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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Icekitten

  1. 2011 version:


    From the bottle it smells a bit fruity and dark.


    Wet: Smells like cookies, foody, musky but also fresh, weird to discribe.

    Dry: weird, scent is very faint, light muskyness and detect a bit sweetness and foody, could be that it needs more age for my skin, need to press my nose to my wrist to smell it.

  2. Gifted from the lab, and i always wanted to try this, so many lovely notes!


    Wet: Woodsy creamy, this reminds me of Tombstone but much lighter.


    Dry: soft creamy, now it reminds me of Black Opal :D


    30 mins later: this is very good, light creamy vanilla scent, very good wonder if aging will make it a richer scent, but it seems to me i need to get me a bottle :D


    Edit: this is beginning to smell a bit like MB Underpants! ohh my!!! :wub2:

  3. Wow, this is sooooo good :heart: i seriously jumped a feet in the air when i smelled this :wub2:

    It smells sweet, sugary a tiny bit cakey wich will be the almond, a little spicy and fruity (apple/apricot?)yes this is sooo good, it's soo yummy! i would also say a good Autumn/Winter scent but it's not heavy at all so you CAN spray it every time of the year!


    Ow, i'm so happy i took the plunge and got a bottle of this :wub2: I LOVE THIS BAZAAR! :wub:

  4. I just recieved my bottle and this is just love :bunnyluv: really love, i smell so freaking good!

    It's light and very creamy :heart: the bath oil itself is so good (used as after shower moist) I will be getting more bottles of this before it comes down!! absolute love!

  5. Ok, so i'm trying to get my bf hooked on BPAL like i am :wub2: but it's not easy! Velvet Panther was very good on him, as Panther Moon but this is not enough...

    I've tried Tombstone wich turns to very sweet vanilla wich he doesnt like :( i've tried the Antikythera Mechanism wich was good but still to foody on him, he's more of the basic perfumes like Hugo Boss (any) and Givenchy Play is there something like this for him to try? thanks :D

  6. While i have this scent for 2 years, i havent even reviewed it and i even have 2 bottles!


    To me this is so much ultimate summer scent, it just takes me to a warm summer day, wearing a white long summer dress, walking on bare feet in a open field filled with tall grass, where you can see the parts floating in the air from dandy lions, a soft zooming in the air from bees, ulitmate stillness.


    This is what i get from this scent :D it's just a scent that takes me away... yes for 2 years now!


    From the bottle: herby, tiny bit sharp.


    Wet: smells like lemon grass.


    Dry down: Dry glowing, cozy, hay, warm and sunny secnt, cant make a better discription then this :heart: i loved it when i got it and after 2 years i still love it, perfect summer scent or for a relaxing day when you want to feel the sunshine :heart:

  7. This just came in the mail :heart:

    OMG i never tried a other Smut then this years version, but it's soooooo good :heart:


    Like the previous post i also smell that it's sweeter in the bottle then when you have it on.


    Wet: i guess you can call it a bit grapey? it's juicy what i not expected.


    Dry: it's a bit dusty, just a tad but it's a good and lovely musk :heart:

    I cant pick out any type of musk, i can only say it's really that good!


    To round it up: A light scent with a sweet muskyness :D


    After a few days: i smell a very light cake scent in it, wich is even better!, hehe think i'm going insane of Smut :heart:


    Gotta edit: i wanted to retry Smut to make sure if i need a back up (and how many? lol), and after a few mins i thought what's that lovely cakey scent? it's Smut! def. back up worthy! i guess just a lil age was enough to make my bottle cakeyness :D

  8. Untill i saw some people talk about this perfume i rememberd that i had a imp of this.


    Wet: very heavy and strong wood


    Dry: Seems a bit sweeter now, but still a heavy wood scent.


    Dry after 10 min: The wood has calm down and the vanilla and tobacco are coming out, nice scentwhen i first applied it, it rememberd me of something very relaxing! if this keeps up i'm going to order a bottle :D

  9. So with the new Sugar Moon '10 i needed to restest this baby ('08 )to see if i really need another bottle.


    Wet: Yummy sugar with something light in it.


    Dry: Dusty brown sugar.


    After 30mins: you know that Lush soap Rock Star, it smells a bit like that on me, it's soft gentle and dusty, this was one of the first scents i bought from BPAL when i just started (i bought them by name :D) )i like it enough to take the new version) as for this version would be nice for cozy nights.

  10. This is a very nice and light scent, i dislike mint/snow scents, but this is not going on strong in here.

    From the imp: flowery/fruity and sweet


    Wet: sweet, fruity, flowery, dusty, and light, it's very nice.


    Dry: The mint comes a bit more out, but still very light, it's a very lovely scent, it's girly but not to young, i can compair this a bit with Snow White(07) on me.

    The mint is so soft, i never thought i would like that in a scent, i would have loved to have a bottle but got my decant to late :( going to find me a partial :wub:


    After 6 hours: This scent reminds me of Regan, very nice a bit light, this really needs to be reapplied after a few hours.

  11. From beneath her skirts emerge eight gingerbread children: gingerbread, French vanilla, sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon, and marshmallow cream.

    Just recieved my decant :heart:

    From the imp: Spicy Lemon, this was not really what i was hoping for.

    Wet: Lemon, ginger, spice and a hint of cream, and it's a bit strong aswell.

    Dry: still lemon gingery and creamy.

    Dry:(after 30 mins)it sooo divine, the lemon is all gone and what i have left is a very light and soft marshmallow cake scent :wub2:
    I retested this 3 times to make sure i wasent crazy, but every time it changes to the marshmallow cake scent.

    Checking back to the notes that are in it, i dont detect any cinnamon at all.

  12. Espresso, pumpkin syrup, smoky vanilla bean, milk, raw sugar, and a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg.

    I actually dont like coffee (i dont drink it at all) but the reviews about this one made me buy 2 bottles unsniffed :o

    Wet: Heavy heady espresso

    Dry: (5 mins in) Ligther coffee with a spicy note, it does smell a bit sweet i detect chocolate and a bit dusty.. smokey?

    10 mins in: The scent is really soft now, still the same notes: coffee, spice, smokey, sweet and chocolate, but not a heavy scent.

    * The longer it's on my skin the softer it gets, also changes a bit to a more smokey, dusty scent.

    Overal: I thought that this would be misser for me, still not really convinced if i will be keeping my bottle + back up.
    I'm happy that this was not going on strong as it was wet/from the bottle.

  13. ]I just tested Cockaigne and thought it was more like Beaver Moon 05 than Underpants. Underpants is a very unique scent, and so far I haven't come across anything similar in the GC.


    Aah well i already orderd a bottle of Cockaigne ^_^ , but beavermoon 05 is very yummy aswell.


    Late 2 cents: I find Cockaigne to be quite buttery.




    Your right i find it also buttery and even a far away cousin of Bread and Butterfly :(

    Have that bottle to.. wasent really what i was hoping for....
