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Posts posted by Belladonnastrap

  1. Another review for you all :P



    First sniff

    Eee a dark dark dark floral! Not quite as dark as Midnight but up there, I'm guessing the violet prevents things from becoming too heady.There is the barest whiff of incense, its more as an enhancer then anything else I feel. It feels like a purple scent. A dark rich purple, the kind associated with monarchy.



    *blinks* Whoa. Sweetness and bitterness wrapped into one. Still that Midnight vibe but there's some juice now, resembling a thick plum. A bit overpowering actually but nothing too excessive. It's a scent that sort of is misunderstood yet still a bit bad. Much like Morgause herself according to some. The incense holds it all together.



    !!!! Take Queen of Spades, mix it with Midnight and you have Morgause. It's not nearly as flowery now, nor nearly as plummy it's *just right* if you understand what I mean. The fruitiness prevents the florals from overpowering you and the florals prevent you from drowning in juice. It's a quite complex scent now but still VERY VERY heady. A little bit of this goes a long long way. I'll update about staying power later.



    Well it's not what I was expecting thats for sure! It's way more balanced and juicy. If you liked Queen of Spades and found it too plummy try Morgause. If you liked Midnight but found it too floraly try Morgause. As for me I'll try it a bit more! I'm not SLATHERING RAVING over it but it is quite lovely.



    EDIT: Merged with existing review thread --Shollin

  2. We've finally caved in to years of requests for vampiric scents. As soft as grave dust and as dry as a breath drawn within a long forgotten crypt, this is Nosferatu: desiccated herbs and gritty earth brought to life with a swell of robust and sanguineous red wines.

    When I got my mammoth LE order I decided to review some of the new scents first as there are already reviews of the Halloween stuff. Nosferatu instantly sprung to my mind since so many people had been clamoring for it and the weather outside is perfect for it.

    First sniff
    Oh goodness. Sweet, fresh herbs drenched in a decadent red wine. A bit pungent yet seductive. If it had a colour it would be deep bloodied burgundy...a red so dark its almost black. Mindblowing.

    I'm absolutely flabbergasted. A very dark feral scent but there's a cloying sweetness that just has me sniffing my wrists over and over and over again. The red wine in this prevents the earthiness from overpowering and making you smell like a freshly tilled grave. It's WONDERFUL.

    Is it possible to get drunk on a scent? This dries down into an exquisite heady sort of scent that oozes sensuality and dark lust. The herbs provide a base preventing the sweetness from becoming overpowering (a bit of a role reversal from when its wet) and lend a sort of mysterious, "don't fuck with me vibe" to the overall scent.

    I started shuddering as I wore this, it gives me a feeling in my stomach of absolute wanton lust and desire. I can't explain it. It's so decadent and yet there's a sense of WRONGNESS to it. Beth has perfectly captured the whole romantic aspect of a vampire. I'm amazed and SO buying a 5ml during the next Lunar update.

  3. First sniff

    Bright, and it smells really expensive.


    When wet

    OMG. I've smelled this before but I can't remember where. It's very strong and fruity yet its also woodsy. Mm.



    More sweet now but very very heady. A very decisive scent, hence while it is called Justice I suppose.



    Well in the end this was just TOO strong on me and I will not use it for anything but meditation work. However if you like your scents strong and decisive do give this a try

  4. *whine* Want this to be released NOW


    First sniff

    Oranges and cranberries and booze oh my! A lovely bright scent that reminds me of Lush's dearly departed soap: Orange Spice & Everything Nice.


    When wet

    Almonds and Oranges and BOOZE. Oh and its not burning huzzah! Is that Amaretto? It's a very warm, decadent scent.



    Mmm a veryheady and slightly drydown, thers an element of booze that makes this wicked. The orange is lightly playing along the edges...this is a very heady scent.



    Do you like foody scents? Do you like foody boozy scents? Then Decadence is for you! *silently paws at Beth to release it*

  5. First sniff

    Ooof spices! Very incensey.


    When wet

    Mmm sweet spices wafting p, it's not as incens ridden as I thought it would be.



    Erk. Scratch that, incense smell is back and stronger and making my head dizzy. Very


    strong and spicey.



    IF you're an incense lover do try this out...however its just not for me.

  6. First sniff

    Complex, bright and a bit offputting...much like the state of Delirium itself. A very


    When wet

    Wow its a very white floral. A bit strong (and do I smell sandalwood?) but still white. Smells a bit like veil.



    Sort of fading into the background and I have to really sniff to get a sense of it. That's not cool :P



    I like this but I doubt I'd use up more then my imp. It's too close to Veil for my liking and as Veil wasn't a MUST have scent for me neither is this. It would probably be lovely in the spring as a room scent however.

