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Posts posted by thewondersmith

  1. In the imp, this is absolutely GLORIOUS. Luscious, oozy vanilla and not much else. However, on me, it's a completely different story :( It has the same thick, plastic smell that I get from Boo! these days, which makes me a little nauseous every I notice it. I'll see how this fairs in my scent locket, but I'm really disappointed that it doesn't work on me.

  2. Omg delicious. In the imp, it's a fresh, slightly tangy vanilla, with a touch of something herbal which reminds me of Sachs. Wet, it's a cream and sweet, fizzy root-beer vanilla, and reminds me a lot of Underpants (without that lovely saffron gummybearish quality.) It settles fairly quickly into a gentle vanilla, backed by buttery cream and a sprinkling of saffron. Very wearable and quite lovely.


    It's kind of funny- I'd never really seen myself as a vanilla person per se, but all of my new favourites (such as LP and Sachs) seem to suggest otherwise!

  3. Cacao, black musk, and tobacco absolute.

    In the bottle- thick, spicy tobacco and rich powdery musk. I know there has to be some chocolate in there somewhere, but like Boomslang, the cocoa is swamped by the musk and the peppery tobacco. There's an odd, almost metallic tang to this. It's pretty nice, but so heavy, and I'm a little scared by it.

    Wet- Nose tickling musk and tobacco. I honestly don't get very much chocolate at all, and though this is kind of nice in a sultry, seductive sort of way, I can't see myself wearing this too much. I prefer my chocolate to be more foodie, and this most definitely ISN'T a foodie scent.

    Dry: Powder, powder, more powder. Sigh. I'm starting to realise musks and I just don't get along. There's the slightest touch of ambergris, which is BEWILDERING, but kind of nice. Still, not really for me.

  4. Hm, this is kinda nice! I'm not really a floral kinda girl, but this has enough vanilla to keep the jasmine from screaming at me. I do agree with the reviewers above me that this is sort of like O but with more florals. It's not really my thing, but it's quite lovely just the same. It's got great throw and it'd be really nice for summer.

  5. Lemony vanilla. Similar to Dorian, without the overwhelming sugar note. Once wet, the lemon fades, leaving a creamy vanilla scent with soft chamomile. This is really delicious, and a gorgeous snuggly scent, but I wish it had more throw.

  6. I took a chance with this one, since cake scents usually just turn to straight up blue cheese on me, but OMG YUM. This is exactly like Closet without the super sweet berries. There's a hint of blue-cheesiness and plastic, but that's mostly drowned out by the delicious, fluffy vanilla cake. I don't really smell much Snake Oil, Dorian or Doc Constantine, and to be honest, I'm GLAD for that, since my body chemistry no longer plays nicely with those scents. I think this would layer wonderfully with Montressor as a substitute for Closet. Nrgh, so good <3

  7. Wine, cinnamon... a little clove, but not much. I've had mulled wine before, and this is fairly accurate, even if it's a lighter version. Dries down to a scent similar to Feast of the Greatly Revered, though a little more wearable. Nice, but that darned cinnamon amps ridiculous amounts :(

  8. Vanilla and sweet pea. Rather sweet but not candy-like. Mm, this is delicious. Soft, creamy vanilla, and I'm rather pleased that it's not turning to straight up sunblock lotion on me, like vanillas usually do. No sign of amber, which I'm glad for, because amber turns to WOAH HEY HEY GUYS HEY I'M POWDER HEY on me. Rather lovely.


    Edited to add-


    Ugh. Half an hour later and the amber is now in full force. I get no sweet pea and only the slightest trace of vanilla. Sigh. This was so nice too.

  9. In the bottle: Soft cocoa, cream and marshmallows. Incredibly similar to Haunt's Turkish cocoa when I compare the two scents.


    Wet: Richer chocolate. There's a slightly sour note to the milk, but it's not really noticeable unless I really breathe in. Miserable throw.


    Dry: A weird, fluffy sugary marshmallow scent. I know there's cocoa there, but my nose is convinced it's marshmallow. When I breathe deeply, I detect what may be the slightest hint of fruit, but I'm not sure if it's just my brain tricking my nose since it associates chocolate scents with that tartness. Very odd. It's nice, and perfectly wearable, but I dunno. I've got nicer chocolate scents, and this is a bit too close to Haunt's Turkish Cocoa. I think I might put this one up for swaps.

