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Posts posted by Belladonnastrap

  1. "Am I awake? Have I my senses?" said he to himself. "What is this being? Beautiful shall I call her, or inexpressibly terrible?"

    A scent inspired by Beatrice, Rappaccini's delicate, beautiful, innocent and deadly daughter. A fragile, winsome, poisonous blend of rare, precious and graceful flowers, rich blossoms and spicy perfumes that passes heavily, as a broken heart, across the borders of Time.

    I've never read the story "Rappaccini's Daughter" (in fact I had never HEARD of it before, shame on me :D) before this scent was released so I quickly read it before I tried the perfume so I'd have something to go on.

    First Sniff:
    Deep deep roses and spice that make my nostrils flare and my head swim. It's not an unpleasant rose mind you, I do enjoy it but there's more. I detect a hint of vanilla like the one in Antique Lace and Bearded Lady as well as a bit of lily. It's quite lovely.

    Ohhhhhh. It's like Antique Lace, Psyche and Shroud got together and had a deadly beautiful daughter. Whatever these "spices" are really come out on my skin. Also I'm not sure if there's any in the recipe but I detect some Lavender as well. Very peculiar, it lends a bit of innocence to the oil.

    I'm getting the same drydown I got with Ligeia actually...mixed with the Shroud & Psyche drydown. There's a very well balanced mishmosh of flowers in this scent and just when I think I got a bead down it changes. Like right now I smell Jasmine. Weird.

    Beatrice and I need to get to know each other better. I'd stay away from this if you hates the florals (because it is VERY very floral) but if you can stand them but want a bit more "oomph" try this. I'm also hoping I'll have no small purple marks on my wrist when this is done :P

  2. First Sniff:

    Oranges and Chocolate! It smells like those chocolate oranges that you smash down to break into itty bitty pieces :P



    Bliss. Not the sensation, the perfume! This smells exactly of Bliss on me.



    More Bliss with a wee bit of velvet. Where'd the orange go?



    Alas and alack, 13 smells just like Bliss on me and I already have some Bliss :D

  3. First Sniff:

    ...it smells like Buck Moon & Kingsport got together and had a sun. Aquatic Amber? OMGWTF.



    Ooh. I like this. It's a light amber colorin my mind, vaguely aquatic but with a hint of earthiness.



    *sigh* It's turned into a masculine aquatic amber on me. Which would be okay if I was a man but alas I'm not *pokes the girls*



    SO incrediably sad this didn't work out on me but que-cera cera.

  4. First Sniff:

    Ooh. Pomegranate? There's a dark fruity note in this that really smells good. A bit sweet, a bit tart. It smells a bit like Graveyard Dirt & Persephone had hot sticky sex.



    Hmm interesting. It smells like roses but there's something more. I can't quite put my finger on the other scent I'm gathering. It's not vanilla, but something incensy. Weird.



    Rose. Which is lovely but I don't do very will with just pure rose scents on me. It's actually a bit of a crazy rose...it reminds me a lot of Psyche.



    A really yummy rose scent but ultimately not for me. Lacks the oomph I need :/

  5. First Sniff:

    OMGWTFBBQ *dies* This smells like musk and heat and sex and passion and skin and..rawr. I want to bury my nose in it.



    Yes please. More of that lovely musky skin scent but it's more heady and pronounced. It smells of crisp moonlit nights and warm skin. Oh my god.I want to hump my arm :P




    !!!!!!! Pure Nature Sex.


    Rawr. Tis mine. And lovely. One of my favouritest moons evar!

  6. First Sniff:

    Ooh. Pomegranate? There's a dark fruity note in this that really smells good. A bit sweet, a bit tart. It smells a bit like Graveyard Dirt & Persephone had hot sticky sex.



    Augh. Dirt. That's all I'm getting. If I sniff the air I smell vanilla and pomegrante but if I sniff me I get dirt that makes me crinkle up my nose.



    Ugh dirt. It's making my tummy turn actually :P




    *sigh* My body chemistry is just wacky. Not for me.

  7. First Sniff

    It reminds me a lot of walking into Victoria's Secret and sniffing all the floral scents at once. Very sweet and girly. The notes I can pick out the most are the rose, the freesia and the orchid.



    Sticky florally sweet. The rose gardenia overpowers everything else. I'm a bit worried because gardenia and I never mix....unless its the Malice Mizer song.



    ....sigh. Gardenia and I just don't mix. The florals are overpowernig and giving me a headache. Pity. I wanted to love this :P



    Not for me :D

  8. First Sniff

    Aged Snake Oil with more Vanilla then you can count.



    Oh the amber is really coming out now and fighting for dominance over the vanilla. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! Who shall win?!



    The plum roared in from third place, whupped the ass of both vanilla & amber and is standing on top of my skin screaming "HERE I AM WHORE! DON'T FORGET ABOUT MEE!" which is to say the plum (which almost never works on my skin) has come out in full force. It's lovely.