  7. Will do!  Thankies! :D


    I think my "avoid like the plague list" is now officially longer than my wishlist. :P


    ~ Penance

    Hah yeah. I have to avoid Almond cause it breaks me usually but Dana O Shee has a very low level IMO. Of course its still there so fi the scent makes you gag stay away.

  8. I could write sonnets about Titania...but they'd pale in comparison to the real thing.


    First sniff

    Peachy floral. Wow. This is amazing. Definitelly a fae sort of scent.


    When wet

    GAH! It's a fruity floral I enjoy!! Oh this is yummy. Like I've stepped into a meadow of juicy flowers. Mmm. Yummy.



    Softer now and more tranquil, this turns into a white floral with a bit of juice to it..I want ot say peaches but there is something else. Not as overpowering as when first put on it mellows out into a lovely feminine and pale pink sort of scent.



    Wow, Titania might be the first floral I really have to buy a bottle of. Absolutely beautiful

  9. All hail the queen.


    First sniff

    Wow spicy.I can smell some almonds which makes me eep as I'm a bit allegic to almond based scents but I have high hopes for the queen!


    When wet

    Oooooooo. Lovely almonds wafting up to say "allo miss!" as the spices lightly carress my skin. It's not a kick you in the face spice more of a one that you don't notice is there unless someone brings it to your attention. Very very nice.



    Oh wow, could it be I've found an almond scent that agrees with me?! The drydown on this is very lovely, a bit sweet and honeyed, the spices are very much toned down into a sort of mulled haze.




    FINALLY an almond scent that doesn't cause me to break out! Queen of Sheba is like as low working Old Morrocco...it's heady but not so much that it leaves you drunk. Prolonged exposure will result in inebriation after awhile though. It's a lovely scent, perfect for fall>winter and I plan on buying more.

  10. Nine Mysteries....I have no witty comment for you. Le sigh.



    First sniff

    Double the pleasure, double the fun, double the flavour with doublemint gum! As you can see Doublemint gum was the first thing I thought of when I smelled this. Mint mint mint.


    When wet

    I smell like mint jelly! Very peppermintish...this is what Lush's Candy Cane BBS should smell like and not that creamy candy crud. Peppermints and cold is w hat I'm feeling when I wear this. It opened my sinuses.



    Still mint but very subtle now, I get a hint of juniper (yay!) but nothing citrusy like others have mentioned.



    I think this will be something I'd buy down the road (or if it was discontinued haw!) as it would be lovely in the summer. I also would wear this days when I needed to get up but was just tired as its a sort of "wake yo ass up" scent. Probably would be lovely during the holidays as well...maybe mixed with tintagel. All in all tis a very yummy mint scent one which I do like a lot.

  11. Sudha Segara makes me want to crack open my mythology books.



    First sniff

    I can't place it but something very heady yet sweet. I've smelled it before but I just cannot remember where,


    When wet

    Extremely subtle, I can barely tell its there. Sweet and a bit tart its very ginger.



    Ginger memory.This is really subtle!



    I seriously doubt I'd ever buy a bottle of this but I may get an imp from time to time as its a lovely sort of calm scent.

  12. Moon Rose has me humming Moon River for some reason.


    First sniff

    A very clear and gentle rose. Not overpowering at all, sort of like what the memory of

    a rose would smell like.


    When wet

    Wow I think this might be my favourite rose scent yet. Not strong at all, if there were

    silver roses they'd smell like this. Soft and touched with something else...maybe

    lavender? It's very pretty.



    Very subtle but still lovely, it's so ethereal and intangible.



    This is a great scent if you love rose but don't want it to overpower you. I definitely will be buying this next order as I can see myself wearing it daily.

  13. First sniff

    Cardamon. I get nothing else from this scent but that and it reminds me of cooking Cardamon twisty bread with my dad.


    When wet

    Lemons? WTF? Dual nature indeed. Lemons and Cardamon and that's about it really...oh wait no there's some spice too. But I get overpoweringly lemon from this. Boo :P



    Meh. Still lemony, no trace of Cardamon anymore.



    Not for me....I think my body chemistry hates lemons.

  14. Midnight is LOVELY. Absolutely lovely



    First sniff

    Oooh like a midnight garden. I'm surrounded by trees and lush greenery and dark.


    When wet

    Ooo lovely! Its a bit aquatic and very floral but not nearly overpowering as I feared. A bit sweet and a bit tart but very very lovely. Is that lotus?



    Mmm very subtle nowand green but not overpowering at all. It's a bit greeen but not too much...very much a grounded scent.



    I NEED A LARGE BOTTLE. This is goregous! Lovely! And smells pretty damn good too.