  10. Snow White 05


    I honestly have no idea what to expect from Snow White. Snow notes don't usually work on me, and neither do florals, but SW seems pretty darn popular, and I figured I should at least give it a shot.


    Wet: Creamy sugar... reminds me a lot of the heavy cream from the Candy Butcher, minus the chocolate. It's quite lovely, actually. It goes through a stage of WOAH HI I'M JASMINE HI LOOK AT ME I'M JASMINE, but then the cream tells the florals to use their inside voices and everything settles down after about five or ten minutes.


    Dry: How bizarre. This isn't cold-smelling on me at all. It reminds me of skin-warmed lotion and soap made from white flowers and... oddly, oatmeal. It's really pretty! Sweet but not enough to be cloying, and there's not a huge amount of throw. I don't get much almond, but all in all, it's a really pretty, feminine scent.

  11. In the bottle, it's syrupy, fruity sugar. If I breathe in a little deeper, I start to get a whiff of delicious vanilla.


    Wet: There's a slightly sour, fruity tang to this. Not really getting a lot of marshmallow- oh wait, there it is! it's very... fluffy smelling. Quite delicious actually! Though it smells radically different on my wrist compared to the back of my hand, which is very, very odd.


    Dry: I get that slightly cheesy, plasticky note I got from the Box of Chocolates line :( Is it the cream? I usually love cream! I was really, really hoping this would work. I think I'm going to have to wait and try it again in a few days.

  12. In the imp: Blackberries and cherry. Sort of sugary yet not at all cloying or heavy. Wow, this is actually really lovely!


    Wet: Pretty much the same as in the imp! I'm really, really loving this at the moment. It's sort of like Closet, but without the super heavy booze/sugar note.


    Dry: A little fainter, but the throw is fabulous. I don't get a lot of wine from it, which is okay- it's absolutely delish as it is at the moment. The vanilla is... well, fluffy is the only word I can describe it as. It's surprisingly light and airy, but not at all summery, if you know what I mean? Sort of like a very elegant, sophisticated meringue drizzled with boysenberry and blackberry sauce. It'd be a wonderful day AND night scent. I think I may actually prefer this to Closet, which I love, don't get me wrong, it can just get a little heavy sometimes. I think this will be a big bottle purchase for me in the future, if I have the funds!

  13. This really is a gorgeous, gorgeous scent and I can see why it's so coveted. It's delicious, fresh orange without any sharpness or bitterness, and a lovely base of... I think it's vanilla? Very creamy and smooth, and the throw is wonderful. I can see where people are getting the creamsicle thing. It's absolutely nommable. However, it's not particularly -my- sort of scent. I'm not a fan of citrus unless it's paired with tea ala Shanghai or Dorian, and while this is gloriously foody, it's a bit too much for me on some days. I was lucky enough to scrounge together a couple of decants to make my own little DIY bottle (after much puppydog-eyeing at my very indulgent bestie <3) but I'm down to my very last ml after swapping most of my bottle away. While I'm sad that it's so rare, I don't feel right holding onto it when there are so many other people who haven't had the chance to share the love.

  14. Oh man, this is GORGEOUS. In the bottle, it's sweet, yet not overly ripe banana, with a lovely green edge. I'm so glad this seems to be working for me because as much as I enjoyed Splatter Comedy, I couldn't really handle the OMG OMG BANANA JELLYBEANS OMG of it :lol:


    The drydown reminds me a lot of Agape for some reason; I guess that must the tropical fruit? The musk is really lovely as well. When I breathe in deeply, I get the teeniest little hint of that bitterness of banana skin, which works surprisingly well with the creamy musk. Absolutely delicious. The throw is pretty good, and the longevity seems to be decent too. I'm so, so pleased I managed to score a bottle of this.