    Oooooooooooooh. This one is a keeper.

  9. First Snif

    Adrienne Vallentti used to make this wonderful vanilla musk perfume that I LOVED as a kid and this totally reminds me of it. It smells a lot like Antique Lace as well, minus the old linen aspect of it. A very warm and sensual blend.



    Linking it to Antique Lace was totally true because that's all I get from it wet...Antique Lace with a bit of kick. It's REALLY beautiful.



    Oh. Oh. The rose and lily have mated with the jasmine to make a OMGWTFBBQ divinely beautiful scent. It's a warm amber purple rose. It's super-fantastic. And it LASTS! I smelt it 6 hours after I put it on!



    This. Is. SUPERB. I'm really torn as to if I need another bottle or not!

  10. *sob*


    First Sniff

    A nuttier, fruiter gluttony. There's a definite sweetness to the oil but it's tempered with something. I'm guessing the fig.



    ...erg. This smells like the treaded Queen of Spades on me..ie Oponomax! I had to double check to make sure there was none in the oil because the horribly wobbly feeling that comes whenever I smell it.



    Okay maybe my body hates fig. I'm getting NONE of the fruity sweet that I first sniffed but heady incense. I smell like a headshop. This isn't good..it's making my stomach wobbly.



    My body chemistry's all mixed up to Hell but I'm afraid Freak Show and I don't get along. Going to give it one more go when I'm feeling better and hope for the best. Gambatte Freak Show!

  11. First Sniff:

    Jasmine and flowers and a wee bit of booze. It makes me a bit leery because Jasmine in massive quantites gives me a headache. I'm hoping the bourbon vanilla will balance it out though.




    Jasmine and alchohol and not the good boozy kind either. The jasmine is really overpowering though and reminds me a lot of New Orleans in that regard. I

    really want to like this but I'm afraid the jasmine will be overpowering :/ Going to let it drydown some more in the hopes that the bourbon vanilla will pop up.



    OMFG it's powder! When I was in Thailand I discovered Johnson & Johnsons floral baby powder. They don't make it here in the US but Peitho smells exactly like it. A bit florally, a bit vanilla. It's probably the most subtle jasmine scent I've ever smelled.




    Definitely glad I bought a bottle of this! If most jasmine scents make you go :P give Peitho a try. It's beautiful and I forsee a cult surrounding it.

  12. A love oil with a twist. Attracts new friends & lovers to your life by enhancing your personal magnetism and charisma

    For the most part I will forgo my normal review format as I use/d this ritually and so it matters not if the staying power and drydown are influences if I keep it or not.

    First Sniff
    I actually think theres a bit of lavender in this because I smell that and roses. No clue what else is in it though...it smells very pretty.

    I decided to try this out the day I got my hair done. I woke up and anointed my pulse points with the oil while murmuring "I want new people in my life" and went along my merry way. I had a couple of random conversations BEFORE I got to the hairdressers when is sort of weird considering I was bundled up like a yeti and sweating like one.

    Afterwards I definitely noticed a lot more smiles (that could have been the new hairdo' however) and I actually felt a lot more confident. I wore it out again to dinner with an old friend (anointing my wrists and a sliver of pink wax I carried with me) and they remarked I seemed much more happier and "glowy" which is odd consdiering the past two months have been hellish.

    I don't know if this has brought new lovers to my life but I know I've made a couple of new friends since I've started to carry it around on the pink wax. I'll probably do a full blown ritual and update this review accordingly.

  13. First Sniff:

    Have any of you ever played with the orginial Strawberry Shortcake dolls? Strawberry smelled a bit like a mixture of fake and real strawberries...that's the feeling I get from Strawberry Moon. It also reminds me a lot of Yankee Candles' Strawberry scent. It's NICE but the pure strawberry feeling doesn't seem to be there. The scent is very very strong however, my friend could smell it across the room when I merely opened the bottle.



    Oh my. There is the pure strawberry! It actually smells a lot like strawberry wine, there is an undercurrent of booze in this. Very very sweet, very very pink.



    Still strawberries but a bit too sweet for me. I don't get any of the traditional lunar flowers nor do I get any sage or anythign else. Which is quite sad really as I was very much hoping to smell them.



    If you're a strawberry lover definitely hunt down Strawberry Moon as it's more fruity then the previous Strawberrygasm scent, Bon Viant. As for me it's not a winning combo which is quite sad because I do love the strawberry. Oh well, can't win them all.

  14. First sniff:

    Honey? Honey! Actually I get nothing but Honey and maybe a bit of whatever makes O smell so yummy. Not the sexy part of O but the flirty part. Maybe that's the lunar flowers speaking.




    Mmm honey laced flowers. This actually reminds me a lot of a tea I used to buy called Honey Rolleover. It's a very warm honey, not ridculously sweet and cloying. It reminds me a lot of Hod actually.