  15. Waaah the Red Queen hates me!!


    First sniff

    Cherries and almonds. And something else? It certainly smells very red! Very sweet as well. Makes me crave a cherry italian icee.


    When wet

    I smell like Luden's cough drops! :P Still very much cherry but theres also a medicinal scent as well...I can't place it. It's quite strong.



    ...ohh no. Medicinal smell is stil there and its going a bit ick now.



    Boo this was too syrupy sweet for me. I hope her white counterpart will fare better whenever she comes out!

  16. Tintagel makes me pine for the England of yore.


    First sniff

    Wine and spices and something else. I imagine fires roaring, a minstrel playing and

    lots of love and laughter. It's a very holiday sort of scent. Warming....the

    combination of spices and wine make it a bit heady but not too much.


    When wet

    OH lovely. Still getting that lovely wine scent but its more relaxed now. It's so very

    warm and my body chemistry really gets along with the spices in it. Brings them out a

    bit but not so much that it overrides the wine. Marvelous.



    *slobbers* Beautiful. This mellows into a superbly subtle scent, the dragon's blood just lightly dancing upon my skin and the bayberry wafting up when I'm distracted. This is outstanding.



    I NEED A LARGE BOTTLE. This is goregous! Lovely! And smells pretty damn good too.

  17. What is UP with all these scents not meshing with me?! Sigh.


    First sniff

    Spicy! And ...I'd imagine Kathmandu would smell like this. Did anyone else remember that movie "The Train to Kathmandu" when they first sniffed this?


    When wet

    Minty and spicy and very strong. It cleared my sinuses! Its very...I can't explain it but it smells mystical. And a bit like Vicks Vapor-Rub.



    Still getting the vicks vapor-rub feeling and its sort of making me ill *goes to wash off*



    This scent most definitely is not for me. Its too spicy and the vicks feeling just doesn't go away. Up for swap it goes!

  18. Dragon's Bone makes me sad because it doesn't agree with me :D


    First sniff

    Dry and red...which makes sense as this is called Dragon's Bone.


    When wet

    Still getting that dry feeling but its more pronounced...the Dragon's Blood just makes it a bit more pronouced.



    Meh. Still the same as before but more drier...I put this on and my mouth gets really dry oddly enough. Very much lives up to its name. I don't think the sandalwood (is that sandalwood? Smells like it) agrees with me.



    I wanted to like this but something just doesn't click with me. It would be fabulous as a room scent I think but as I'm trying to cut down on the imps..up for swap it goes :P

  19. Danse Macabre smells like a decadent dark ball.


    First sniff

    Like a darkened wood filled with revelers. The oakmoss really pops out in this. It was much darker then I orginially thought which was odd.


    When wet

    The cypress is more drawn out and there is something a bit aquatic about it..I don't know if thats the oakmoss or my weird nose. Maybe Juniper? There's a slight hint of nuttiness but nothing really strong. If I close my eyes and inhale the scent I get visions of a strong man sweeping me up in his arms..and both of us would smell like this. It's very odd.



    Mmm this turns dark and lovely and RICH.



    I tend to buy scents for the names more then the ingredients and in the case of Danse Macabre I'm really glad I did! I'm not sure if I'll be buying the bottle but the imp is quite lovely..its a great unisex scent thats quite dark.

  20. First sniff

    Cranberries, spice and a bit of some juicy berry I can't explain. It smells very red....like a lovely holiday scent.


    When wet

    My body chemistry almost always draws out anything berry no matter how small and Lampades is no exception. The cranberry bursts on the scene (hah pun!) with a fierceness and overrides anything else on me. It's not an obnoxious sort of cranberry but more a coaxing, gentle one.



    Still getting the cranberry but there's a darker undercurrent....I believe the musk is coming out now. It's a very warm scent, evoking images of crushed red berries, bright lips and cold hands.



    I'm really digging Lampades....I was a bit afraid that the cranberry would smell more like Ocean Spray then *true* cranberries but I need to learn to stop doubting Beth. I can see a 5ml of this in my future.

  21. First sniff
    Mmm smells like woods and flowers. I imagine Daphene smelled like this after her flight with Apollo changed her into a tree. It's very earthy and calming.

    When wet
    Mmm very woody and flowery. Like I've laid down in a hidden grove with a blanket full of flowers covering me and a moss pillow. Very relaxing and rich and it grounds me a bit as well.

    This is more subtle now, I get a whiff of baby powder as well. It smells a bit like Shroud in that respect. The woody scent is still there thought.

    I really like this. I'm not entirely sure if it's a 5ml (there's something here that I'm just not completely and utterly feeling) but I do like it. Ultimately Hamadryad is a very "light" wood scent and I tend to like my woods dark and mysterious. It's lovely for what it is though. Going to try it a bit more before I make the final decision.