  15. In the imp: Sweet honeyed cream and slightly green roses. Mmm. This is quite lovely!


    On me: The honey and cream fade a little and is replaced by a strangely peppery rose note. It's quite nice but I would've preferred to have kept that gorgeous musky honey cream :(


    Drydown: Mmm. There's something a tiny bit fruity about the rose (but rose does that to me all the time ANYWAY) which combines really nicely with the soft creamy musk. It's not nearly as sweet as it was in the imp, but it's still a very feminine scent. If I stick my nose really close to my arm, I can smell the cream under the peppery, paper-like rose. It's really quite gorgeous! Definitely a scent for a girly sort of day. Throw is not great, but every now and then I get whiffs of honey and rosewater.

  16. I'm still a little stunned that I even managed to score a full decant of Storyville- my hands were shaking as I opened the packet, and I was SO relieved to see my lovely seller had wrapped the imp in wads and wads (and wads and wads) of bubblewrap. At first sniff, it's... gah. It's magic. It's smooth, creamy yet not overpoweringly sweet. The red musk and woods mix with a rich caramel note which only intensifies on my skin. There's a deep base of cocoa too, but I have to really sniff to catch it. On the drydown, the spices start to amp- I think I smell cardamom and nutmeg. There's also a faint nuttiness to this which is gorgeous. It all manages to be foodie and sexy without being too smutty or cloying, and I definitely second the review saying it's like a mix between Smut and Velvet. Absolutely gorgeous, but I think I'm going to have to save this imp for very, VERY special days. Back into your bubblewrap, my dear!

  17. Peppery! I'm still training my nose to recognise various scents, but all I can really smell is pepper and sandalwood. It's actually surprisingly nice, since I usually loathe sandalwood in any combination! It gets a little sweeter on the dry down, but it's a pretty masculine scent in general. I don't know if I'm going to be able to pull this off but it was nice having a chance to sniff it, in any case :)

  18. Though I'm not a fan of aquatics, Danube's pretty nice! Smells a lot like the Lynx body shower my kid brother owns, which is kinda funny, but it brings back nice memories. It's not really for me (I'm a big foody gal) but I think he might like it so I'm going to pass it on and see what he thinks.

  19. In the imp, it's berries and something lush and... not quite green. I don't know how to describe it. It smells like rotting vegetation, but somehow clean? I don't know. It's rather nice though. Very, very womanly, and as it dries, the florals start amping (especially the gardenia, which makes a nice change from OMGROSEROSEROSE. Don't get me wrong, I love rose, but I amp it like mad in almost every floral blend I've tried). A very sensual, mature scent, but I don't think I'm NEARLY grown up enough to get away with it :lol:

  20. OMG I have no idea why I'd written Jack off as just another pumpkin scent. I was frimped it, took one sniff from the imp and... ahh, just :thud: perfection. Absolute pumpkiny, peachy perfection. It's one of the only buttery blends I can actually wear and my god, it's scrumptious. I really don't have much else to say that hasn't already been said, but it is a MUST TRY for any foody lover. In fact, I think I'm going to go and slather some on right now :wub2:

  21. Oh my god this is delicious- it's banana jellybeans! I don't really smell cream, or a cake or pie note, but the banana note is candy sweet and absolutely scrumptious. It doesn't really morph a lot, and I don't smell any rust or blood. The throw is average too, and I can't really see myself wearing this too much, but I'm definitely going to keep my bottle- I think this will layer MAGNIFICENTLY.

  22. Mmm, this is delicious. Very similar to the Gula bath-oil, and MVJBA. Salty, foody, rich, with the slight tang of pomegranate. I don't really get a coconut vibe from this one- it's more hazelnutty. It's actually a lot like what I expected Gluttony to smell like. And it is AMAZING layered with Splatter Comedy.

  23. Imp: Cognac and thick incense. :/ I hope I don't get lynched for saying this, but it smells awfully commercial and generic, like department store perfume. Bah, damn me and my inelegant nostrils.


    Wet: Woah, incense! Very, very smokey and a little acrid- and there's the tobacco. Blurgh. I'm not getting any vanilla or cream, or even cotton. I do get... dried flowers? I think? A very odd smell, and I don't think it's really for me. Sorta gives me the same vibe as Gypsy Queen.


    Dry: Cream, but not sweet at ALL. Rather "thick" smelling, which is absolutely bewildering to my nose. There's still heavy smoke lingering in the background, and a hell of a lot of musk too. This really isn't for me. A shame, but at least I won't have to spend insane amounts trying to track more down!