    Honeycomb honeycomb honeycomb! I can't smell anything left but the honey, theres no tinge of flower just pure golden bee hunny. It's a scent that Winnie The Pooh would ADORE.



    Do you love Honey? Get your hands on Honey Moon! It's super-fantastic, has amazing staying power and is very very yum. A keeper!

  15. Attention all forumites!


    As most of you know, Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince comes out tomorrow (or now for you lucky folks on the other side of the pond!) and quite a few of us are diehard potterfiends. So with that said:




    Please PLEASE, utlize the spoiler tag, use sp & /sp with brackets. Also, most of the modding team will be slow to do mod duties as we're all diehard fans and will be plowing through the books. Give us a week or so :D


    Enjoy the rest of your weekend and a special "HUZZAH" goes out to all my fellow Ravenclaws!




  16. First Sniff:

    Have any of you ever been to a dairy? I mean an old school "re-enactment" not the dairies with big machines. It smells of full butter and milk and the lunar oil smell. Mm.



    ...this just turned into sour milk on me. OMG.



    No clue, have to wash it off.




    Something in this just doesn't jive with my body chemistry and I'm SO SO SAD as the scent is beautiful in the bottle!

  17. First Sniff:

    Juicy sweet pears that sparkle and shine. I get nothing but sparkling pear from this.



    Juicy Fruit is gonna move ya! Chews so soft, it gets right to ya! Juicy Fruit, the taste the taste the taste is gonna mooooove yaaaaa! So in other words, it smells like Juicy Fruit gum.



    That overwhelming Juicy Fruit scent is gone but there's a lingering sweetness that's a bit cloying. It reminds me a lof of Endymion's drydown actually but the pear is more pronounced, there's nothing holding it back unlike Endymion.



    Very sweet and lovely but I can't imagine buying and using up a bottle. However it does make me feel quite girly and is fantastic for moments when you just want to be happy. This is very much a happy scent.

  18. First Sniff:

    Tropical, fruity and a bit heady. If Mi-Go's smell like this then I wouldn't mind hanging out with one...minus the whole suck up your brain bit.




    MMMM. It smells like Manila only more...bananaish. It's a bit sweet, a bit tart and very tropical. It makes me think of sunny beaches with brainless people walking along it :D :D








    Mi-Go in its wet stage= :D but in its dry stage = :P so away it goes. I will keep an imp however because wet its very very tropical melon fruity and lovely

  19. Also called Gallows Literature. A dime novel rife with melodrama, horror, madness and cruelty; a ten cent analogy of vice and virtue in conflict. Soft perfume evocative of noir heroines over rich red grave loam.

    First Sniff:
    Baby powder. Baby powder, ginger and something sweet...maybe vanilla? It's very odd. It smells like something you're not suppossed to like but do anyway. Weird.

    Dammit I know what this scent is but my mind is completely not cooperating. Oh wait! It's like Shub-Niggurath's younger but just as bad sister. Which on reflect would be really odd but that's what it reminds me of. There's also a hit of something darker and more rich, sandalwood maybe?

    Gingerbread Poppet minus the buttery note with a dose of sandalwood.

    I need to get to know this better. I know there is an aspect of the perfume I'm missing but I can't place my fingers on it. Will update the review accordingly :P

  20. First Sniff:

    Oof. A pink version of Harvest Moon. That huge overpowering buttery note present in Harvest & Chaste Moons but also there's a hint of sugar.



    Huh. I don't get any of the sugar sweetness everyone has, just the traditional lunar flowers. Oh wait...there it goes! Like caramel and some pink sugar. It reminds me a lot of how Midway smells in the bottle.



    Well phooey. I don't get the Pink Sugar subsitute everyone else has, I get the tradtional lunar flowers and...juniper. Lots of juniper. My body amplifies juniper insanely...if there's even the slightest hint of it my chemistry will pull it out and shove it in your face.



    I'm really sad that I don't get the pink sugar love everyone else is but Pink Moon is still very very lovely!

  21. First Sniff:

    Figs. And incense. It smells DARK and seedy and a bit offputting actually.



    Incense? And something resiny...it reminds me a bit of Scherezade with that.


    Ugh. It's gone total headshop on me and I smell like I've been in the desert wit


    Not for me as I hate resiny incense scents sadly. It's too bad, I wanted to freak out my folks by saying I was wearing Gomorrah!

  22. First Sniff:

    *swoon* Night. Stars. Something dark and mysterious. I wish I could pick out the notes in Nuit but I can't.



    It reminds me a lot of Midnight but more femiine. I get a bit of a headache from the florals but I think its because I accidently slathered myself in it :P



    The overpowering flowers are gone! It's a wonderful sparkling greenish white flower that reminds me of a secret garden of sorts.




    Nuit's sort of Midnight's younger, more ethereal and darker sister. The jasmine is a wee bit overpowering but I'm sure once I let it age a bit it'll be fine. A definite keeper and try it out if you're a fan of light florals!
