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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by horrorshownicole

  1. horrorshownicole


    In the vial - floral, sweet, and slighty spicy Wet on me - Nauseatingly sweet and slightly sour. Like cookies baking with spoiled milk in a room someone just drenched with floral air freshener. I am extremely concerned. Dry on me - Slightly powdery. Sweet and floral. I can hardly smell the milk anymore, which is relieving as it was very sour on my skin. This reminds me, almost frighteningly so, of a little vial of make believe perfume one of my best friend had as a child. I was NOT a girly girl at all, and felt weird about things like perfume and make up and being pretty, so I would sneak a spray of it when no one was around and feel as if I was a different person -- a girly girl! I had lots of pretend alteregos when I was young and one was a perfume dabbing, dress wearing girly girl dancing around in the flowers. Word cannot describe how excited I am to have a grown up version of this perfume from my childhood. I am ordering a large bottle as soon as I can.