lovely swap :heart:

    From the bottle: strawberry tea with cream

    Wet: Bit cookie like sweet tea

    Dry: sweet weak tea


    Maybe a bit of age of more setteling down will do the trick (just got it from the mail ^_^ )


    So tried it again, i get up front weak tea, after 30mins it starts to change to very licht and fluffy cake, in the back ground if i press my nose to my wrist i can smell that the tea is still there.


    Some drops of the perfume got in my sweather and it smells like weak tea, not really what i wanted.

    The version on me is much better, so it's def. NOT going in my locket :D

  10. Had this decant for ages and just tried it today, with all the dc's going on in the GC's i need to test everything asap ^_^


    Wet: Very fruity, juicy and sweet but not to heavy.


    Dry: Still fruity and juicy but it's a soft scent.

    I will get a bottle of this, it's a very nice and sweet happy scent! :wub:

  11. I accidentally ordered 2 bottles instead of 1, but when i slapt on this baby i wasent sorry at all ^_^

    From bottle: i get Agapé with heavy cream caramel?


    Wet: smells very strong fruit/caramel/hint of agapé


    Dry: really diffrent i really smell the creamyness milky even and a hint of fruit and sweetness in it, reminds me of Milk moon 2007/Agapé?


    This really settles down and is a soft but sweet scent not to overpowered.
