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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by sajiaidoki

  1. S'mores Chai: cinnamon bark, cacao nibs, vanilla, marshmallow root, smoky black tea. :D

  2. This weekend went by too fast! Guess that means it was a good one :)

  3. There is so much beauty in this world....

  4. I'm pretty sure today marks three years of being back in the good ol' US of A. No wonder I have an itch to board a plane! It's been far too long :)

  5. Oh hi, cynicism. There you are. I was wondering where you'd run off to!

  6. Hi :) I was just poking around on the Scientist thread and noticed your post. Your story sounds *exactly* like my own... second bachelor's, the actual challenge of going back to school, etc. I'm just starting out on this road now and it's not easy. I hope everything came to fruition for you! My compliments for chasing the dream, either way :)

  7. Spending less time on Facebook for awhile as a personal challenge. Kinda enjoying it, actually.

  8. The Simpsons "Treehouse of Horror Part I" is on. Good memories right there :)

  9. For those of you who knew about Mumford & Sons this whole time and were holding out on me... shame on you!

  10. Dusting off old Smashing Pumpkins tracks :D

  11. I wish I could shirk responsibilities and be training in North Carolina for awhile! And they've probably got some rockin' fall leaves happening right about now.

  12. Okay, actually... this new layout, when there's a ton of people on at once, is kinda cool. I might get what they're trying to do now.

  13. I have some pretty intense travel-lust going on this morning. This better settle down, immediately!

  14. Too many crazy crying kids while you're grocery shopping? Hide in the beer/wine aisle. Total peace and quiet shall be yours.

  15. 日本語を勉強しています! :)

  16. So since everyone always hates the new Facebook layouts, it begs the question: Aren't they supposed to have some kind of sweet marketing team that figures out what we DO want? I know FB is ultimately about advertising revenue, but said advertisers aren't gonna be too happy when all of their users are fed up...

  17. You know, I used to be kinda skeptical about digital books/iBooks. But it's damn handy to have a good novel just a click away on my phone. Maybe there's something to this.

  18. How is it that I feel like I have so much school stuff to do? I've been good about not procrastinating, I can only imagine how swamped everyone else is, ack.

  19. Getting some much needed work done at Starbucks and I just noticed that each of the five people who were sitting around me three or four hours ago is still here, clicking away on their laptop of choice. Bunch of workaholics, us Starbucks drinkers are.

  20. Project happiness, receive happiness.

  21. My school is hosting a women's self defense class. I kinda want to go and pretend I don't know anything :)

  22. Chocolate-coffee peanut butter chip muffins, of the vegan persuasion. Oh yeah :D

  23. Saturday morning science!

  24. I just wanted to stop by and say that I *love* your username :)

  25. In case there wasn't enough random, instant gratification eye candy on the internet already, I'm caving in to Pinterest and Tumblr. (Clearly I am neglecting *something* more important that I should be doing right now.)
