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Everything posted by Belladonnastrap

  1. Belladonnastrap


    Inital Thoughts It smells like a clean crisp wind before the storm. Very very fresh. After wearing it Oh so very nice but it fades SO quickly!! It didn't smell citrusy at all on me, more clean. It really has captured the scent you get right before a storm. Conjures up images of standing on a cliff with the wind blowing hard and watching the waves crash beneath your feet. I just wish it vibed completely with my body chemistry..somethings a bit off. I'll give it one more chance.
  2. Belladonnastrap

    Lady MacBeth

    Intial thoughts: Mmm. Smells like juicy raspberries!!! Very very fruity After wearing it Okay so orginially I was like "It smells like raspberrries...that's okay I guess" but now it's settled in a bit and YUM. It's very very sweet but not sickeningly so...very strong so a little goes a long way. It's defintely a red and bold scent...one will get noticed. Haen't tested out its effects on males yet but I intend to! I can barely make out the wine and I think that's what gives most of this scent its oomph.
  3. Belladonnastrap

    Site update.

    Ah the huge ass order. I have not made one of these yet (just put an order for 2 sets of Imps ears) but whenever the V-day scents arrive I'll be buying them as well as a nice 5 ML of Canivale, Unseelie, Snake Oil and whatever else strikes my fancy.
  4. Belladonnastrap

    Three Witches

    Oh I so wanted to love this truly I did. Smells wonderfully fall and cinnamonish in the bottle and once put on but after it settled it smelled like a stale sugar cookie on me and the smell (thankfully) faded after a relatively short time. I seem to have the same issue that Koumori has...Cinammon tends to be the number one note one can smell on me. So up for swap it goes. I do agree with Sarah that it smells a bit like Lush's Skinny Dip shower gel so if you're a fan of that you might want to try layering the two!
  5. Belladonnastrap

    Site update.

    Oh dear lord. *gurgles* I am...in awe. So much to choose from. Help.
  6. Belladonnastrap

    Snake Oil

    Inital thoughts: Mmm vanilla. But it smells like rich vanilla and not the sort of vanilla you fine at Bath & Body Works or something. Very spicy but not overpowerful. I'd probably wear this when I want to make an entrance...I definitely like it. After wearing it I have gotten asked out more times today then I have in the past couple of months. I blame Snake Oil...this stuff is like a guy magnet!! On me you can barely smell the vanilla but it's more spicy and rich. I wish I knew what sort of spices though!! The vanilla scent tapers off after awhile though so if you love love vanilla that stays prominent you might want to get another scent I recommend it highly 8)