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Posts posted by Belladonnastrap

  1. Lab's Description:
    A quiet scent, soft, calm and enigmatic. A perfume of mystery, of whispers, and of secrets behind secrets. White sandalwood, lilac, gardenia, violet, orris, lavender and ylang ylang.

    Oh this is such a lovely soft scent I don't know even where to begin. The lavender and violet blend so well it's a very subtle and calming scent with a hint of mystery. However I kept trying to pin what it smells like but I couldn't until I recieved a visit and realized.

    This scent smells like a newborn baby. My goddaughter is about 3 months old and this smells exactly like her...a bit baby powderish but not overpoweringly so. Not at all. It also has tremendous staying power a little of this stuff goes a long long way. I had someone come up to me in the bookstore and mention how lovely I smelled.

    Do try it if you want to smell lovely and soft :P

  2. Oh Bliss...invoking the memory and smell and sights of Hershey Park. This smells like chocolate...rich sinful milk chocolate with maybe a bit of hazelnut or toffee. This is very good if you're trying to cut down on sweets, smelling this satisfied my craving. Bliss also happens to have serious serious staying power...I put it on around 11am and I only had to reapply at around 6pm so that's a good seven hours or so. This is so getting brought. :P

  3. Old Cairo smelled like incense and figs in the bottle but once I put it on me it smelt strongly of...lemons. Once it settled it turned into this wonderful sweet kir smelling scent that invoked images of relaxing on a boat while muscled young men fed me grapes as lightly tanned women with kohl lidded eyes fan my hot body. :P



    Staying power is sort of middle ground, arund hour 5 I had to reapply. Not entirely sure if this will be a repurchase but its moving on up.

  4. In the bottle this smelled really sweet and yet bitter but once I put it on I smelled like the old Strawberry Shortcake dolls...you know the ones that smelled like their respective names ? Yeah it sort of smelled like that wet on me. But as the scent settled in with my chemistry it warmed up to this lovely bitterish vanilla with just a hint of something strong which probably is the Dragon's Blood. It's sweet but not overpoweringly so. I love it but I'm not sure if it's a MUST HAVE BOTTLE but we'll see..

  5. On first impression this was so unbelievably sweet and ripe smelling. Wet it smells like a musky pack of Bazooka Joe gum but as it dries down it turns into this wonderful oriental sweet floral. Very very pretty and light. It definitely invokes visions of a spring garden after the first rain ...with mist peeking through the trees. The plum is most prominent for me followed by the Jasmine and the white musk.



    I will be using this as a spring scent...it's so lovely.

  6. Unseelie...should be called Unbelievable because this stuff is phemonomal. It smells of misty woods, dark secrets and pain. Very earthy and floral...probably the most green floral I've smelled in a long time. The herbs prevent the smell from becoming too overpowering. It has a bit of sweetness to it as well...simply put it's one of my top 5 BPAL scents and I most definitely will be buying a bottle of it next order :P

  7. Oh I love love love Undertow. I could wax poetic for ages about this. I love aquatic scents but they ususally are a bit too light for me but with Undertow it's very dark, Vaugely minty on me but the Juniper really jumps out more then anything I think. The lotus gives it a nice touch as well...makes it more elegant. Definitely try it out if you want something more watery-feeling in nature but not quite so "bright"

  8. Hello Ladies and Gents.



    Even though it is quite cold outside here in good olde new york city I am looking toward spring and was wondering if maybe we could start a thread as to what scents would be best for this season. That way people have a quick reference and then they can head into the reviews section to learn more.



    What do you think?

  9. I swapped for a sample of this and am really glade I did. This was a beautifully warm and delicious scent. The almonds really came up on me...most definitely a not scent for the weak. Very boozy and hedonistic, this is a scent made for reveling in your more carnal side. Of long sweaty...well you follow.



    The buttercream saves this scent from being TOTALLY wicked however.

  10. Inital Thoughts

    It smells like a clean crisp wind before the storm. Very very fresh.


    After wearing it


    Oh so very nice but it fades SO quickly!! It didn't smell citrusy at all on me, more clean. It really has captured the scent you get right before a storm. Conjures up images of standing on a cliff with the wind blowing hard and watching the waves crash beneath your feet.


    I just wish it vibed completely with my body chemistry..somethings a bit off. I'll give it one more chance.

  11. Intial thoughts:

    Mmm. Smells like juicy raspberries!!! Very very fruity


    After wearing it


    Okay so orginially I was like "It smells like raspberrries...that's okay I guess" but now it's settled in a bit and YUM. It's very very sweet but not sickeningly so...very strong so a little goes a long way. It's defintely a red and bold scent...one will get noticed.


    Haen't tested out its effects on males yet but I intend to! I can barely make out the wine and I think that's what gives most of this scent its oomph.

  12. Ah the huge ass order. I have not made one of these yet (just put an order for 2 sets of Imps ears) but whenever the V-day scents arrive I'll be buying them as well as a nice 5 ML of Canivale, Unseelie, Snake Oil and whatever else strikes my fancy.

  13. Oh I so wanted to love this truly I did. Smells wonderfully fall and cinnamonish in the bottle and once put on but after it settled it smelled like a stale sugar cookie on me and the smell (thankfully) faded after a relatively short time. I seem to have the same issue that Koumori has...Cinammon tends to be the number one note one can smell on me. So up for swap it goes.


    I do agree with Sarah that it smells a bit like Lush's Skinny Dip shower gel so if you're a fan of that you might want to try layering the two!
