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Posts posted by Impious

  1. In the Imp: Ewww - gross, stinky plastic! If I sniff really deeply I can just make out the cinnamon - but it's big red cinnamon rather than nice tasty cinnamon.


    Wet: Still a bit plasticy, but mostly just over-poweringly Big Red and cloves.


    Dry: I can just make out a hint of sweetness - but no distinct orange or peachiness. I get the distinct feeling of walking into the Hallmark store in the town I grew up in - overpoweringly xmasy air-freshener. :/


    Very disappointing on me as I was expecting to love this one.

  2. (my first ever review so please forgive my noobish-ignorance!)


    In the imp: 'Ooh - Aloe!' Or so I thought. I didn't have the scent description with me, but it reminded me of some aloe vera sunburn stuff I had as a kid - and not in a bad way - I liked that smell! I was a little bit disappointed to read that there is no aloe in this scent - as I've seen it pop up in other scent descriptions and was pleased with myself for having picked it out. :blush2:


    Wet: From aloe vera to yummy shampoo! I can't pick out any of the scents but I thought it would be lovely if my hair smelled that way - nice and fresh and clean.


    Dry: After about two hours it is still going strong, but it's turned into the nice dryer-sheet smell. Very nice, but, not very me. I would like my clothes or my car or my house to smell like this - light and fresh and bright - but not so much my skin. I'm thinking I might throw some Zieba Tree-soaked cotton balls into my linen chest.


  3. Well I'm only brand-spankin-new to Bpal and the forums, but I've come across a few so far that feel rather summery to me - which is good since it is summer in my part of the world! Although, I prefer the warm, spicy, snuggly scents - so I'm looking forward to winter!


    If you can do the lemon thing, all these guys smell very fresh and summery to me (although lemon just doesn't work on my body):

    Enbalming Fluid




    Others I find bright and cheery:

    The Unicorn



    And my favourite so far as far as summery smells go - Ya-Te-Vo it's really green smelling to me - but not tree/moss-like, more freshly clipped hedges and things like that.


